☎ A D U L T L I N E ©
![KIKWANG tumblr_mjb9h2jGqY1s7slywo7_250.png](http://data1.whicdn.com/images/168322981/large.jpg)
![SOJIN tumblr_mjb9h2jGqY1s7slywo7_250.png](http://data3.whicdn.com/images/168632097/large.jpg)
![JAY PARK tumblr_mjb9h2jGqY1s7slywo7_250.png](http://data2.whicdn.com/images/169313472/large.jpg)
We all deserve a chance to stay in paradise, don’t we? When it comes to having secrets that you want to keep, or desires that you wish to be fulfilled that haven’t even been looked upon yet – don’t you become frustrated, and lonely? Do you ever have those times where you wish to have someone to talk to under these nerve-racking moments? A total stranger, someone you know that won’t ever expose you, or judge you, since they have troubles of their own to worry about— to be there on the other line, in order to listen to you? To cure those lonely and horrendous nights, to maybe get the help you need in order to please your wife or husband, to relieve the stress you feel after work – to maybe even find yourself… wouldn’t you need someone?
Here at Adult Line, we make all of those dirty fantasies and wishes come true.
We ask one thing of you, however.
Keeping your identity sealed is the number one rule we request from both our part-time employees, and customers.
Whatever happens outside of this company, website, and whenever you put down your phone after revealing yourself; is out of our control.
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Here at Adult Line, we make all of those dirty fantasies and wishes come true.
We ask one thing of you, however.
Keeping your identity sealed is the number one rule we request from both our part-time employees, and customers.
Whatever happens outside of this company, website, and whenever you put down your phone after revealing yourself; is out of our control.
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