In this room, admins and mods will keep you updated on events etc.
Here you can notify us of your hiatus as well (up to 30 days).
Sometimes, if there are too many posts for us admins to handle, we might freeze postings in the IN GAME rooms. You are still allowed to use all the other rooms that do not belong to the Kingdoms or Tidrea. Feel free to continue roleplay on walls as well and please be patient and wait until an admin unfreezes the IN GAME rooms again.
C유☥ milktea_princess [A] 9 years ago

the 'item' part has been modified as below:

- How much do items cost? How do you purchase them?
You can buy items in the different shops located in every kingdom's city. Please refer to the price list here.

- How do I gain gold?
Currently, there is only one way to attain gold, and that is through killing monsters. The drop rates of monsters are listed with the item price list linked above.

-> link:
[GM] T [A] 9 years ago

please use this price + drop rate list as reference when roleplaying

one sheet is the tracker/item count, the other is the price list.
[GM] T [A] 9 years ago

We have decided to NOT keep track of your characters' gold count. We simply ask you to roleplay reasonably to make it realistic. (Do keep in mind that we actually read through all your posts, so if your behavior is unfair it will result in EXP cut down and purchases not being granted etc.)

HOWEVER we are currently adding gold prices and the gold drop rate to the same spreadsheet that contains your item count, so please refer to the numbers there when calculating a purchase.
[post deleted by owner]
[GM] T [A] 9 years ago
[ UPDATED FAQ 01/11/ 2015 ]

added communication part;

- How does the chat room work? Can I talk to friends over long distance?
In DZ you will simpy communicate via talking. Depending on what mode you've set your speech, your words can reach different people. Right now, you have 3 different settings:

local: whatever you say will be audible to those around you; the range is determined by how loudly you are talking.
server: the words you say are transformed into text (with 95% accuracy) and will be shown as text message running on top of your vision field.
PM: similar to the server chat, your words are transformed into texts. a mail symbol will appear on screen that you can open the way you open the map.

- Is it possible to add friends? Do I have a friend list?
Yes. You can send other players friend requests (by saying "sending friend request to friends_username"; works in any mode of communication; works best if the other's username is spelled out) that the other party can accept or decline. If they accept, the other person will be added to your online list. You will be notified every time they log in to the game.
[GM] T [A] 9 years ago
we now have an FAQ that will be updated continuously.
[GM] Jun 9 years ago
AND WE ARE OPEN TO ROLEPLAY! You may go ahead and post in the IN-GAME rooms which have been opened for you. Please remember to check out this announcement for a few key reminders and information before posting: . It would also be wise to regularly check the updates room for changes and helpful information. Please ask an admin if you have any questions.
C유☥ milktea_princess [A] 9 years ago
please do read the newest announcement in regard of the official opening. you will find a few reminders there, so please make sure you have those basic roleplaying principles for this rp memorized as that will facilitate the admins' work here. thank you everyone for anticipating. we do hope to make lots of great experiences and memories through this roleplay.
[GM] Jun 9 years ago
Tomorrow we'll be opening finally! Around 3pm GMT+1 / 9am GMT-6. Thank everyone for their patience and endurance while waiting for us to begin. The in-game rooms will be enabled for postings then as well. Hope to see you all in the game soon!
[GM] T [A] 9 years ago
sorry for the inconvenience, but admins will be busy this weekend,
so we'll have to postpone the rp's opening by a week ;u;
it's on the 30th now, probably in the evening around 7-8PM GMT+2 / CEST
[GM] T [A] 9 years ago

your character will only lose EXP when they die in case you're B or a higher rank.
also, if you kill another player, you can steal some of their gold (but not their items).
[GM] T [A] 9 years ago
[ 20/10/2015 ]

[GM] T [A] 9 years ago

- for drops from boss monsters, the drop system has been altered slightly (for your advantage) as the drops will be - if the item would be for certain ranks - the same rank as the boss monster instead of being determined by a dice roll
- introduction of item slots. every player has 30 item slots.

you can read the updated info here
[GM] T [A] 9 years ago

monsters are getting ranks now. in general, the monsters are ranked whatever is shown in the room. however, when boss monsters appear, they are one rank higher up. boss monsters rarely appear, but usually when they do, a game notice will be sent.

(meaning a GM will send boss monsters when they feel like bullying you xoxo)

the changes will be implemented asap; starter's guide will be edited in the monster section accordingly.
[GM] T [A] 9 years ago

IN GAME room postings are disabled for the time being to not cause confusion.
you can start roleplaying on walls and in the OFF GAME rooms (grouped under OTHER ROOMS).
the roleplay will most likely open on 24th, but please do check this room to confirm.

on a side note: we have three GMs
when you are later rping IN GAME each GM supervises a certain area.

[GM] T - Dwyrain + Ipar
[GM] Jun - Nótia + Zapad
[GM] Ara - Tidrea
[GM] T [A] 9 years ago

the roleplay is not officially opened yet.
please do not roleplay IN GAME (any of the kingdoms or tidrea).
feel free to plot with others and start playing OFF GAME though.
please only use the rooms grouped under OOC & INFO and OTHER ROOMS for now.
thank you.
C유☥ milktea_princess [A] 9 years ago

the setting is now South Korea to allow better interaction OFF GAME
as it would be difficult to have people all around the world trying to meet up and be friends in real life.
[GM] T [A] 9 years ago

- applications are open
- official opening on october 24th
- until then everyone can roam around, plot and roleplay OFF GAME
- IN GAME roleplaying starts on october 24th after it has been officially opened by an admin
C유☥ milktea_princess [A] 9 years ago

item list will be updated on this spreadsheet.

roleplayers are free to keep count of their items on their own profile or can simply rely on the admins' item list.

purchases need to be accepted by an NPC (admin).


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citylights 9 years ago
RedHeaven is going... :(
Von--- 9 years ago
I apologise for the inactivity. Black-Jack will be taking his leave.
eraserhead 9 years ago
Hamburger/Hanbin left, it took me some time to find my muse until I realized I've actually lost it, lol. I will be busy because of school and my new roleplay too. I promise I will return once I have the time for everything. Good luck guys, Dhana Zamina is awesome, don't let anything hold you back from joining!
RedNightingale 9 years ago
This rp has such an awesome concept but I fear bby_noob has to leave since I am still in so much rl stress that I have barely time to properly rp anymore ;_; I don't wanna take a spot someone else might make better use of but maybe I'll have time in the future and then I'll make sure to come back!
reves-moi 9 years ago
Classick will be leaving o m o I really love this rp, but I've lost my muse for my character and I've been busy with other rps as well ^^ I will come back though, when I have the time. Will keep the rp favourited and upvoted. Wish you the best for the rp o/
teratophobia 9 years ago
Sorry. ;A; error404 (Changkyun) had to leave due to me being really busy but also having lost my muse for this character. T^T I'm really /really/ sorry! Thanks for having me! ;u;
citylights 9 years ago
Face claim: BTS Park Jimin
Username: RedHeaven
In game gender: m
In game race: Dwyrain
In game class: Archer
Off game bio: [in replies]
fragrance [A] 9 years ago
[STATS] 09/11/2015

OG gender: 10 males / 8 females
IG gender: 11 males / 7 females
IG classes: 5 archers, 6 magicians, 5 knights, 2 priests
IG races: 5 dwyrainians, 5 iparians, 5 nótians, 3 zapadians
-soldxr 9 years ago
Face claim : ikon's bobby (kim jiwon)
Username : illionare
In game gender : male
In game race : dwyrain
In game class : archer
Off game background : will post it in the replies []
fragrance [A] 9 years ago
[UPDATED STATS] 02/11/2015

OG gender: 9 males / 9 females
IG gender: 10 males / 8 females
IG classes: 4 archers, 6 magicians, 6 knights, 2 priests
IG races: 4 dwyrainians, 5 iparian, 6 nótian, 3 zapadian
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