I swear to ing god.

This day . Okay no it didn't really at first I rode my pony then rode ponies with my bestest horse friend in the sunshine and had a lot of fun. But then I got in my car and as some of you know its new and it's a stick shift and I just really . Like I drive pretty damn well okay like I rarely ever make a mistake but today I was at the BUSIEST ING INTERSECTION in the whole town and I killed it taking off from a red light. Four times. With cars honking at me and people yelling and I was just going ti ing cry. Then this creep tailgates me all the way to the next store parking lot where I pull in because I'm shaking from being scared and he pulls in next to me and makes a snide comment about my driving and I was just about ready to hit him. So I went and got panda express and ate it in my car and cried because I'm a ing wimp. Then I called my dad and had him drive my car to his house so I could calm down from thay embarrassing experience. It was fine like normal driving home but I just hate everything right now. I have crippling social anxiety that I hide well and I am so scared of that happening again. Why do people have to be such s?


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Melody94 10 years ago
owww mica
*huggle tightly*
at least you let your feeligns out and you are no wimp
halfaheart 10 years ago
omg that
/huggles you forever
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