notice board
Mar. 03 2014 — Write your new update here! The div provided can hold as many updates as you want, however, don't go overboard as it will eventually get crowded.
FEB. 27 2014 — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Com sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis!
Back hug matchmaking
one. Favorite the roleplay , but upvoting is highly appreciated.
two. This is An AU RP which means You are not idols or celebrities here three. No Bashing, Godmodiing, and face chasing if you did these things i mentioned you will be kicked out. four. Homouals are allowed but please keep in mind the straight ones. five. is allowed but only in Walls, PM, and Rated rooms. six.The pass to le word is 'love is from the heart not the mind'. seven. You can only have Two characters but must be a different gender. eight. You will only have 9 days before that Inactive sign pops up above your name if the Admins saw the inactive sign you will be kicked out. nine. Please tell the admiins if you are going hiatus or leaving. ten. remember that we only pair people randomly.
How to Join
one. FAVORITE THIS ROLEPLAY BEFORE APPLYING. Because if you dont favorite we will ignore your application. two. Reservation Only Lasts For 2 Days three. If your desired character is not in the Masterlist please comment 'can you please add and reserve ____'. four. Remeber The password is in the rules.
ual Orientation:
Password:(find it in the rules)
Did You favorited this rp?:(Yes or No)
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