= Hell's Heaven =






[☠] Jessica 11 years ago
@[☦] Yuri ((It's okai :3))

Jessica stiffened as the other woman tucked Jessica's hair behind her ear. She really wasn't used to such.. sentimental actions, especially if they were aimed at her. Jessica was stuck between running away and wanting to stay here, /alone/ with Yuri. When she finally regained her senses, Jessica replied, "Uhm, th-they said it was one of the biggest parties of the year and wanted me to come."
[☦] Yuri 11 years ago
@[☠] Jessica [Sorry! I lost track of time;;]

Yuri smiled and leaned against the brick wall of the club, keeping her eyes on Jessica. Her hair was long, she noticed now that she was getting a little less tipsy, and it draped beautifully over her shoulders. It looked soft and luscious, most importantly it was attractive to Yuri, along with every other part of Jessica. "So, Jessica," she said lowly. "Why did your friends drag you here? They must know you don't like the club scene." Yuri allowed her hand to sneak up and brush a few strands of hair out of the other girl's face and place them behind her ear.
[☠] Jessica 11 years ago
[☠] Jessica 11 years ago
@[☦] Yuri Jessica noticed Yuri's frown and leaned against a wall. "Here would work too," Jessica suggested, her cheeks still aflame. "I don't mind." Looking at Yuri, Jessica admired her beautiful face and.. her figure. Glancing down at herself, Jessica wished that she had a body half as good as Yuri's.
[☦] Yuri 11 years ago
@[☠] Jessica Yuri frowned a bit at the mention of a lighter location, though she quickly turned back to her usual self. "Umm...sure. I guess the park would work," she muttered, trying to sound cheerful. "Lead the way, sweet cheeks?" She smirkedaagain and turned to face Jessica.
[☠] Jessica 11 years ago
@[☦] Yuri Jessica blushed slightly as Yuri called her a doll. She quickly turned her face away, hoping that the other girl wouldn't notice. Casually, Jessica intertwined her fingers in the other girl's. "Is the park okay with you?" Jessica asked suddenly. The park. Great. Inwardly cursing herself for choosing such a lame location, Jessica kept her face away from Yuri's.
[☦] Yuri 11 years ago
@[☠] Jessica Yuri smirked as well, and she took Jessica's hand immediately. "Sure thing, doll." She said to the other as she walked forward into the alleyway. It was dark, much unlike the area in front of the club. There was only light coming from the moon. It cast shadows on Jessica's face, and hit just the right places making her face look - for lack of a better word - y.
[☠] Jessica 11 years ago
@[☦] Yuri Jessica rolled her eyes as she heard the other girl's teasing tone. Noticing that the other girl was dragging her feet, Jessica offered a hand. "Well, it must be unsafe then.. you should hold my hand. Just in case." Jessica said, smirking slightly. Yuri seemed like a complex puzzle and Jessica /loved/ puzzles.
[☦] Yuri 11 years ago
@[☠] Jessica Following behind her, Yuri still had her arms crossed over her chest. She smirked a bit, dragging her feet on the ground as she walked. "I don't think anything, but you never know," she teased Jessica. Yuri was still unclear as to what she wanted to do with the other, and if she even was going to do anything.
[☠] Jessica 11 years ago
@[☦] Yuri Jessica winced slightly at Yuri's yelling, but nodded. "Sounds good to me." Jessica started to walk into an alleyway before she paused. "What exactly will we be doing in the alleyway that requires no one seeing us?" Her voice was polite, but inside her heart was racing twice its normal speed and her breathing became a little uneven.
[☦] Yuri 11 years ago
@[☠] Jessica Yuri leaned up against the wall of the club and crossed her arms across her chest. She bit her lip while thinking, looking up into the dark night sky. "Maybe we could just sneak into the alleyways," she spoke up, accidentally shouting due to the fact that she was half-deaf. "It's dark, no one will see us or bother us."
[☠] Jessica 11 years ago
@[☦] Yuri Happy to leave the suffocating crowd, Jessica weaved through dancing bodies. Conscious of the fact that she was still holding on to Yuri's hand, Jessica squeezed it lightly as they came out of the party. Turning to the taller girl she asked, "Any ideas on where to go?" Wow, how lame, she thought to herself. Jessica took the girl out with no idea where to go. Scolding herself internally, Jessica waited for an answer.
[☦] Yuri 11 years ago
@[☠] Jessica Surprised by the sudden contact, Yuri blinked rapidly for a few seconds before coming back to the real world. "S-sure," she stuttered, much to her discontent. 'Ugh, Kwon Yuri, get a hold of yourself,' she thought to herself, shaking her head slightly. She left her shot glass at the bar, dropping a few dollars, enough to pay for the one shot she had. "Let's go, I'm getting tired of this atmosphere anyways."
[☠] Jessica 11 years ago
@[☦] Yuri Jessica felt heat quickly rising to her cheeks again and struggled to keep her voice calm and even, "Well it certainly isn't staying at this obnoxious party." Feeling bold, Jessica took Yuri's hand and smiled. "Is it okay if we go outside?" Oh God, what was she saying? Ice Princess Jessica was trying to take a girl outside for who know's what.
[☦] Yuri 11 years ago
@[☠] Jessica Not exactly sure of her definition, Yuri smirked at Jessica, possibly wanting to lead her on. "My definition is your definition, sweetheart," her tone was a bit lower than before, and her voice was a tad raspier as well. Maybe it was the soju taking its toll; all of Yuri's thoughts were getting mixed up. She was acting before thinking about anything and in past situations that proved to not end well.
[☠] Jessica 11 years ago
@[☦] Yuri Jessica felt her face quickly grow red and turned away, hoping Yuri wouldn't notice. "Depends on your definition of a good time." Jessica replied after her red cheeks died down a bit. She prayed to whatever god was out there that one of her friends wouldn't pop up and destroy this moment.
[☦] Yuri 11 years ago
@[☠] Jessica "Ah, I see," Yuri chuckled, finding amusement in Jessica's innocence. "I bet you'll find them again at some point, it's not like they can stay hidden forever. However in the time being," she kept her eyes locked with the other's. "Would you like to spend it with me perhaps? I can show you a good time." She winked playfully, wanting to see how Jessica would react.
[☠] Jessica 11 years ago
@[☦] Yuri Jessica smiled sheepishly. "My friends dragged me here and then got lost in the crowd." Jessica was glad that the taller girl began to relax Yuri seemed like an interesting person and she was already acting out of character tonight, why not take it further?
[☦] Yuri 11 years ago
@[☠] Jessica "Thanks," Yuri relaxed a bit and loosened her body a bit, letting a small smile creep onto her lips. She sighed lazily and looked Jessica in her eyes sternly. "Honestly, I don't know. I guess I'm just killing time and acting naughty." Yuri looked Jessica up and down again; she didn't seem like the kind of girl to act out or misbehave. Why was she here? "You? What's your cause for the club scene tonight?"
[☠] Jessica 11 years ago
@[☦] Yuri Jessica blinked several times at the girl's monotone voice. She wasn't used to people reacting that way. Usually, she was the one that used that kind of voice. Steeling herself, Jessica smiled, "Yuri. That's a pretty name. What are you doing here by yourself?'
[☦] Yuri 11 years ago
@[☠] Jessica The female she had been watching suddenly approached her and reached out a hand to her saying, "I'm Jessica." Her face seemed kind, though her eyes seemed to possibly show differently. Yuri reached out her own hand and grabbed Jessica's hand firmly. "The name's Yuri. Kwon Yuri," she said in a slightly monotone voice. She took her hand away quickly after meeting the girl's and let it hand by her side.
[☠] Jessica 11 years ago
@[☦] Yuri Jessica began to sense that someone was watching her. Could it be a potential customer, she thought to herself. Her personalized weapons were steadily growing more and more popular. Casually glancing around, Jessica caught the eye of a tall girl with a drink in her hand. Pretty wasn't the exact word to describe her, it was more like y. In her skinny jeans and t-shirt, Jessica would've looked like a child next to her. Making her way over to the girl, Jessica decided to introduce herself. "I'm Jessica." she said, extending a hand.
[☦] Yuri 11 years ago
@[☠] Jessica Yuri stood at the long bar counter in the club, leaning her arms against the cool marble surface. One hand held a small shot glass which was full of a clear alcohol: soju. It was what drove her to be in this place; she always used to drink at least two bottles a night when she would come to clubs as a student. She lifted the glass to her lips and downed the contents in one large gulp, letting out a satisfied 'ahh' as she put it back on the counter. She looked down the row of people sitting and standing at the bar, her eyes landing on a certain girl down the way.
[☠] Jessica 11 years ago

Jessica hated parties. She usually didn't attend them, but her friends insisted that she come. Predictably, they all left her as soon as they arrived, getting lost in the crowd. Sighing, Jessica made her way to the bar and ordered a drink. Opting to remain at the bar, she leaned on the counter and sipped her drink. The idea of dancing in a giant crowd of strangers unnerved Jessica and she didn't really have a recollection of a good party. Most of the parties that she attended, her parents had to drag her along and Jessica sulked the entire time, any way. Sighing again, Jessica watched the crowd of people dance along to the thrumming beat of the music.


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seoulsister 11 years ago
applied as sungmin c:
notljoe 11 years ago
okayz, I feel bad for never rping here nor being active OTL, so I shall be leaving. ><
Srry! ; o ;
LuhanXIX 11 years ago
im really sorry..i start college in a few weeks, and with my parents and rl i cant stay on rpr any longer..im dropping out of all my rps, my main acct for rpr will still be here
im sorry but im leaving..

Find me on:
AFF: HatsuneMiku-
RPR: Accentor
fxckery 11 years ago
soojung's leaving, sorry
for not doing anything.
-monochrome 11 years ago
Won Jongjin is leaving. Mianhae
choiyoungjae 11 years ago
Baek Sumin left. Sorry
changsuub 11 years ago
Key is leaving
-hyunseunggie [A] 11 years ago
Anodyne 11 years ago
UnLovable_ 11 years ago
can you add 4minute's Gayoon please?
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