![HEADER IMAGE](http://i.imgur.com/4v2AojG.png)
rules & guidelines
001. Favorite the roleplay, upvoting is optional but apreciated.
002. Do not bash the others, be nice to everyone.
003. Comment the character you want, once it is added, please apply.
004. Do not face chase, please talk to everyone and don't be biased.
005. Reservations last 3 days.
006. When leaving, going on hiatus/semi-hiatus, please do not forget to tell the admins.
007. First and third pov are both allowed. (no one liners)
008. This is an AU (alternative Universe) roleplay, which means, you AREN'T idols.
009. If you're a doll Pick a profile that you think would suit your character; do not change the plot nor the personality without talking to the creator. stick to it's plot and gender. don't pick a already occupied doll profile.
010. If you are a creator you can do as many profiles as you with but keep it mixed, make both female, male and genderless profiles so dolls have a lot o pick from.
011. You can have up to two characters, just be sure to keep them active and please make one male and another female.
012. No suicide or killing, anything else is allowed as long as the person you're roleplaying with, agrees. NO ooc drama; if any of this is caught in the roleplay, both parties will be kicked out right away
013. , yuri and straight are all allowed.
014. Pregnancy is allowed, the children shall be born as a drawing though.
015. is allowed too
016. Any relationship (creatorxcreator, creatorxdoll, dollxdoll) is allowed.
017. Fill out the for CORRECTLY to be accepted.
018. Might be idols or ulzzangs - internationals are also allowed.
019. Have fun roleplaying and if you have any problem, contact the admins and to be sure you have read this the password is "Fact and Fiction
application format
for dolls:
Name: ex. Sandara Park
Age: ex. 29
Group: ex. 2ne1
uality: ex. straight
Pov: ex. both
Profile #: choose a number on the profile page that isn't ocupied.
for creators:
Name: ex. Sandara Park
Age: ex. 29
Group: ex. 21
uality: ex. straight
Pov: ex. both
Occupation: (other than being an artist) ex. designer
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