@Key Knocking on the door like a good person would Daehyun then pushed it open, without waiting for an aswer of course. "Hey there big boss, my friend N and I thought that you probably had a hard day and that you could need some coffein to keep going. So therefor we got you an iced americano, sounds good right?" smiling at their headmaster he the looked down at his feet "I know that some people might have said bad things about me before so...see this as an apology and the foundation for a new begining" what a great speech that was, hopefully their headmaster would accept their gift. "I can totally understand if you don´t trust us though...but please, believe in our good will" glancing back at N he nodded at him to step closer so he could give Key the cold drink.
Baekhyun left...
I'm not doing anything with this character and it's just sitting there really... I know I haven't really been here long but yeah, I can't afford to have too many characters right now since my exams are coming up ^^"
*is in shock*
*waves* Well, well, I didn't think that'd be happening again!
I'll think about joining, though it feels like chasing a ghost--- I'm not sure, though.. help?