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1. is not allowed.
2. Be considerate of another person's ship.
3. No 'reserving' yourself for one or two members.
4. No strict ukes, it's no fun that way. EVERYONE bottoms
and tops.
5. No God-modding.
6. The password is fest
7. No being 'shy'. You've been friends for forever. This
includes activelychatting in the rooms.
Don't be a wallflower or you'll be kicked out.
8. Happy ing!
9. No couples; that falls into the jealousy category.
if you dont like crack pairings gtfo, /cough
And no girly Luhans. Seriously, he's a man, let him be one.
If you want your bedroom changed, please PM an admin,
If you want your bedroom changed, please PM an admin,
They'll be happy to switch it for you.
There is also a collection here if you can't find anything.
There is also a collection here if you can't find anything.
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Full name: (Character's, not yours.)
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