june 28, 2014 - couples list Revamped; 1 couple added
In love forever, we'll rule the world
Find your special someone? The person you want to be with forever and always? Tell the admins and we'll list you cute couples here! Make sure to tell us your couple name or we'll make one for you~ Also add the date. Oh! But also tell us if you're engaged or married too, so we can keep up on all that stuff
Soowoo | 1.4.14 | Myungsoo x woobin
jungmin | 5.15.14 | jungkook x jimin
hyundae | 1.1.14 | hyunseung x jongdae
kron | 1.19.14 | kris x aron
hunhoon | 1.14.14 | sehun x ilhoon
younglo | 2.6.14 | Youngpyo x zelo
renmonster | 2.22.14 | Ren x namjoon
jbam | 2.23.14 | Jaebum x BamBam
jeonsung | 3.12.14 | jeongmin x sungjong
xiujun | 3.2.14 | Xiumin x minjun {engaged}
junlia | 3.20.14 | junhyung x lu jia
CNYeon | 4.2.14 | CNU x Jeonyeon
sunito | 4.15.14 | suga x Nagito
jongjae | 5.19.14 | Jongjin x youngjae
yomin | 6.15.14 | Yoseob x kyumin