cliques and exclusion.


there's nothing wrong with having a really close friend or close group of friends, but why does it seem like that having one on here make people stay inside a bubble? i get that you're going to want to spend time talking to and interacting with those you've grown close to and a pretty similar to you. what i don't get is why it means so many will just completely act is if others or certain people don't exist or aren't worthy of their acknowledge. obviously you're not going to be best or super close friends with everyone on here, but it's like some of you don't even want to be in the same room as anyone who isn't your friend of part of your friend group. you can't even muster up a welcome/hi or attempt any type of small talk or conversation with anyone who is either not your friend, not your significant other, or not a character/face you really like. i see so many people go on an on about being friendly, welcoming, including everyone and et cetera yet a second later you see them doing the exact opposite of what they were just preaching about or telling others they should do.  there's so much bubble roleplaying it's insane, and it's not even really roleplaying as so much that goes on in roleplays is actually out of character.  what i really don't get is why so many of you know that you're mainly interested in talking to your friends and /or the person your character has started dating, yet still continue to join public roleplays instead of just making  a private one where you and your friends can just  each others ego all day.  seriously, what is the point of going into a roleplay with dozens of other users just to only acknowledge and interact with your group of friends that you likely talk to all the time outside of the roleplay anyway? 

these will also be the same type of people that complain about there being no good roleplays to join, no interesting concepts, and no legitimate plotting and roleplaying. bu in all actuality there's plenty of this in places and with people who just aren't part of their little clique so they won't give those people or places a chance. why does a roleplay have to be made by some big and popular user or by one of your friends for you to give it a try and join?  it makes no sense, espcially when you beg for certian types of roleplays then one is created and you pretend you can't see or join it because it wasn't made by some popular use or  one of your friends. what happened to just being on here to actually meet people to roleplay with, be creative,  write, and escape? it's funny because so many people say that they use this place as an escape from the real world yet those same people sit and make this feel like what people are trying to escape and get a break from. a place that once felt very including and accepting of others now feels like the average middle and high school full of cliques, bullying, and intentionally and blatantly excluding and making fun of others for not being copies of them and friends.  what happened over the years that made this place change into that?


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689fd6bb6f88913ccc51 3 years ago
I agree, and it's sad to see. Most of the times I don't feel welcomed, so I just drop the rp. Feel a bit sad about the face chasing, and actually just rp with people who actually take their time to acknowledge my hi. Your daily thoughts are so relatable ;u;
9e5c60e417fc4ac5e06f 3 years ago
but also i don't think this issue would be resolved unless people care enough to be inclusive and considerate. not that there are no rps that do.. but yeah.
9e5c60e417fc4ac5e06f 3 years ago
out of topic
but it's mindboggling how there are 63k users in this site yet it's all the same people we see around — if all were active, i think this issue wouldn't be prominent... i think.. u.u
alterity 3 years ago
i agree. i've been away from rpr for a few years and came back to it being kinda unwelcoming. it was so much easier to actually roleplay a few years ago. i feel a bit out of place now. plus no one actually wants to plot and rp with me lol :c
fddcb0b9b8abf54e2151 3 years ago
this is so true... i’m tired of what the rpr community has become. it’s so frustrating when admins or roleplays want to preach about being inclusive but fail to address or lead by example. you can’t make an inclusive rp or expect anyone to do the same if you don’t give the same effort. that’s why half the time i refuse to join roleplays where i know what the mentality will be. if you’re not a friend then it’s like you’re not there. i wish we could go back in time in rpr where it wasn’t all about relationships and the close friends you made. people have feelings too and ignoring them or blatantly looking over their presence makes a person feel bad.
amateur_writer 3 years ago
I just hope this blog gets seen by everyone and people takes a few seconds to think about what is written..
Well said..
4983dd8c2cc75a0ba148 3 years ago
If those kinds of rpers want to be that way, then fine by me because it is their loss.

Shame on them.
e87c02546da7209b52e5 3 years ago
Preach that word buddy ! That’s why in all rp’s I am in I try to make everyone feel welcomed and what not , so at least then they have some one to take to and get along with , I really don’t like the people who contradict themselves either like I join and it’s hard to talk to anyone , no wonder why people go inactive or leave in a day or so
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