❂ Strip Club

Strip Club

☾ Calvin [LH] 6 years ago
@☽ Kisu Calvin finished and grew limp in the other. He pulled out. "We should finish showering," he said, "We need to leave your cousin's house." He coughed and sneezed. "Come on." He finished up showering and got out and got dressed with the other.

[don't post yet, I'mma post the time skip in the other room]
☽ Kisu [A] 6 years ago
@☾ Calvin [H] ((here but we can move to their house room if you'd like))
Minhyuk 6 years ago
@☾ Shownu Minhyuk bit his lower lip and nodded when the elder mentioned a shower "a bath... please.." he mumbled, his eyes raising a bit to look at the elder for a brief moment before dropping back down, not liking how fragile and vulnerable he was feeling at the moment. He looked up at the elder once again as his head was tilted up and pulled away slightly.
Shownu 6 years ago
@☽ Minhyuk Hyunwoo watched the other move, slowly but at least he is responding to his words. He allowed the other to take his time, observing every move he makes. He saw those eyes look at him for a fleeting second before Minhyuk cast his sights back down. The younger seemed so delicate that Hyunwoo couldn't help but try to be careful with him. "Yeah. There is a shower and a bath. Do you want me to draw you one?" His hand reached out to carefully cup his cheek, tilting his head up to look him in the eyes. Hyunwoo furrowed his brows, concern on his face as he studied the other.
Minhyuk 6 years ago
@☾ Shownu [] it's alright~

Minhyuk didn't even realize that he was shivering was he just numb? To everything now? He sighed softly and looked up at the elder, visibly flinching at even the gentlest touches. He bit his lower lip, keeping silent as he uncurled and immersed his feet into the warm water. A soft sigh left jos lips once again, this time a sigh of relief as the warm water began warming his feet and up his shivering form. He looked up at the elder then back down, just wanting to wash himself from whatever marks they had left on his body "d-does your office... have a shower?" He asked softly, his voice shaky due to his shivering body.
Shownu 6 years ago
@☽ Minhyuk (sorry for the late reply bby ><)

The elder's blood was boiling. He was angry at whoever had done such a heinous thing. Deep breaths, sighing as he goes to keep himself calm. He grabbed two basins filled with warm water and a towel, bringing it back to the couch, along with the first aid kit. "Minhyuk-ah, can you hear me, baby?" He asked, his hand gently reaching out to gently touch the other's feet. "You're cold, baby. Here. Soak your feet in the warm water, yeah?" He placed the basin by the foot of the couch. He didn't want to force the other into anything he wasn't ready for. He sat down next to the boy with the other basin, dipping the towel into the water to soak up the warmth, wringing it dry. He took Minhyuk's hand gently, noticing the marks the s left on his thin wrists. Hyunwoo gently dabbed the warm cloth against the forming bruises, gently warming up the cold slender digits.
Minhyuk 6 years ago
@☾ Shownu Minhyuk hugged his knees tightly to his chest, not wanting to be seen completely stripped. He blinked and looked up at the male in front of him, tugging the jacket tightly around his body. He furrowed his brows, letting the elder pick him up. He buried his face in his hands, trying not to break down. He stayed still as he was brought into the office, cowering away on the couch. He sat up with a soft groan, covering himself with the jacket as much as he could. He rested his chin on his knees as he watched the elder move around, taking a deep breath
Shownu 6 years ago
@☽ Minhyuk The music in the club was bumping out loud and people were chanting about God knows what. Hyunwoo was tired and needed a smoke. He was walking out the club when he saw his bouncer rushing off with a few females. The owner of the club was curious so he went over to follow, watching his every move. He could swear he could hear a familiar voice. He moved to the side to see a very familiar face. He had a different color hair but he knew that face, stripped and on the floor. Hyunwoo rushed forward, shoving his bouncer to the side, taking off his jacket and wrapping it around the younger male, picking him up without a single problem, carrying him back into the club. "Go look for the s who did this." He instructed to the other male, watching him go off to look around near the alley. Hyunwoo brought the younger inside of the club and straight into his office, moving ever so carefully with Minhyuk, ordering a cup of water to be brought up to his office. The elder set Minhyuk down on the couch, turning around to go grab a couple of things to tend to the younger.
Minhyuk 6 years ago
@☾ Shownu Minhyuk gasped softly when he felt the hands in his body "get your dirty hands off of me" he said with a soft hiss, struggling to get free from their hands. The more he struggled the tighter he was held back. He soon found himself kneeling on the floor as the three took advantage of the fact that they were a lot stronger than he was. He cried out for help, hoping that someone would hear him since he was close enough out of the alleyway and possibly close enough to the club itself.

About twenty minutes passed when he heard footsteps in the alley. However, by then, he was already stripped and used to the men's satisfaction. He hugged his knees when he heard the footsteps, looking up slightly. He recognized the face, it was the bouncer of the club who had heard the screaming over the noise of the club.
Shownu 6 years ago
@☽ Minhyuk The three guys laughed as they heard the other's words. The one with their arms around Minhyuk's waist smirked as his friends grabbed his arms behind his back, chuckling as they began to roam their arms and touch his body. "You're not going anywhere, sweetheart. We just want to have a little fun with the hottest model on demand right now." he grabbed a fistful of Minhyuk's hair, pulling his face closer, "So I would suggest you cooperate and just enjoy the ride."

Meanwhile at the club, Hyunwoo was bored out of his mind, his thoughts going back to the interesting baby he met a few days ago. He wondered what he was doing and why he hasn't come back to visit him yet. He ran his fingers through his hair, knowing that there are plenty of people that would love to serve him as his baby and yet he is stuck on one particular model. He should have gotten his number or should he have visited his house instead? Hyunwoo didn't want to seem to be obsessed and yet his attention runs back to the blond imp that visited his establishment.
Shownu 6 years ago
The three guys laughed as they heard the other's words. The one with their arms around Minhyuk's waist smirked as his friends grabbed his arms behind his back, chuckling as they began to roam their arms and touch his body. "You're not going anywhere, sweetheart. We just want to have a little fun with the hottest model on demand right now." he grabbed a fistful of Minhyuk's hair, pulling his face closer, "So I would suggest you cooperate and just enjoy the ride."

Meanwhile at the club, Hyunwoo was bored out of his mind, his thoughts going back to the interesting baby he met a few days ago. He wondered what he was doing and why he hasn't come back to visit him yet. He ran his fingers through his hair, knowing that there are plenty of people that would love to serve him as his baby and yet he is stuck on one particular model. He should have gotten his number or should he have visited his house instead? Hyunwoo didn't want to seem to be obsessed and yet his attention runs back to the blond imp that visited his establishment.
Shownu 6 years ago
The three guys laughed as they heard the other's words. The one with their arms around Minhyuk's waist smirked as his friends grabbed his arms behind his back, chuckling as they began to roam their arms and touch his body. "You're not going anywhere, sweetheart. We just want to have a little fun with the hottest model on demand right now." he grabbed a fistful of Minhyuk's hair, pulling his face closer, "So I would suggest you cooperate and just enjoy the ride."

Meanwhile at the club, Hyunwoo was bored out of his mind, his thoughts going back to the interesting baby he met a few days ago. He wondered what he was doing and why he hasn't come back to visit him yet. He ran his fingers through his hair, knowing that there are plenty of people that would love to serve him as his baby and yet he is stuck on one particular model. He should have gotten his number or should he have visited his house instead? Hyunwoo didn't want to seem to be obsessed and yet his attention runs back to the blond imp that visited his establishment.
Minhyuk 6 years ago
@☾ Shownu Minhyuk hummed softly as he checked his appearance for the last time before leaving his apartment. He was going to the club once again but now he sort of had a reason to. He bit his lower lip and took a deep breath as he reached the dark alley. It was awefully quiet today and for some reason he wasn't sure if he should go through the alley. There were different, safer routes to the club but through the alley was definitely faster. He sighed and shrugged it off and walked through the alley, not stopping until he was physically stopped by a man. He furrowed his brows and tried to go around him, not wanting to cause a scene when he realized he was surrounded by two other guys. "Excuse me, I'm trying to walk through..." he mumbled as he felt one of them grab him by the waist.
Minhyuk 6 years ago
@☾ Shownu Minhyuk bit his lower lip at the elder's words "well... I guess. Not that the bouncers care" he said, blinking at the elder's words "nothing happens here anyways so no need to worry~" he said, gettin out of the alley and heading to his apartment just a block ahead
Shownu 6 years ago
@☽ Minhyuk "Yeah. Just ask for me." He smiled, "plus it'll save you the hassle of lying and trying to look older." Hyunwoo couldnt help but find the other's answer to be adorable. He pulled him closer and wrapped his arm around his shoulder, rubbing circles on his arm. "Dont worry. I'm not going to let anything happen to you, baby boy."
Minhyuk 6 years ago
@☾ Shownu Minhyuk laughed and nodded "fine. Does that mean I have to ask if you're here before I go inside?" He asked, looking up at the elder. He blinked and nodded, tilting his head "yeah? It's the shorter way home" he said, stopping at the crosswalk "nothing happens here. It's just... dark"
Shownu 6 years ago
@☽ Minhyuk "Only when I am around." He stated, thinking about the consequences he would get if the younger was found without supervision inside his club. Hyunwoo followed the other into the dimly lit alley, following up with the younger's pace. "You were planning on walking this route? By yourself?" He asked, looking around the sketchy looking area, observing the surroundings.
Minhyuk 6 years ago
@☾ Shownu Minhyuk laughed and hummed "so I guess I'm still welcome at the club~" he said, looking up at the elder with a sweet smile. He blinked when the elder began walking on the outer side and smiled, leading the elder through a dimly lit alley that led to the shortcut to his apartment. He bit his lower lip, walking at a faster pace
Shownu 6 years ago
@☽ Minhyuk "Sure. Come join me anytime." The weather outside wasn't too cold, a small breeze blowing as they walked. Hyunwoo took the other's hand in his and walked beside the younger. "Of course me included." He answered with no sense of shame, walking on the outer side of the sidewalk, making sure that he was on the side where the cars passed.
Minhyuk 6 years ago
@☾ Shownu Minhyuk laughed and shook his head "if you ever need company to join you while you stalk, I'm up for it~ it must be quite entertaining" he said, following the elder out of the office and the club. "You included?" he asked playfully and pulled the elder's arm away from his waist and held his hand instead. "Alright then~ off we go" he said, walking towards his apartment
Shownu 6 years ago
@☽ Minhyuk "Not true. I stalk people from down below as well." He smiled at the joke. He wrapped his arm around Minhyuk as he showed him the way out, nipping on his earlobe. "Well you're adorable as it is. People find it hard to stay away." He chuckled, guiding him out the office and the club. "Lead the way, Minhyuk." He gestured out the door, letting the younger lead.
Minhyuk 6 years ago
@☾ Shownu Minhyuk blinked and chuckled lightly at his words "so you just kinda stalk around people from up here?" he asked teasingly, accepting the card and the hug. He looked up at the elder before he broke out into a laughter at his words "you're funny. But if you insist, I guess I can let you walk me home." he said with a soft hum "that way I don't have drunk people jumping on me on my way out" he added playfully and ran his fingers through his hair "whenever you're ready then"
Shownu 6 years ago
@☽ Minhyuk He smiled, shaking his head no at the question. "Not really. I'm mostly here just in case something happens. But I don't usually do much otherwise." He chuckled, watching him pull away. The elder went to go grab another shirt from the closet nearby, putting it on and walking over towards the younger male once more. "Here's my card." He slipped one inside of the other's back pocket, pulling him into another hug. "Let me take you home. It's already time for me to leave anyways. It's rare for me to find such a beautiful model in my club." he smirked, teasing the younger.
Minhyuk 6 years ago
@☾ Shownu Minhyuk hummed softly at the kisses and bit his lower lip "yes~ very much~" he said, trailing his fingers along the creases of the elder's abs lightly "no it's okay. It's a little sore but I can walk home.. it's not that far either~" he said, wrapping his arms around the elder's neck loosely. "I mean... don't you have any work to do around here? I wouldn't want to bother you any further" he said, pulling away "do you have a business card?" he asked, straightening his clothes a bit
Shownu 6 years ago
@☽ Minhyuk Hyunwoo tilted the boy's head up to press kisses along his jawline. "Hmm.. like what you see?" he asked, noticing the other checking him out. His hands ran down to massage the younger's , "Still sore, baby?" he asked, pressing the other's body to his own. "I can take you home if you like.Can either be my place or yours too." He smirked, tilting the younger's head to look him in the eyes. "I can also give you my number if you want to play more. Next time you come, you can find me."
Minhyuk 6 years ago
@☾ Shownu Minhyuk panted as he rode out his , looking up at the elder with his cheeks rosy pink. He sat up with a small wince, blinking up st the elder "not my fault.." he mumbled and slid off the table. Being on his feet was definitely a lot less painful than sitting and he was glad his place was close enough to walk back. He blinked when the elder took off his shirt, subconsciously eyeing his body "damn.."
Shownu 6 years ago
@☽ Minhyuk Hyunwoo slowly rode out their s, stroking Minkyuk till the very last drop. He his lower lip and flashed a smirk as he looked down at the mess the younger had created. "Looks like someone made a big mess." He chuckled as he helped the younger up, sliding his satisfied out of him. "Such a mess. I should punish you more for dirtying my shirt." Hyunwoo pinched the other's nose lightly shaking it, pressing a kiss on his forehead. "Let's get you cleaned up." He took off his shirt, using it to clean up the mess that has been created.
Minhyuk 6 years ago
@☾ Shownu Minhyuk whimpered as he , his walls clenching more. He let out a soft cry as he came all over his and the elder's chest, despite still being clothed. He panted heavily, gripping onto the edge of the table.
Shownu 6 years ago
@☽ Minhyuk "Come on baby, for daddy." He urged, faster as his movement becomes more and more erratic. He was close. ", with daddy, baby." He ordered, moving his hand to milk the boy faster. "Make sure to drink up all of daddy's milk." His breathing was hot and heavy as he released his seeds deep inside the younger male, filling him up with daddy's milk.
Minhyuk 6 years ago
@☾ Shownu "I-I know" Minhyuk commented playfully although the playfulness soon was replaced by a soft moan "f-.. y-yes! I love it!" He cried out in pleasure, his walls clenching a bit as he was close to his edge as well ".. I.." he tilted his head back, trying to hold his as he wanted the elder to release before him.


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Bowrair [A] 4 months ago
I keep this rp around more bc it’s just the past and my baby. My HYYH “the most beautiful moment in life.” But no, I’ve updated everything bc in my new state of mind, I’ve grown to not condone things I left untouched for preservation-sake. I’ve grown from the person I was in 2014-2015.
DreamlessMaiden 1 year ago
not accepting anymore?
hobibuu 1 year ago
Can I have Jung Hoseok?
TokidokiHelloKitty 1 year ago
Oh what a stroll down memory lane! I had such good times in this rp.
TokidokiHelloKitty 4 years ago
Hey, I wanted to request a 2 week hiatus for my character Calvin and Nick. Thank you!
TokidokiHelloKitty 4 years ago
I applied as another old chara too, sorry I won't do it anymore after this!
TokidokiHelloKitty 4 years ago
Hey, I wanna re apply as Nick too, is that okay?
Taekook_ish 4 years ago
Active?? Can i apply for Taehyung ??
Bowrair [A] 5 years ago
I have a lot to discuss individually and eventually but the main admin (me) has been going through a harder time than usual for s while now; please expect the slowest of replies unless the co-admins reply. It’s also okay to rescind ur application, no hard feelings
haehaelove 5 years ago
Can I please have xing shaolin as a baby ^^
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