Your profile is an important thing, as it will be referred to often by both you and other rpers. In order to make sure all of you have sufficient information we have put together a list of things that you should have present on your profile (in no specific order). Please use this list and try to fill in all of this. You are more than welcome to make your profile look pretty and sophisticated, in fact it is encouraged. We will be checking profiles and pointing out things, so please do not feel offended if it happens to you. We are only trying to help. If you need help, please ask the admins and make sure you have read the FAQ.
Skills Distribution:
Weapons: ( Hidden Blade for Assassins and Bow and Arrow for Templars in the beginning. )
Dollars (different than points and everyone starts out with 30):
Strengths and Weaknesses:
Order: Assassin or Templar
OOC Info i.e. timezone, writing style, etc.
OOC Info i.e. timezone, writing style, etc.
If you need any background help with this theme please refer to the wiki, for it does help a lot: