@Kim Minseok *groans softly and grips your hips hard before leaning down and whispering in your ear* Come for me Minseok. *grabs your and it hard in time with my s*
@Kim Minseok *laughs softly and picks a up off of the table next to me and shoves it in your hole along side my * How does that feel? Do you still need more?
@Kim Minseok *s my jeans and walks over to you. pushes my jeans and boxers down my legs and steps out of them* me good Minnie and I'll give you a reward.
@Kim Joonmyeon *moans loudly* I'm...always...into this...stuff....I just....didn't think...you would want to play with me. *looks over my shoulder at you* H-hit there again. And stop missing. You're doing it on purpose.
-huffs- Everyone treats me like a child. I'm legal, damn it, I want to watch and play too. Oh? Minnie's going to you? Yah~ I want to be ed by him, too! Hyung, will you me?