![BACKGROUND IMAGE](http://i2.minus.com/jdSGOYdq8Ebui.png)
OOC Room
It should be clear actually for what this room here is right? Have fun, talk to people and even plot with each other, that is all allowed.
But please, don't spam in here, don't get rude or anything else against the rules and keep in mind, that this is OOC only!
Don't cause any OOC drama, if you got any problem with anything or anyone, then please contact an admin immediately and don't rant in here!
Last thing to say, posts in here won't be counted as roleplaying.
![ROOM IMAGE](http://i1332.photobucket.com/albums/w612/Elverie/Orion%20RP/c3784a1880883cdf320ed5c9220d8603_zpseacfc86d.jpg)