wishlist || suggestions




wishlist / suggestions

feel free to post your wishes below! also, if you have and suggestions or requests, right below is the perfect place to put them (esp if you're too shy to confront us about it)


Amber: Luna and Victoria to complete f(x).
Jiyeon: lots of IC drama and angst!
Hyesung: the rest of Shinhwa. (esp. Eric!)
Kyungsoo: Jongin(!!), Yixing, Jackson, Jongup, Yongguk, and Super Junior.
Taekwoon: VIXX, Girls' Day (esp. Hyeri!), and a completed f(x).
Yoona: Jongin, Luhan (!!), Sehun (!!), Myungsoo, Kris,  and Simon Park (DTMN) to love her(!!), Natalie Dormer (!!)
Chanshik: B14A (!!!!!), got7's bam bam, bts' rapmonster.


Oh Sehun 10 years ago
a luhan, a xiumin, and a jongin.
oh, and please please please (this will never happen LOL) CAP from teen top!
Im Yoona [A] 10 years ago
-- UPDATED 7/27
Gong Chanshik 10 years ago
wishes for b1a4 ( hEAVY EMPHAS IS-- ), got7's bam bam, and bts's rapmom.
Im Yoona [A] 10 years ago
-- UPDATED 7/18
Im Yoona [A] 10 years ago
-- UPDATED 7/17
Jung Taekwoon 10 years ago
vixx,girls' day (esp. hyeri),and a complete f(x)
Im Yoona [A] 10 years ago
Do Kyungsoo 10 years ago
I need....
A Jongin ( my ship shall sail )
A Yixing would be nice
And... the rest of Super Junior
Shin Hyesung 10 years ago
P.S. - I suggest a spam room.
Where I can spam and make the rp latest active. e u e
*shot and pushed into Tartarus*
Shin Hyesung 10 years ago
Wishing for the rest of Shinhwa (esp. Eric)!
*shot and pushed off a cliff*
Im Yoona [A] 10 years ago
-- UPDATED 7/03
[post deleted by owner]
Amber Liu 10 years ago
I wish for the rest of f(x)


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YOONGIssimus-Dorsi 10 years ago
Im jinah is leaving
kwonhoshi 10 years ago
junmyeon left;;
freaknastae 10 years ago
Please reserve Daehyun for me?
olives 10 years ago
Hello! Would you like to be affiliates with us? :)
123imtrapped 10 years ago
Sorry for not being active ;;
School will start again and exams too... maybe will come back later when I'll have more time (I'm certainly keeping that rp in my favorite ;))
meelya 10 years ago
Dasom left
bakuwugo 10 years ago
yura left ;;
olives 10 years ago
reserve kang seulgi for me please? ;u;
Refrain 10 years ago
reserve lee hyeri for me please?
potatersalad 10 years ago
reserve Wendy Son please? ;u;
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