⚜ Restaurant

One cannot THINK well,

LOVE well,

or SLEEP well,

if one has not dined well.

J-Hope 8 years ago
@Jungkook [H] [part 1/2 ]

/his head lifts slowly to meet your eyes, noticing how you're smiling at the necklace and the rest like it's a jewel in itself though he can't figure what but just bites his lip with a light chuckle/
thanks... /smiles almost shyly, really starting to wonder if you like him more than just a Hyung with how passionately you talk about the jewelry-but of course, Hoseok.../
/you're just being too hopeful!...he reminds himself. He must still be hoping after knowing exactly how you felt as he continues conflicting with his hope and the obvious evidence/
/there's no way you could like him like that...he smiles a little bitterly through his constant burning hope at the necklace before blinking lightly, chuckle-realizing as you removed his hand gently that he's blocking the view/ ey...that'd help wouldn't it... /grins as his ears turn light pink then smiles/ sorry bout that... /chuckles softly/
/but guess he was right to doubt his hopeful thoughts since you pulled out of his action of hugging your arm too casually, forcing out a chuckle and nodding/ yeah...
/but he shakes off thinking about it since he's still very thankful for this day even if his more intense feelings would be ignored as he sat up straight to not touch you which would irritate you while he grinned/
I like it, Jungkookie... /chuckles putting his left hand on your shoulder closest to him/ no lies, kid. It's perfect, thanks...~ /smiles with even his eyes before quickly but casually pulling back from touching you lest you get uncomfortable with him again/
/welp,that's until you've denied him the right to pay for all this; like dude! You need the money for your college, not him! And so he had started on his effective aegyo-or atleast he thought it'd be effective until you proved his skills wrong; need to work on it some more probs...since normally, he gets what he wants when using it on his past partners in the dance club. Weird...he blinks as he watches you with a confused chuckle/ awww...why nottt?~
Can't ya make a exception for meeee?~ huh jungkookiieeee?~ /tugs on your shirt as he looks at you with smoldering eyes, really trying his best here/
Not. Fair. Hmph! /he gives up after you continue rejecting him even through your burst of laughter as he makes sure he's frowning, forgetting to turn off his aegyo as he slumped on the back of the booth's seat, arms crossing his chest with a frowny face and pout/
/but then he remembers being angry on his birthday's a no-no so he chuckles it off as you poke him on his tummy, he grinning/ yah, kid...don't ya think that's too many presents for a some college guy like me... /laughs softly as he pulls away, more calmer though he's still plotting in his mind.../
/smiles slightly when you hold his hand, looking into your eyes with a "thanks..." Expression which didn't really include his eyes, only to widen eyes appalled that you're not meeting his own/
Yah...Kookie... /chuckles slapping your arm lightly as he lets it go when you meet his eyes again/ that's a whole year I have to wait...!
I don't want ya to scrap whatever ya have for the stuff ya want.../mutters lookingin at the table while thinking about it/ especially since ya don't have a job, yet
...an ill be gone next year... /says this part too quiet for you to pick up since he can't tell you now about his father's plans for him/
/is asking you a question but then he chuckles hesitantly when you're looking around, almost uninterested as you give him a nonchalant kinda answer. And since this is the restaurant /you/ picked to celebrate his birthday, he found it even more alarming that you/ ah...
Hah... /chuckles nodding though he's thinking: what, you interested more in the place than him...? And you even had a chance to look at the place when you picked it.../
/but he's the type to not point out stuff like this and give people a chance until there's no chances left for his great patience, deciding to talk about the place we're in since you seem so intrigued by it/
It's nice right? /chuckles nodding looking around/ I like it! /grins at the dim lighting/
Not too fancy but not too casual, eyyy?~ /talks with hands, swaying happily in his seat before his lips looking around/ wonder if they serve free drinks or free chips or somethin though...
That'd help a lot right? /grins turning to you with a smile as he rubs his hands on his Jean pants, not understanding why he could be this nervous/
/is about to order for himself after affirming it with you while nodding but blinks when you've already handled it, smiling impressed as he chuckles resting his cheek on his hand while shaking his head/ m-m~
That's all...~ /chuckles then smiles/ ya grew up a lot from the last time I saw ya Jungkookie...who knew ya could handle all this yourself... /laughs with his eyes also, amazed/
Our Jungkookie is growin uuup!~ /coos to shrug off his heart eyes, turning playful to not make you uncomfortable/
J-Hope 8 years ago
@Jungkook [H] [part 2/2 ]

/that's until his eyes widened slightly, shocked at your next unseemly words/ Yah...kid...
...You're kiddin right?! Ya did more /puts his hand on your hand with an added smile to reassure you like you did/ than I even hoped for-didnt I tell ya that already? /chuckles shaking his head in disbelief, pulling away after a light squeeze/ I swear...ya probs have the lessest confidence outta everyone I've met... /mutters before thinking of how to improve this/
/widens eyes slightly as you freaking chug the glass down. Why are you acting like it's legit water, he chuckles as he pats your back as you cough/ ya alright, man?
Course ya didn't... /makes sure you're alright /then/ flicks you on the head and scolds you worried obviously though he's chuckling to make it less scary/
Hm? /he chuckles still pretty normal though at your head lolling around he knows that it's probably best to not drink more for a weak stomach like yours/ Oh ya know...~ a lil bit of tequila, lime juice an... /blinks forgetting what else they add/ an somethin else I forget... /chuckles nodding/ too much?
/intoxicated but somehow consciously he still manages to do hear how offended you sound as he drinks, also remembering your low confidence level/ find fine~ you're the...
manliest! /almost shouts with hands up in the air/ So manly I bet ya could top my last partner! /grins nodding while being touchy and slightly intoxicated, now somehow asking you if you wanted more when he wasn't supposed to/
/guess he was feeling under the weather as well...his sober self would only be able to find that explanation as he grinned slurring his words a bit but not as bad as you/
/grinning brightly when the waitress said that she'll come back with another pair of drinks, his own blood alcohol ratio making him not aware of your heated emotions, he taking his time to point out the fine body shape the woman had/
Yeah right... /chuckles as the woman was pouring the ingredients in, he just on his glass forgetting there's nothing in it anymore/ eh?!
Ya guess?! /widens eyes blinking at you when you say not your type/ dude! She's questioning where I swing my bat... /laughs giddily, while sipping on nothing/ or maybe it's the alcohol... /grins teething on the straw before he turns to you/
/sure, each comment as he imagines you two being together is hurting him. But what can you do. The kid's not interested. And he's still not at that point where he's drunk enough to vent out his feelings/
Thank ya, lovely!~ /grins raising his 2nd margarita up then sipping, already forgetting how elegantly he should be drinking it before he's digging into his food, groaning lightly when the burning comes back up to his throat as he mixes his rice together humming/
Mmm~ so yummy! /coos grinning as he makes noises while eating-probably nowhere near your ideal together/ what?
/he chuckles grinning with a lift of his brow as he eats then swallows it down with his drink, about to pick up another bite with his chopsticks/
/tack-k...his chopsticks drop as he looks at you with slightly widened eyes, his ears flushing thinking of what you're actually saying as he forces a laugh/ heh he
/then that laugh gets bigger and bigger, turning into a big cackle that gets interrupted as he swigs the rest of his drink, it burning up his throat and maybe brain...?/
Funn...y...~ /he forces a chuckle again as he holds his forehead and wincing eyes at the immense amount of alcohol/ I must be drunk an outta ma mind...
Im dreamin right...? /laughs slightly, his eyes threatening to tear up because why'd God give him such a god-awful dream?! Just so he can ing wake up and meet the reality that you're not.../
Ow...! /he had pinched his self then realized with widened eyes this ain't fake at all...there's something wrong though...he's doubting through all his hoping/
Eyyy...~ you're seriously jokin...~ or wait-ya probs mean if I was a girl...yah cmon...eat, your food's gonna get cold...~
/grins thinking you're just being drunk with the way you confessed and how you're not thinking correctly like he did but with that waitress he's not supposed to be into. But alcohol's powerful.../
No desert right? /chuckles drunk almost as he ends up finishing his food, thinking we're going home after this since it's getting dark/
J-Hope 8 years ago
@Jungkook [H] [lol! The same intro as mine! XD and Yeahp~ no worries, I remember you and I wanna rp still, of course :P anyways, welcome back bro! I hope ur exams went well! :D u seemed so stressed....~ /hums nodding/ :P oh! Mine went pretty great too! :D I'm satisfied with my progress compared to the past since I finally get to transfer /nods avidly Bc I've improved enough/ :P
Lol~ Yuhp! But that also means it takes very long to reply /knows Bc I struggle with this too/ XD
Why u grinning...? *_*
Oh great! I shall then! Wait for it! XD
And it's summer for me, so I'm actually legit too quick at replying than before XD so! Yeahp! :P tho I planned to finish this in one day; it took 5...orz
Also, sorry! I planned to confess but when I tried, I deleted it Bc there's still not enough factors involved for Hobi to legit do it XP so it wouldn't seem realistic to me... /nods Bc it's coming up for this day but when, I have no clue/ orz :P]
Jungkook [H] 8 years ago
@J-Hope [part 1/2]
/glances down at the necklace before giving you a quick once-over, a satisfied grin making its way across his features/ it suits you perfectly. there couldnt have been a better necklace that i could have found that described you any better.
/raises an eyebrow at your actions before stepping forward with slight hesitance, reaching forward to lightly move your hand away from your necklace/ well although im sure it looks pretty with your hand as the jewel, but maybe showing both your hand and the necklace would help.
heh, of course i would have remembered it. your birthday isnt that hard to remember you know. /chuckles quietly, pulling his arms into an elongated stretch above his head before murmuring quietly/ i just thought that maybe this year you wanted to, you know, celebrate your birthday a different way... /trails off, chewing on his bottom lip unsurely/
/bursts out laughing, his eyes creasing slightly as he shook his head fervently/ no no, i can't let the birthday boy pay on his own birthday! especially after bringing him all the way out here to celebrate his birthday
/stifles a laugh behind his hand, secretly digging his nails into his palms in a poor attempt to hide his laugh at your actions/ of course i can, it may be your birthday, but im definitely paying. /widens his eyes at your sudden aegyo, quickly looking down at the table to hide his slightly reddening cheeks before clearing his throat and shaking his head with a new sense of determination/ no! i am paying today and that's that
i- don't- care! /writhes in his position, gasping for breath in between his own words, shutting his eyes tight as he laughed hard/ then consider this thanking present number 2! /blindly flails around, trying desperately to land a poke on you/
/at the sight of your hesitant expression, he reaches out with his hand to grasp yours lightly, trying any way to help you relax a bit more, trying his best not to meet your gaze so you cant see his coloured face/
/waves at you nonchalantly, giving you yet another carefree grin for the umpteenth time that night/ im serious though. dont worry about paying today. ill take care of that. /maybe/ next time ill let you pay- /grins cheekily, raising an eyebrow in a joking manner/ -just to make you feel better hm?
/takes this chance while you were waiting for the drinks to arrive to have a quick look around of the area of the restaurant we were in with curiosity, accidentally missing your question as his mind was preoccupied/ hmm? oh yeah /nods distractedly, a small smile playing at his lips/
/blinks, your words successfully bringing his attention back towards you/ oh, kimchi plate? /he gives you a light hearted smile, signalling the waiter over and ordering the said dish/ then we'll get that then. /turns to you with a questioning look, tilting his head to the side slightly/ hmm, anything else you want to eat?
/sends a reassuring grin towards your direction after ordering, blinking at the expression shown displayed across your features/ ...hyung...? is anything the matter? /his eyebrows furrow with a sense of concern, his gaze scanning over your facial features/ is it not up to your expectations- /lowers his gaze, letting out a small nervous chuckle, playing with his fingers underneath the table/ i mean, of course it would be fine if it wasnt, i didnt expect today to really be up to your expectations-
/purses his lips, peering into the half empty glass cup before downing the rest in one go, coughing afterwards at the after taste of the drink/ okay, so i didnt expect that to be the taste /glances at you with both a hurt and a shocked expression at your actions, bringing up a hand to cover his forehead, the area where you flicked him/ wha- what did i do? /looks at you with confusion, placing the empty cup onto the table/
/frowns slightly as his head starts swimming slightly, the effects of the drink now beginning to take place/ hyung- /lays his head ontop of the table, closing his eyes for a brief moment before glancing at you through half lidded eyes, his voice coming out with a slightly raspy edge/ hyung- what was in that drink-
/he scrunches up his nose slightly, tilting his head back in an attempt to avoid your hands, letting out an intoxicated laugh, trying to lightly swat your hands away/ im not cute, im manly! /stretches his lips into a grin, nodding/ yes please~
/watches as the waitress makes her way over, a blank expression taking over his previously protesting expression before a playfully sly grin appeared/ thank you~ /quirks an eyebrow in her direction, pressing his lips into a smile/ can we get another drink too?
/he props up an elbow onto the table, resting his chin in his palm as he watched the interaction between you and the waitress through half-opened eyes, pushing down the burning emotion that suddenly appeared within him/
Jungkook [H] 8 years ago
@J-Hope [part 2/2]
/turns to look at you, his head swimming at the sudden movement as he listened to your words before averting his gaze to the said female/ hmm. i guess she could be hot - to some people. /blinks with slight disinterest, subconsciously scratching the back of his neck lightly/ but, not really my type.
/he casually picks up his drink, taking another generous swig, relishing in the burning sensation that he got from the drink running down his throat, peering at the drink after/ however, if i were to choose who was my type- /lets his head fall back slightly, the corners of his lips curling upwards into a small yet playful smirk before he trains his gaze on you/ hmm, it would be someone like- /pauses for a moment letting out a muffled yet slurred laugh/ you.
[hey, sorry for the late reply too. coughs not sure if you still want to rp or if you still remember me but i might as well reply since im back anyways. :P heh, how did your exams go btw?
hahaha, well long version has a lot more detail anyway /grins/
but, nah i understood what you were saying, dont worry~ just write whatever you feel like writing next time maybe? ]
[post deleted by owner]
[post deleted by owner]
[post deleted by owner]
Park Hyungseok 8 years ago
@Yibo He noticed the other glance and wondered what he was thinking about until he spoke. Hyungseok wasn't sure if he should say what he thinks or not but he decided to say anyway. "No.. I don't think all of them care. Lots of them would say that models shouldn't eat much and exercise more. They judge a lot. And I think you know that. At least I didn't think of doing a plastic surgery really" he looked down for a bit, he wasn't sure about this guy as what he was thinking about all this but the comments he saw on some other models photos got him this anxious, even though he usually acts so confident as he believes that he's handsome and all. Hyungseok frowned a bit when the older kept staring at him for a bit and smirked too, and then his words got him frowning more as that really annoyed him and also, it's not like he never did an aegyo before. He actually did it a lot but only in front the camera, to the camera. not people. "Why would I even do it to you?! Aish.. How annoying" he glanced at him from the corner of his eyes as he turned his head to the side.
"How so? You're saying that 'your' way of acting is mature? Yeah right." He moved his fingers and pointed out the word "your" by raising his tone a little then rolled his eyes before shaking his head.
As the younger heard Yibo's words he was feeling like throwing up but just closed his mouth and squeezed his eyes shut and chewed a little at the food in his mouth and swallowed hardly. "Happy?! also, isn't it rude to force people to eat too?" He said then smirked while crossing his arms then coughed a little or maybe he just faked it.
Yibo 8 years ago
@Park Hyungseok Yibo bit his lips he didnt know of what he had said was ok or not knowing models can be quiet the tough people especially on themselves.
Sighing Yibo continued to move aeound behind the counter, he wanted to say he was sorry for saying what he did but over all it was the truth. He didnt want a guy like the young male to fo through suffering just because others possibly judge him on his looks.
To yibo the male was cute and that was final he was quiet the catch but yet Yibo wasn't the type to let his emotions out especially not on someone he bare knew.
He glanced at Hyungseok and chuckled
"I wasn't laughing though...I was simply stating that you should take more care of yourself...dont you think people care about you?" He asked as he leaned against the counter watching the studying the male.
Smirking Yibo shook his head his nose scrunched up
"Mmmm nope...cute thats the word really...well more like adorable if you will- can you do aegyo really quick? " he says and asked at the end wanting to annoy the other seeing how he threw a small anger fit of being called quiet he chuckles and sighs gently.
"Oh your not? Huh yes two years difference but still the way your acting doesnt make you so mature looking" he stated.
Yibo watched as the other didnt really eat the food in hia mouth smiling he chuckled.
"And you say your mature- your acting like a kid...eat your food dont you know its rude to eat with your mouth open"
He gices a chuckle and continues eating
Yibo 8 years ago
@Park Hyungseok Yibo bit his lips he didnt know of what he had said was ok or not knowing models can be quiet the tough people especially on themselves.
Sighing Yibo continued to move aeound behind the counter, he wanted to say he was sorry for saying what he did but over all it was the truth. He didnt want a guy like the young male to fo through suffering just because others possibly judge him on his looks.
To yibo the male was cute and that was final he was quiet the catch but yet Yibo wasn't the type to let his emotions out especially not on someone he bare knew.
He glanced at Hyungseok and chuckled
"I wasn't laughing though...I was simply stating that you should take more care of yourself...dont you think people care about you?" He asked as he leaned against the counter watching the studying the male.
Smirking Yibo shook his head his nose scrunched up
"Mmmm nope...cute thats the word really...well more like adorable if you will- can you do aegyo really quick? " he says and asked at the end wanting to annoy the other seeing how he threw a small anger fit of being called quiet he chuckles and sighs gently.
"Oh your not? Huh yes two years difference but still the way your acting doesnt make you so mature looking" he stated.
Yibo watched as the other didnt really eat the food in hia mouth smiling he chuckled.
"And you say your mature- your acting like a kid...eat your food dont you know its rude to eat with your mouth open"
He gices a chuckle and continues eating
Park Hyungseok 8 years ago
@Yibo [] yeah morning XD and it's probably morning to you now. . Have a wonderful day X)
Yibo 8 years ago
@Park Hyungseok ()wow that late well I donr think it can be considered early.
But goodnight or morning lol
Park Hyungseok 8 years ago
@Yibo [] of course it's Okieh XD I'm gonna sleep too. . I've been staying up for so long now. It's around 9:27am lol
Yibo 8 years ago
@Park Hyungseok ((Hey i'll reply in a few hours its really late and I'm sleepy if its ok:))
Park Hyungseok 8 years ago
@Yibo Hyungseok just sighed at that, he felt like he just got scolded while the other didn't really scream but the words made him feel like that so he just nodded. And about the conversation about him being fat and ugly, he was kind of used to this reaction, that they laugh at him but he still never thought that they laughed because he was overreacting, he just thought they laughed because he does look fat and ugly, obviously since he's kind of mean he thinks that everyone is mean too but in a different way. "What-... What are you talking about? Why do you guys laugh and then tell me that I should gain more weight instead?- you didn't really say that but I'm sure you will." He sighed then shook his head. When he heard the other calling him cute he frowned as he doesn't like to be called like that because he thinks it's embarrassing. "I'm not cute~! You could-... You could say Cool instead" he whined then pouted softly before letting out another sigh. Hyungseok was such a weird kid, he thought that being called cute was embarrassing somehow because he thinks that refers for being a kid and cool refers to maturing. But he was so immature actually.
"I'm not a kid.. Two years different between us? Right? I'm not a kid, unless you're a kid then-... No, that still doesn't make me a kid." He said coldly like his usual self. The younger male looked at the older confused when he remind him about losing weight. "Yeah?- what..?" He got interrupted immediately and was more confused but nodded lightly because yeah he can't force him since it's not his life. Once he felt the food touching his lips his eyes widened, he didn't want to eat so he kept his mouth shut but surprisingly the other squeezed his cheeks forcing him to open up his mouth and eat. He kept his mouth hang open grossly but he didn't mind it since the other was forcing him to eat and he didn't like it when people do that, at the same time he actually wanted to eat Yibo's magical food but tried his best to argue his mind to stop himself from eating it.
Yibo 8 years ago
@Park Hyungseok Yibo chuckles and shakes his head.
"Ani school is important no matter who many times youf roll your eyes and contradict anyones words its only the truth and at somepoint you know it.
Once again Yibo was taken aback did this boy really just call himself ugly and and attempted to call himself fat? Yibo had to chuckle and hold back a laugh.
"Aigoo clearly the model life has taken over your mind trust me Ive been around alot of models and non of them look fat or ugly, its all in your mind those camera lights must be affecting you?" he says and smirks it sounded mean especially in the tone he used but it was the truth.
Most models think they're fat when really they're under one-hundred pounds or worst this worried Yibo at somepoint he might not know exactly who this kid is but one thing for sure is that he was wrong about his appearance.
"And about the ugly thing...you not...your very- cute" Yibo mumbles meaning what he said the guy was quiet cute and adorable he had seem him many times before butnof course he never told him.
As he had came back from the kitchen he was about to sit down hearing the males words made Yibo blink he smirks and chuckles seeing he was only kidding.
"Hyungseok...nice to meet you kid" He greets him as he mixed his rice and the rest of the items in the bowl
As Yibo had continued eating Yibo had noticed the male finished eating his cake he gives a smirk noticing that he now had his eyes on his bibimbap.
"..Remember that thing you said about having to supposedly having to loose weight " He sayd wiping his mouth.
"Bull- stop worrying about your weight for god sake, but I guess force you since its notnmy life..." he says getting a spoonfull.
"Or can...I?" He grins putting the spoon to the males lips seeing he wasn't opening Yibo smirks with his second hand he squeezed Hyungseok's cheeks opening his mouth then he shoved the food into his mouth .
"Mmmm see not so bad right" he chuckles
Park Hyungseok 8 years ago
@Yibo Hyungseok pouted then when he heard the other explaining himself. "I just thought that you agreed with me about quitting the school... Psh, I guess you're no different from the others huh?" He mumbled the last words then sighs as thinking about this bothered him, because he really wasn't sure if he should stay at school or quit. "Yeah, model. Why? Do I look ugly? I know that I need to lose more weight and I'm trying okay? I just-... When I come here uh.. It- it's my day off. Free day or maybe I should call it food day" he smiled sheepishly as he tried to explain himself as he thought that he eats a lot.
'This guy is so weird, how did he know that I like these kind of cakes? And how did he knew that I do really want it?' Hyungseok thought to himself, he just continued eating slowly enjoying the piece of cake as it tasted so good.
After a bit later he noticed that Yibo has gone but he didn't mind it since he knew that he's busy, so he just kept eating a little until suddenly he heard a familiar voice and looked up to see Yibo, unconsciously he smiled which he rarely smile to people that he doesn't know. "Yeah, I do mind. Get out of the place..." He rolled his eyes playfully. "Why would I mind? Sit wherever you want. You're the owner" he mumbled the last words before taking his last bite. "Oh? I'm Hyungseok. Park Hyungseok.." He took a tissue and wiped his mouth just in case then glanced at Yibo's plate which looked interesting, but looked up at him not really wanting him uncomfortable.
Yibo 8 years ago
@Park Hyungseok Yibo had widen his eyes he didnt mean that if anything you need your education no matter what kind of job you jave and how much you get paid.
"Ani I didnt mean that. School is important and you need it trust me" He says as he was polishing the metal chopsticks and what not.
"Model? Your a model oh that explains alot well most of the things I noticed at least"
Yibo says and sighs running his fingers through his hair humming gently.
Once done with most of cleaning job Yibo leaned against the counter sighing glancing towards the boy watching him.
He chuckled as he had asked question on why he jad received the cake he shrugs and shakes his head.
"Oh cmon stop asking questions and eat the cake you know it looks good and you want it" Yibo chuckles smiling widely laughing softly as the male had taken it.
Now becoming hungry himself he went back to the kitchen making some bibimbap coming back he decided to sit infront of the kid.
"You dont mind if I sit here for now do you?" he asked and took a seat mixxing his food together with spicy sauce taking a spoonful into his mouth.
"So tell me what's your name?" he asked looking up at him
Park Hyungseok 8 years ago
@Yibo Hyungseok was so surprised of what he heard since no one ever told him to drop of of school. "Really?! You think I should?" He asked before hearing the other words. "Ah I see... At least it's something you like... Not like high school. Now I wonder if there's a modeling school... But my company said that they'll train me well anyway." He shrugged his shoulders as he thought for a bit. As he was speaking to the owner, he felt like he's making him busy so he wasn't sure if he should keep talking our suddenly disappear like he usually do. "It's fine" he mumbled while staring at the other as it felt weird since he smiled and didn't get upset or anything until now, not like Hyungseok wanted to make him mad or upset but he was just so nice to him no matter what he did or what he said, he found it weird.
Hyungseok blinked when he got the cake with one of his most favorite flavor which was strawberry. "Sorry? Why? On you? Is this like a promote or something maybe?" He was confused once again but then shook his head a little at himself as he noticed that he was asking a lot while he should just accept it and eat it happily. "I'll enjoy it, thanks" without noticing what he said even, he took the fork and picked a bite to his mouth and tried it then his lips then nodded lightly.
Yibo 8 years ago
@Park Hyungseok Once the waiter had left them alone once again he glanced back up at the other and smiled.
"Oh really. Drop out well I mean I dont like to tell people what to do unless you work for me but in my opinion I wouldn't do it" hw says and shrugs.
"I mean school helped me out alot i'm barley 19 but still I go to culinary school and try to learn new tricks" Yibo adds and looks up at the male.
"So what do you work as, it must pay well if you wanna drop out so badly" Yibo chuckles as he was helping another customer on the side he gives them their cash and what not humming softly he worked around the counter giving his waiters items they needed and what not.
"Huh well I'm sorry but you did ask and well I answered." He shrugs smiling gently he watched the male and sighed gently he did feel like a bad guy now for saying something like that.
Yibo didnt know this kid he didnt know his story so he couldnt judge, cutting a piece of his special angel food cake with strawberries he plates it and hands it to the guy.
"Here i'm sorry try it I promise you'll like it most of my customers do and they always ask for more so dont be shy to ask if you want more. Its on me you don't have to pay" Yibo smiled and lets the male take the plate
"Enjoy it please " He grinned
Park Hyungseok 8 years ago
@Yibo He noticed the seriousness in his voice as he spoke again confirming that it's really his own restaurant as Hyungseok began to believe a little bit now but unsure really and he just nodded.
Once he stopped speaking, he heard one of the waiters speaking and mentioned a name which he wasn't sure but maybe it was Yibo? He looked at the name tag which stupid Hyungseok didn't look at from the start but finally did. And he was even thinking of asking about the name to make sure but oh stupid him, sometimes he's just so clueless and clumsy like that. "By the way, I live on my own too. And started working and I might stop going to school because it's useless. I got the job I want anyway" he said then shrugged lightly. But the words that came out of Yibo mouth later made Hyungseok's eyes goes wide again. "Me?! Small?!- aish... You didn't even had to point that out!" He frowned softly but with a slight pout as this thing made him kind of upset, because as a model he should be tall but his height probably stopped or getting taller just a little, because of his bad eating habit as he doesn't eat anything really. except when he comes to this resturant though which is just lately few months ago.
Hearing about Yibo's family didn't make him so comfortable since he's an orphan but he never really told anyone to stop talking about their families, actually sometimes he finds it interesting to hear about it, since he doesn't really know what a family is. "Ahh... That makes sense now.." He mumbled a little while nodding his head slowly and sticking his bottom lip out and puffing his cheeks a little.
"No need to be specific really... I believe you now after hearing your explaining.. But it's really.. Interesting. You're so responsible, not sure if I saw someone as responsible as you before really... Also, now I think about it that you managed his restaurant... You did very well" Hyungseok once again spoke what's in his mind without thinking really while staring blankly at nowhere, looking like someone who's sleep talking with their eyes open.
Yibo 8 years ago
@Park Hyungseok Yibo watched as the other put his change away hearing the males tone of voice Yibo forwns and chuckles softly sighing and shaking his head.
"Ani no one fooled me I wanted this. I wantrd to have my own restaurant besides I live on my own and well I havr to sustain myself" He explained bot so much wanting to make the other see but just to tell the facts it was up to the male if he believed him or not.
"Yibo-ah a party of ten wanted to know if they could move two tables together?" a waiter asked Yibo glanced at the people and nodded
"Yeah sure go head here take the menu's and take another waiter so he'll help you" Yibo says helping out one ofnhis employees then looking back at the male.
"Hmm to be honest you look young enough to still be in high school. Your small" He says and glances up and down at the male then gives a chuckle as he looks back up at the other.
"Well no I mean people have their opinions I mean my father didnt think I'd last either. But yet he's a wealthy guy and just because I was born and raised in the lap of luxury he expected me to go back" Yibo smirks and shakes his head slwoly knowing his dad doubted him but now he comes to eat here with Yibo's mother as well, oh the irony, he thought to himself.
Looking back at the male and chuckling at the question je gices a gentle sigh.
"Hmm lets see the first timw I started it was a few days after my 18th birthday so about two years...I guess..I don't know i'm horrible at calculating time" he shrugs
Park Hyungseok 8 years ago
@Yibo "Mhm... Okay" he mumbled, and now he somehow got interested in hearing about this.
Once the other male spoke to him he kept hearing, making his eyebrows rise up at the mention that cooking makes friends and bring people together. Because well, he didn't believe that really because it didn't really happen to him but he let that pass as he didn't feel like arguing about this. "Mhm... Okay I see..." He mumbled then took the change and putted it in his wallet as he listened to what the other had to say more. "Ah.. 19... That makes sense, unlike the fact that you're the owner of this restaurant. Did someone fool you saying that you own the restaurant maybe?" He said then let out a bitter chuckle. "And me? I'm 17. How old did you think I am though? I'm curious." It was pretty interesting how the other looked so calm while when he was walking in and out the kitchen he looked like he was frowning but maybe that's only his face so he didn't need to talk about it really. "Why should I believe it? Because you did?" He laughed, maybe he was too much so he stopped laughing by clearing his throat. "Since when have you started working?- I mean opening this restaurant?" He rested his cheek on his palm as he was having fun talking or maybe it was just him.
Yibo 8 years ago
@Park Hyungseok Watching the male Yibo knew he coulsnt believe him but still he played it off and continued to pretend like it was his bill.
"Oh thats great...oh thank you ill het your change" He smiles and takes his change humming gently then looking back upcat the male with a pelvic closing the cash register as he held the male's change out.
Yibo smiles gently and nods now grinning he usually gets this all the time people can't seem to wrap their minda aeound the fact that Yibo is a restaurant owner.
"Oh yes this is mt legacy if you will I love cooking and well cooking is the best way in my opinion to make friends and bring people together " He sighs gently and hands the young guy his change.
"Oh well I'm 19 actually, how about you? You look pretty young yourself actually " Yibo says chuckling at the males attitude Yibo knew his way out of people like that he's a restaurant owner for god sakes customers aren't always happy but they sure do leave happy.
"I know hard to believe but believe it"
Park Hyungseok 8 years ago
@Yibo Hyungseok didn't notice himself really as he was deep in thoughts but he looked over at the owner with slightly wide eyes as he heard him. "Ah no! Everything's good... Here" he handed the owner the cash. "But... Are you really.. The owner?" He looked a bit closely at him as he was so confused. "How old are you even? You're probably the same age as me. Psh~" he said then looked away, he was so confused and he wanted to know everything with such an attitude of his which might be a bit impossible.
Yibo 8 years ago
@Park Hyungseok As Yibo went to the kitchen helping the cooks make the food to keep the service going fast he then walked out with plates of food serving them.
People started to come in and thankfully the rest of Yibo's waiters came into their shifts.
As he saw the male was done and ready to pay he gladly went towards him and smiles at him.
Hearing his words he frowns softly and chuckles running his fingers through his hair sighing softly he glances at the male.
"Whars nonsense sir? Did you see something wrong in your bill?" he asked and glanced at the paper of what the male ordered looking up at him once more.
Park Hyungseok 8 years ago
@Yibo Hyungseok glanced up at the guy when he walked away, he just continued eating a bit slowly but then his eyes widened and he coughed as he almost choked on his food right now. "Eh?!" He looked at him so shocked. It's true that he has been here a lot but never knew that guy that he's the owner and it just didn't make any sense to him. He shook his head and continued eating quickly finishing his food. He got his cash out of his wallet then walked towards the cashier and waited to see him again as he still wanted to make sure that he heard right. "That's nonsense.." He mumbled to himself.
Yibo 8 years ago
@Park Hyungseok Watching the male gulp down the food Yibo chuckles and sighs gently.
As he had shaken his head Yibo bows once more and was about to leave when he heard the male speak.
Frowning slightly as he hadn't finished Yibo brushed it off and hummed gently, he began to walk but soon stopped turning back towards the other.
"And yes I am the owner" he smiles and continues to walk now towards a pair of new customers offering menus and writing their orders down.
Park Hyungseok 8 years ago
@Yibo Hyungseok waited patiently while looking around then he looked at the guy and took the glass with both of his hands and gulped it down. He shook his head after drinking. "No, thank you. Ah! I was just wondering..." He couldn't stop his curiosity and he was maybe feeling too comfortable in this place since he came often. "Are you the one who own-... No no, never mind" he wanted to know if this guy is the owner because well, it looked like he helped with everything but he looked to young for someone to own a restaurant so that sounded impossible.


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simplyme95 5 years ago
Are you guys revamping?
tookawaii 7 years ago
Jimin is leaving, thank you for all the good times :)
_WMstan 8 years ago
B1A4 Jinyoung left. Thanks for the good time.
koreanshrimps 8 years ago
taehyung has left. [ not v ] so, there is only one taehyung left. i had a lot of fun, thank you. c:
XernieHika 8 years ago
Hakyeon would be leaving with a lot of memories behind. I'm sorry
jaseojong 8 years ago
I'm sorry, Minhyun took his leave. ;;
But thank you for the stay and it was fun :D
wjskkk 8 years ago
Yoongi left
_WMstan 8 years ago
Hyungseok is leaving.
Thank you. I'd stay if someone was still around here to rp with but there isn't anyone. orz
CaitlynKiramman 8 years ago
Youngjae is leaving, thank you
m4gbews 8 years ago
Baekhyun leaving, thank you for the stay
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