
Last post 9 years ago
Status [M]
Tags thirdpov   anime   angst   drama   action   attackontitan  

WARNING: This rp is meant for MATURE players only! I would recommend you to be at least sixteen or older to join this rp or at least be mature enough, to handle some of the themes that may be in here. Heavy violence and possible adult content will be present at times during the rp. Viewer discretion is advised





1. Respect the admins in ooc and each other as well: In character drama is loved but if you start any OOC drama you will be kicked from the rp after given three warnings. We do not tolerate bullying or harassing of others period.

2. Wall and room rps are both acceptable.

3. You have to make sure you can handle the mature themes that may be present in the rp: While it's not just about the action other things may be present as well hence the warning in red above the rules.

4. Facechasing and Godmoding are not accepted. I understand we all have our favorites and all but still try to rp with the person is all I ask. Godmodding is a huge no. Don't take over someone else's character or make yours super strong/invincible. Even the strongest of people have a weakness, no one is invinsible.

5. Just about any type of drama here is allowed (abuse, etc) just don't go overboard with it. No killing each other or suicide on your character especially as a 'dramatic' way of leaving your character: Talk about what you want to do in OOC first before starting drama with someone.

6. All kinds of relationships are welcomed

7. Third pov/multi para only. I don't expect you to write full blown paragraphs but try to refrain from one liners at least.

8.. Reservation for a character is at least 5 days. The longest I can do is 7 if you can't make it in time.

9. Please do contact any of the admins if you're curious about something: We'll try to answer you as best and fast we can to our ability

10. Password to make sure you didn't skip over the rules is your favorite AOT character

11. Do NOT just up and leave the rp without saying anything if you decide to deactivate your character. It's mandatory of you to let an admin know before hand when you leave the rp so we know what's going on






Character Name:

Age: (Doesn't have to be the exact age but make it reasonable)

Position: (LINK)


Writing Style:

Occupation: (Civillians only and make sure it fits somehow with the series)




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KimCherry 10 years ago
Christa leaving. Thank you for having me! It was really fun :)
vulnerable 10 years ago
Character name: Petra Ral
Age: 29
Position: Squad member
Rank: Squad member
Writing Style: 1st/3rd
Password: Annie Leonhart
deimos 10 years ago
characher name: hanji zoe
age: 30
position: commander/squad leader
rank: commander
writing style: 3rd
password: sasha blouse
LostAlone 10 years ago
Name: Alex
Age: 16 (and a half)
Position: Survey Corps
Rank: Soldier (oh gosh, I don't really know the ranks even though I watched all of the first season. ^^; sorry, I hope soldier counts.)
Writing Style: Both (but I prefer 3rd)
Password: Eren Yeager
shoujo4ever 10 years ago
Can i reserve Petra?
kiritotakuto 10 years ago
my bad just to be clear my character is a scout
not a civilian
kiritotakuto 10 years ago
erin jaeger
Sherlock_Holmes 10 years ago
Can you reserve Eren for me? :) (I'd apply now but im on my phone and... Well.. Ehh. I do better on my pc)
KimCherry 10 years ago
Character Name: Krista
Age: 16(?)
Writing Style: Para/Semi Para
Rank: Survey Corps
Password: Mikasa Ackerman
EXOTIC_PET 10 years ago
Can you reserve Kimmi for me?
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