Something lingering

Tags mythoughts 

I just noticed that people have changed and not in the term of username only, they've change many things and now I don't even know some of you in my friend list. I don't remember why we become friends. 


Yeah I changed un too to start a fresh and I have bad memory so I couldn't remember people much. I'm sorry in advance and if you remember me, please tell me. Btw I was wytebunny before this. 


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peterdunwannagrow 3 years ago
This is Uwumji. Do you remember me?? :3
bamgeut 3 years ago
hi hi bby it’s yooki !
0089edab895d1c1e01e2 3 years ago
“… I don't even know some of you in my friend list.”

same bcs our fault for making pillow case cackles
c70fec0db6212effefd7 3 years ago
aren't a lot of the people who are in your friendlist are those who wanted to gain access to your friends only rp bub snsns
c3d87639ae30fa03c05b 3 years ago
i was siyeonnie is sil, sis uwu
babyqueen 3 years ago
w-w-wheepup? uwu
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