☾ B Rain's Bar


 Workplace of B Rain 

☾ B Rain 5 years ago
@☽ Yonghwa ((I’ve been going through a ton of health issues with my mom so i know how your husband must feel but he should definitely let you have your little joys especially if it turns out to be cancer god forbid))

“Of course. I need to see our baby boy. I’m his appa afterall.” Jihoon smiled and nodded. “I look constantly when hes there. The safety of the both of you is my top priority.” He waved and waited for the other to get inside before going to work. He got all of his work done fairly early so he headed to the younger’s apartment to surprise them.
☽ Yonghwa 5 years ago
@☾ B Rain ((Yup! Still working on solving the issues... we've discovered I have a severely low white blood cell count. What that means, we don't know yet... there are MULTIPLE things that can cause it... from something as simple as a virus to autoimmune difficulties to... well honestly, cancer. It explains why I'm so sick and been in and out of hospital so much, but... well... honestly Leet, I'm scared less. I hate it. I miss you like crazy cause you were so super supportive and I just miss the escape of RP. I have convinced hubby to stop taking my computer away after this newest health revelation.))

Grinning Yonghwa leaned to press their lips together, softly and sweetly letting the kiss linger for a moment. Sighing as he sat back the younger nodded, "You better be here tonight. Turtle already wonders where Appa is when he's missing." He flushed a little at the admittance. Opening the door he slipped out, "I need to dress and get him to daycare. Don't forget you have the codes so you can access the cameras at the daycare now too if you want to check on him." Yonghwa thought the new daycare's security measures might be a little over the top, but being able to hop on his phone or computer and check in on his baby boy whenever he wanted was fantastic. And he guessed dating a mob guy, meant kids needed to be kept in baby fort knocks.
☾ B Rain 5 years ago
@☽ Yonghwa “Alright lets get you home to the little guy.” He chuckled and grabbed the other’s hand going upstairs and out to his car. He waited for the other to get in and drove him home tapping on the steering wheel happily. “I’ll see you later right?” He leaned over the seat and puckered his lips waiting for a kiss.

((You're alive!))
☽ Yonghwa 5 years ago
@☾ B Rain Eyeing the collarbones, Yonghwa pouted before stepping up and doing the stupid button properly. "Ready." He patted the shirt and grinned. So, yes, he could be possessive just as much as the next guy. It was all his boyfriend's fault for being entirely too ing hot.
☾ B Rain 6 years ago
@☽ Yonghwa “Of course my love. Anything to see you smile.” He smiled and gently kissed the younger’s cheek before getting dressed. He picked a tight fitting suit knowing that with how well the curves of his were defined that it would turn the younger on. He left the top button if his shirt undone just enough to see his collarbones peek through. after drying and styling his hair he grabbed his keys and waited. “Ready to go my love? I’ll drop you off at your apartment.”
☽ Yonghwa 6 years ago
@☾ B Rain Yonghwa pouted huffing a little but behaved himself, he also had to get to work. "Yeah, work... and I need to still get Turtle to daycare from my mom's place." He grumbled once out of the shower and dressing. "Thank you again for last night." He pressed a minty fresh kiss to Jihoon's mouth. "And breakfast Jihoon-ah."
☾ B Rain 6 years ago
@☽ Yonghwa “I was thinking more on saving time by taking a shower together because I have some work I got to do soon.” He hummed softly and pecked the younger’s lips before starting to wash the younger
☽ Yonghwa 6 years ago
@☾ B Rain "Liar, you're going to turn him into a total brat, I can already see it." Yonghwa laughed, "If the way you spoil me without even meaning to is anything to go by." He moaned feeling Rain enter the shower behind him. "I was hoping, but you had said I chose food so I wasn't so sure." The younger turned soapy towel in hand and began cleaning the elder with soothing soapy circles. "After all Daddy, , wet, and all soap slicked isn't exactly the best place to keep hands off each other."
☾ B Rain 6 years ago
@☽ Yonghwa “I totally get that. I don’t want to spoil him too much either.” He hummed and got up following the other into the bathroom. “Hey I didn’t know that you were gonna pass out after that. That wasn’t that intense to me.” He chuckled going into the shower behind the younger. “And don’t think you’re showering alone either~”
☽ Yonghwa 6 years ago
@☾ B Rain Yonghwa nodded, it didn't even seem off to be talking about moving in together after only their first or would this be the second date? No it all felt so right and natural. "Maybe someone to help keep the house up once or twice a month for a nice deep clean. But I do prefer to cook and keep my own place. I also want Turtle to be self-sufficient. I think it's important he does not think he can just rely on other's because one of his fathers is loaded." Yonghwa snickered, as he entered the bathroom. "And who's fault is it that I passed out... DADDY." He sing songged over his shoulder out of the opened door as he turned the water to the shower on.
☾ B Rain 6 years ago
@☽ Yonghwa “I mean I can get this whenever I want because of my staff here. Though you’re not one for being spoiled so when we buy a house I’ll help my staff find new jobs.” He hummed and laid back on the bed after finishing their breakfasts. “Of course you can shower. I also have spare toothbrushes and toothpaste if you want to brush your teeth too. I was gonna shower while you were sleeping but I didn’t want to leave you alone since you passed out on me last night.” He teased the other a bit but planted a kiss to his forehead.
☽ Yonghwa 6 years ago
@☾ B Rain Pouting until he had a plate of his own Hwa smiled and dug in. "Wow, breakfast in bed? I could get used to this. You're very good at the date and the spoiling thing." He smiled leaning over and kissing his boyfriend. "Thank you for everything. The picnic, the amazing , and now this. You really are just, amazing." Yonghwa finished his breakfast and sighed. "Can I shower before we leave?"
☾ B Rain 6 years ago
@☽ Yonghwa “You’re choosing food this time love.” He chuckled and kissed his lips sweetly and fixed the younger a plate of food and then goes back to eating as he was quite hungry. “Let’s get you fed and dressed so I can return you to your turtle.” He smiled over at the younger as he finished his plate.
☽ Yonghwa 6 years ago
@☾ B Rain The smell of food finally woke the younger and he grumbled. His body ached in wonderful ways and he felt incredibly full. "Hoon-ah?" He rolled over finally freeing his bed partner. "Where, your place?" He stretched and sat up hissing a little. "God that feels so good." He moaned shifting a little as his eyes rolled back, but then his stomach rumbled. "Food or , it's a hard life I lead." He hummed teasingly reaching over and stealing a piece of bacon from Rain's plate.
☾ B Rain 6 years ago
@☽ Yonghwa Rain rubbed his eyes softly as he looked at the younger chuckling. He decided to just his hair softly until breakfast arrived for them. Once it was down he didn’t try to detach the other from him but simply moved to get up to eat some food. He hummed softly as he dug into his eggs and pancakes careful not to disturb the younger who was still stuck to him like glue.
☽ Yonghwa 6 years ago
@☾ B Rain Yonghwa was plastered to Rain like a barnacle. He had both his arm and leg wrapped around the other man and his face pressed tight into his neck, Jihoon would have to physically have to push the other off to detach him from himself at this point.
☾ B Rain 6 years ago
@☽ Yonghwa When morning came Rain was reluctant to leave the bed. He didn’t want to leave his sleeping angel alone in the bed while he surprised him with breakfast or even to take a shower. He called up to his kitchen staff to have them make a decent breakfast spread and to bring it down to them.
☽ Yonghwa 6 years ago
@☾ B Rain Smiling in his dazed state he sighed, "My Daddy." He stated firmly before drifting off.
☾ B Rain 6 years ago
@☽ Yonghwa “I love you too Yonghwa.” He mumbled against the other’s hair. Rain was a rather light sleeper so when the younger moved he woke up but just barely. He pulled the other closer and fixed the blankets around them.
☽ Yonghwa 6 years ago
@☾ B Rain ((SOrry dinner did not agree with me at all))

Yonghwa turned cuddling his lover nuzzling close. "Love you Jihoon-ah." He whispered later once he had his whits about him, sure the other was fast asleep.
☾ B Rain 6 years ago
@☽ Yonghwa Rain chuckled softly and went to the bathroom grabbing things to clean the two of them letting the boy sleep after the taxing session they just had. He hummed softly once he finished cleaning them up and went to sleep cuddling the other into his side as they slept.
☽ Yonghwa 6 years ago
@☾ B Rain Yonghwa screamed as he was filled and the ring came off, he was lurching into the air, his hole empty for the moment and screaming out for his daddy begging for something, anything and then the plug filled him. "Ohhh, yes... thank... ahhh" He was cooing for just a moment before shots of hot pearly white come striped his belly, his chest, and hit his chin. Then all sound cut off as he passed out completely mindless from the pleasure he'd received at the hands of the other man.
☾ B Rain 6 years ago
@☽ Yonghwa “Just a little longer baby boy.” Rain continued ing his body already getting ready to release a second load into the younger male. He continued ing as hard as he could and as he started for the second time he pulled the cockring off of the younger so he could finally have sweet release as he continued pounding into the other to ride out his high from his second . He slowed to a stop before pulling out of the younger careful not to bring any of his out of the younger and quick popped in a small buttplug.
☽ Yonghwa 6 years ago
@☾ B Rain "DADDY!!!! oH ! Daddy! Please..." He cried, tears falling as he clawed at Jihoon, one even moving trying to get at his and remove the ring himself. Yonghwa was gasping and looked so dazed and desperate. "Please, please Daddy, Baby's been good. Good, Boy." He bit his lip gasping as the hot load in him was pushed deeper by the in his . "Daddy come." He moaned, god he was so ing gone in that moment.
☾ B Rain 6 years ago
@☽ Yonghwa Rain moaned loudly and ed deeper as he spilled his into the younger. He kept ing not letting up from making the other scream his name.
☽ Yonghwa 6 years ago
@☾ B Rain Yonghwa had already started nodding rapidly as the question had been asked but he was whining low and desperately when Jihoon refused to let him come. "AHH!! ! DAddy... daddy-daddy daddy! Ohh, ohhh, yes yes... right... right... can't stop!" He gasped his hips arching up hard as he clenched so tight it felt like his Daddy's had doubled in size.
☾ B Rain 6 years ago
@☽ Yonghwa “You want me to take it off? Sorry baby boy I don’t think you’re ready yet.” He smirked and with that flipped them out of the current position so rain had the other’s legs in the air as he started pounding into him mercilessly. “I’m gonna you till my heart’s content and then you can finally .” He growled as he leaned down biting the younger’s lip.
☽ Yonghwa 6 years ago
@☾ B Rain "Ahhh! Daddy, sens-sensitive, 'Hwa's sensitive, now." He whimpered but never stilled clenching with each new spank and crying out all but screaming as the massive head hit his over-stimulated prostate. Tears of pleasure were rolling down his cheek and his face was flushed, sweat glistening on his chest. "Gonna, gonna... Daddy, please take it off. I need ta come. Please. Don't it feel good?" He slurred, finally opening his eyes, red-rimmed and wide blown from the pleasured daze he was in.
☾ B Rain 6 years ago
@☽ Yonghwa Rain hissed as he kept himself from spilling over too soon as the other rapidly clenched around him as he bounced. He laid back and pulled the other forward a bit shifting his position to not only expose his more for spanking but also hit his prostate at a priorly unreached angle. He spanked the younger with a firm hand wanting to leave his red as he watched the younger’s face contort with intense pleasure. “ baby boy you’re amazing. Ride daddy’s faster.”
☽ Yonghwa 6 years ago
@☾ B Rain Crying out he gasped and squeezed tight with the spank and nodded rapidly as he started ing himself up and down faster. "Yes, Daddy! Yes yes! More, ing good. So good! UGH!" He his own lips before crying out a dry wracking body and making him clench over and over trembling around Jihoon's .


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Bowrair [A] 4 months ago
I keep this rp around more bc it’s just the past and my baby. My HYYH “the most beautiful moment in life.” But no, I’ve updated everything bc in my new state of mind, I’ve grown to not condone things I left untouched for preservation-sake. I’ve grown from the person I was in 2014-2015.
DreamlessMaiden 1 year ago
not accepting anymore?
hobibuu 1 year ago
Can I have Jung Hoseok?
TokidokiHelloKitty 1 year ago
Oh what a stroll down memory lane! I had such good times in this rp.
TokidokiHelloKitty 4 years ago
Hey, I wanted to request a 2 week hiatus for my character Calvin and Nick. Thank you!
TokidokiHelloKitty 4 years ago
I applied as another old chara too, sorry I won't do it anymore after this!
TokidokiHelloKitty 4 years ago
Hey, I wanna re apply as Nick too, is that okay?
Taekook_ish 4 years ago
Active?? Can i apply for Taehyung ??
Bowrair [A] 5 years ago
I have a lot to discuss individually and eventually but the main admin (me) has been going through a harder time than usual for s while now; please expect the slowest of replies unless the co-admins reply. It’s also okay to rescind ur application, no hard feelings
haehaelove 5 years ago
Can I please have xing shaolin as a baby ^^
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