☾☽ Calvin and Kisu's House


Residence of Calvin and Kisu


☾ Calvin [LH] 4 years ago
@☽ Kisu [hey]
☾ Calvin [LH] 5 years ago
@☽ Kisu Soon, everything went by in a whirl, and Calvin found himself in a new place living a new life. Or, at least, beginning to. He had driven his car over to Kisu's friend's place. Now they were working on bringing their stuff into the house, which for Calvin wasn't much. All of Kisu's things, Calvin blankets and pillows, and his suit. Soon, the two of them were getting set up in a bedroom that they'd share in the house. Calvin was putting on the bed sheets and linens that he had been given for the bed. "Kisu," he said softly, pausing his work, "I...how are things going to go for us? We're living in someone's house, but for how long? How long until he makes us leave? What if we don't have enough money by then?" He sighed. "How do you know that's we'll be okay?"
☽ Kisu [A] 5 years ago
@☾ Calvin [LH] Kisu smiles happily, "oh good. I'll give him a call and let him know." He leans up and kisses Calvin's cheek happily.
☾ Calvin [LH] 5 years ago
@☽ Kisu Calvin looked to the other. "I don't mind," he said, "Not at all. In fact, I'd prefer it. At least we'd have better shelter. Besides, It'd be better for you." He snuggled him. "I want you to be somewhere warm and safe, and have a nice bed."
☽ Kisu [A] 5 years ago
@☾ Calvin [LH] Kisu hums and nods, "yeah ok. I'll call my friend and see if that's ok." He smiles, "there was another friend that offered a place to stay until we got on our feet... but I wasn't sure how youd feel about that."
☾ Calvin [LH] 5 years ago
@☽ Kisu Calvin nodded. Ugh. "Look for work." God knows he really didn't want to. But he knew he had to man up and just do this. Working for 8 hours for pennies seemed terrible to him, but fine. He nodded again. "Or maybe I could just work there?" he suggested, "You have a friend who owns a cafe, right? I could clean. Or I could do food prep in the morning, or I could cook if they train me. I could be a waiter but I'd rather not as they don't even make minimum wage. I could, if it's an internet cafe, be the IT guy?" He looked to the other, hoping it was a good suggestion. "That way we can be together."
☽ Kisu [A] 5 years ago
@☾ Calvin [LH] Kisu watches Calvin as they eat. Being careful to eat and still trying to take care of the other. Hes worried when the other refuses meds but also understands why. Sighing softly when they make it back to the car he blinks. "Uhm an internet cafe maybe? They have computers you could use for your work or to look for work a d then I could perform?"
☾ Calvin [LH] 5 years ago
@☽ Kisu Calvin smiled and happily cuddled Kisu. From then on out, at the hospital, Calvin made sure that Kisu ate, even sharing his food with him. If the other declined, he'd give him a commanding look. He wanted the other to eat because...well, who knows when they would again. The next morning came and Calvin stood on his own for the first time without feeling achy or dizzy. He got dressed and took Kisu's hand. The doctor had prescribed him some medicine, but Calvin passed on it, claiming to feel fine. Plus, he didn't want to waste anymore money. And, he actually did feel fine. "I'm glad you're with me," he said happily to Kisu as they walked. Soon, they were back in Calvin's car. "Kisu...do you have any ideas on where we're gonna start?" he asked the other.
☽ Kisu [A] 5 years ago
@☾ Calvin [LH] Kisu hugs him and nods, "home is where you are daddy."
☾ Calvin [LH] 5 years ago
@☽ Kisu "I'm happy," he said, taking the other's hands into his, "FInally, I'll be able to go back home with you." But, then that's when he remembered. They didn't have a home, just a car. A car with only a quater tank of gas in it if he remembered correctly. "Oh..." he said, frowning, "Right."
☽ Kisu [A] 5 years ago
@☾ Calvin [LH] Kisu kisses his cheek, "ll always love you."
He listens to the nurse and then looks at Calvin and nods. "Yeah.... but we will work it out."
☾ Calvin [LH] 5 years ago
@☽ Kisu "You still love your ugly daddy?" asked Calvin teasingly.
That's when a nurse came in.
"You'll be able to leave tomorrow morning," she told him, "The doctor says you're well enough."
Calvin sighed.
When the nurse is gone, he looked to Kisu.
"Man...the bill is going to be so high," he moaned.
☽ Kisu [A] 5 years ago
@☾ Calvin [LH] Kisu rubs his arm and smiles softly, "Its ok. " He says softly and leans over to lean his head against the others arm,
☾ Calvin [LH] 5 years ago
@☽ Kisu He nods and begins eating his stew. "We've come a long way, you and I," he said. He then sighed. "Ugh, this illness was awful though. I still look like ." He still had really dark circles and pastier skin than normal. His hair a matted mess, lips still chapped. His breath probably stank from being sick, and he had broken out into a spell of acne during this time. He lost alot of weight, despite being small to begin with. And the few ab lines that were starting to show on his stomach that he once had were gone now.
☽ Kisu [A] 5 years ago
@☾ Calvin [LH] Kisu tilts his head and nods slowly, "ok." He says softly, "if youre sure."
☾ Calvin [LH] 5 years ago
@☽ Kisu Calvin shook his head and smiled. "Nah, not yet. It's stupid. Later, okay?" He smiled and d the other's hair.
☽ Kisu [A] 5 years ago
@☾ Calvin [LH] Kisu smiles and looks at him, blinking he tilts his head. "What? You can talk to me." he takes his hand, "You can ask me anything."
☾ Calvin [LH] 5 years ago
@☽ Kisu "I love you more than you can imagine," said Calvin, "Kisu...I wanted to ask you..." He sighed and looked down. "Nah, never mind."
☽ Kisu [A] 5 years ago
@☾ Calvin [LH] Kisu can slowly see him get better over the days. Sitting next to him one night he blinks and looks up, leaning over he hugs him. "Its not a problem at all." He says softly and hugs him close. "I love you Daddy."
☾ Calvin [LH] 5 years ago
@☽ Kisu Calvin coughed before closing his eyes and sleeping again. The next day, he could tell he was feeling a tiny bit better. Same for the next day. And the next. And the one after that.
They still wanted to stay in the hospital a little longer.
"Kisu," said Calvin one night as he sat in his bed, about to eat supper. "Thanks so much for sticking with me. I promise, things will start looking up soon. I can tell."
☽ Kisu [A] 5 years ago
@☾ Calvin [LH] Kisu rubs his back, "Daddy I won't let anything happen to you. Promise."
☾ Calvin [LH] 5 years ago
@☽ Kisu "Kisu, I love you," he said, a tear falling, "Please don't let anything bad happen to me..."
☽ Kisu [A] 5 years ago
@☾ Calvin [LH] ((I know, I haven't thought to look for new pics))

Kisu blushes and then nods, moving to feed the other the soup. Careful to make sure the soup isn't too hot.
☾ Calvin [LH] 5 years ago
@☽ Kisu [our kitchen is gone]

He nodded. "It will be as long as I have you," he said. Soon, the nurse came in with some orange juice, apple juice, water, and soup. THe soup was made of bone broth and had chicken and all kinds of veggies. "Thank you," croaked Calvin. "Kisu, feed daddy, please."
The nurse arched her brow at that and shook her head before leaving.
☽ Kisu [A] 5 years ago
@☾ Calvin [LH] Kisu rubs his arm, "it'll be ok. You'll be ok." She says.
☾ Calvin [LH] 5 years ago
@☽ Kisu Calvin sniffled and moaned. He waited for food and water. "Kisu..." he whined, "I'm scared. I'm really sick." He was afraid something serious would happen and the other would be alone without him.
☽ Kisu [A] 5 years ago
@☾ Calvin [LH] Kisu rubs his back and calls the nurse in. Gently rubbing the others back to try and sooth him as the nurse comes to check him over
☾ Calvin [LH] 5 years ago
@☽ Kisu "Kisu..." moaned Calvin, "My ears hurt, they feel blocked, and I can barely breathe out of my nose. If I could cut my head off, I swear I'd feel so much better. My head hurts so bad. Kisu, please remember how much I love you."
☽ Kisu [A] 5 years ago
@☾ Calvin [LH] Kisu looks up from next to the bed when the others hand grabs his. Letting out a relieved breath he nods, moving to gently pick up the water and bring it over. "Here, drink this daddy." He whispers and nods, "I'll page the nurse and she said she could get you food as soon as you woke."
☾ Calvin [LH] 5 years ago
@☽ Kisu Calvin woke up later at night. He opened his eyes. "Mm, babe?" he asked, looking around. His head was throbbing. "Ooh...owww." He rubbed his forehead. He reached for Kisu's hand. He d it, happy the other was there for him. "I'm thirsty," he croaked through his sore throat. His stomach grumbled. It actually hurt. "Oooh, and hungry," he whined.


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Bowrair [A] 4 months ago
I keep this rp around more bc it’s just the past and my baby. My HYYH “the most beautiful moment in life.” But no, I’ve updated everything bc in my new state of mind, I’ve grown to not condone things I left untouched for preservation-sake. I’ve grown from the person I was in 2014-2015.
DreamlessMaiden 1 year ago
not accepting anymore?
hobibuu 1 year ago
Can I have Jung Hoseok?
TokidokiHelloKitty 1 year ago
Oh what a stroll down memory lane! I had such good times in this rp.
TokidokiHelloKitty 4 years ago
Hey, I wanted to request a 2 week hiatus for my character Calvin and Nick. Thank you!
TokidokiHelloKitty 4 years ago
I applied as another old chara too, sorry I won't do it anymore after this!
TokidokiHelloKitty 4 years ago
Hey, I wanna re apply as Nick too, is that okay?
Taekook_ish 4 years ago
Active?? Can i apply for Taehyung ??
Bowrair [A] 5 years ago
I have a lot to discuss individually and eventually but the main admin (me) has been going through a harder time than usual for s while now; please expect the slowest of replies unless the co-admins reply. It’s also okay to rescind ur application, no hard feelings
haehaelove 5 years ago
Can I please have xing shaolin as a baby ^^
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