→ Bookstore





Where scrolls of the arcane arts can be bought. Read them at your own risk; it is said that the spirits within these texts can grant incredible power at terrible costs.

Current inventory:                                             Paragon Scroll (100 points): Allows the reader to rapidly gain mastery over his/her element. No known side effects.
Merit Scroll (100 points): Teaches the base skill.
WARNING: Slows down the development of elemental prowess
(Ignis: blow back offenders, Aqua: healing, Ventus: teleportation, Terra: forcefields)
Occult Scroll (500 points): Teaches the mastery skill of the reader's sector. (Ignis: pain illusions, Aqua: foresight, Ventus: telekinesis, Terra: limited mind-reading) WARNING: Scroll has been known to cause physical defects.


Shin Hyesung 10 years ago
@Do Kyungsoo (No, that's perfect length! ^-^)

Hyesung didn't know why he had found himself in a bookstore of all places. He wasn't particularly one for reading. Not wanting to have any fights today though, he had left the inside of the school to come here. Or maybe it was the fact that he could have his first real freedom in over 10 years. Being locked up in a mental asylum didn't give you very much time to interact with the outside world. In a sense, it was his first real trip since his family wasn't the richest, and they didn't go anywhere outside of town that much. Everything was good for them at that time though. Before the voices had started. When Yoona and him would play together with Jin Kyo in the backyard, his father and step mother watching from the slide window by the dinner table. Those days were gone though.

Pushing the thoughts aside, he quietly looked around the bookstore, taking in the comfortable, not eerily quiet silence. Sometimes the near silence was punctuated by the noise of the door bell whenever someone walked in or out of the little shop, and Hyesung relished in the normality of it, momentarily forgetting the kind of existence he had.

Walking more towards the back of the shop, he looked around at all the books and scrolls, wondering what they were all for. Once he had reached a certain spot, he was watching everything, unaware of the other person in the same aisle as him. He wasn't going to buy any of these, much less read them either. Hyesung just wanted to look.
Do Kyungsoo 10 years ago
@Shin Hyesung There was a type of mystery that came to books, albeit dangerous or safely interesting, Kyungsoo loved them all. Maybe it was because he loved mysteries, or maybe it was because he wanted a reason or an excuse to get away from the other students and school board, he wanted to get away from it all. Thus he found himself back at the bookstore as he did the day before that, and the third day of the last week, and so on. He was just drawn to the place, no exceptions, and he wasn't complaining. Kyungsoo traced his hands along scrolls, gentle and caressing but also a bit firm, and he handled them with a type of delicacy nor seen before, mostly because he knew how some could be dangerous, and if he were to break or rip one, well, he wasn't made of money.

Kyungsoo heard the door ring again and he turned, wanting to rip the bell to pieces and smash it with his fists. He was incredibly impatient to sounds like that, they annoyed him to no end, and it didn't help that the bell rung a little too often as another customer entered. His ears twitched, his lips twitched and his temper flared from inside him, he could feel his legs buckle as he tried to turn his attention away. And the bell rung again, this time Kyungsoo was out of it, eyes strained on a scroll he found himself drawn to, and all other things were forgotten. He drew closer to the scroll and picked at it with gentle fingers, humming softly as he pulled it out and held it, fingers running up it's spine and then back down before he glanced around, pressing it under his arm so he could continue looking. He had saved up money for a while, so at least he could afford more than one, but he wasn't entirely sure what he was really looking for.

Kyungsoo continued to search for something.. a scroll that could catch his eye, and maybe one that wouldn't kill him or give him a third eye, or lose ons for that matter. With the one under his arm, he searched deeper into the store, unaware of the ringing bell.

{{ I hope it's not too short }}


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YOONGIssimus-Dorsi 10 years ago
Im jinah is leaving
kwonhoshi 10 years ago
junmyeon left;;
freaknastae 10 years ago
Please reserve Daehyun for me?
olives 10 years ago
Hello! Would you like to be affiliates with us? :)
123imtrapped 10 years ago
Sorry for not being active ;;
School will start again and exams too... maybe will come back later when I'll have more time (I'm certainly keeping that rp in my favorite ;))
meelya 10 years ago
Dasom left
bakuwugo 10 years ago
yura left ;;
olives 10 years ago
reserve kang seulgi for me please? ;u;
Refrain 10 years ago
reserve lee hyeri for me please?
potatersalad 10 years ago
reserve Wendy Son please? ;u;
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