
Last post 9 years ago


This roleplay is set in South Korea in the year 2050 where Virtual Realities are the newest trends in the gaming industry. To play these games, you need a gear (a body suit with a helmet) that will take you to the Game Verse once connected to the internet and logged in the game. Your physical body stays where it is, but instead of the room you are in, you see the Virtual World of whatever game you are playing, you hear whatever sounds are made in the Virtual World, you smell, feel and taste everything there is. You move around in the Virtual World, but it is all just in your head, so your physical body does not move along. That means that when being injured in the game, your physical body will not be injured, but you do feel part of the pain, making those games appear real.

By joining this roleplay, you play your face claim (Asian/Western idol/singer/actor/celebrity) who participates in the game. Your IN GAME appearance will be as described in the countries page, whereas in real life (OFF GAME) your character looks like your face claim.

Dhana zamina has just been released and is therefore only available to play in South Korea.

Note: It is important to get an understanding of IN GAME, OFF GAME and OOC. When we say IN GAME we mean your video game character, OFF GAME means the idol/face claim and OOC is YOU as the roleplayer behind IN GAME and OFF GAME characters.

Also, do remember that you do NOT know any other gamer's real name or face claim, unless you have agreed/plotted for your characters to be real life friends/siblings etc. that know of each other's gaming persona. That also means you can never know if a female character IN GAME is also female OFF GAME, but of course you are free to make assumptions. The safest bet is to refer to another gamer by their IN GAME gender unless they tell you otherwise.



1) This is a literate roleplay. All roleplay posts must be written in 3rdpov and para, 120+ words each (about 7 lines on desktop; 14 lines on mobile), not counting OOC.
Since IN GAME posts give you points that determine your rank (bonus points can be gained through events + killing boss monsters), you can split posts that are 250+ words long. Just make sure that every part is 120+ words long. Also a series of posts should be marked as such in OOC to avoid confusion (Tip: use this website to count your post's length).
Please take note that you can roleplay in only ONE IN GAME ROOM at a time. Feel free to roleplay in other OFF GAME ROOMS and on walls and PM simultanously though.
Also, when using an IN GAME ROOM and changing to another, please do take a look at the map first to see if it is possible to reach that place from the area you are currently in, and please add an OOC note saying where you are heading to next.

2) Standard rules of other roleplays apply here, too. That means no godmodding, no OOC drama and no bashing in OOC either. Your characters are free to cause drama IN GAME and OFF GAME though.

3) All orientations (straight//yuri etc.) are accepted. is only allowed in OFF GAME rooms and walls/PMs.

4) In this roleplay it is important to pay attention to the admins' instructions. Please keep checking the game status & updates room frequently and before posting in an IN GAME room as we might freeze or unfreeze IN GAME rooms at times. When disagreeing with an admin, we ask for politeness. We are human, too, so we might make mistakes, but we will do our best to be fair to everyone.

5) Activity is set for 14 days. Inactive roleplayers might be removed during sporadic activity checks or when other people want to apply for their face claim. To prevent that, please notify us about your hiatus (up to 30 days) in the game status & update room.

6) If you want to change your username or face claim you will have to start anew. Your video game character will not continue on the same rank as your old one but as a novice instead. You can have up to two additional characters using the same face claim if you wish, but please bear in mind that those start off as novice as well and you CANNOT roleplay several at the same time. You need to log off the game before your OFF GAME character can change to another IN GAME character.
Second OFF GAME characters (face claim must be from a different idol group than your first one) will be allowed if you are an active roleplayer.

7) IN GAME killing is allowed. Please bear in mind that every video game character that dies will be resurrected. There is no such thing as game over.

8) Admins will copy and paste your application to your profile. Feel free to add any additional info or use a layout (we recommend to keep the layout clean and simple).
Admins will keep your official item and gold count updated on this spreadsheet to avoid cheating. Feel free to keep count of your items on your profile as well. The price list and gold drop rates of monsters can be found on the second page of the spreadsheet. Please use that as reference.

9) Last but not least, please bear in mind that points will be deducted if you are not following the rules or when your behavior is unfair towards others (god modding, spam posts to gain points etc.). If there are things unclear to you though, please do not hesitate to ask an admin/GM for help. Besides that, we also have an faq that might facilitate your understanding of the roleplay and its details.



Before applying we kindly ask you to carefully read the beginner's guide as it gives you an insight to the game used for this roleplay. Also, do favorite the roleplay before joining. Upvotes are optional but loved.

We do not reserve any characters. If two people want to use the same face claim, the one who has posted the application in the comment section first will get the role (as long as the application below is filled out properly). Once your application is accepted we will add your character and notify you.

  • face claim (group's name + idol/soloist/actor/ulzzang's name; western face claims allowed; check the list of face claims in use here)
  • username (this will be displayed as your character's name; all letters a-z, A-Z, numbers 0-9, _ and - are allowed; no obscenities, no swear words, no offensive names)
  • IN GAME gender (m/f; doesn't have to be the same gender as your face claim)
  • IN GAME race (choose from here)
  • IN GAME class (choose from here)
  • character's OFF GAME background (writing sample; please prove literacy; 150+++ words; the following questions serve as sugestions, so feel free to write more or skip some)
    • how old are they? where are they living? what is their occupation?
    • why are they playing this game?
    • why are they choosing this race/class? etc.
    • if they are not Korean, why do they live in Korea?


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citylights 9 years ago
RedHeaven is going... :(
Von--- 9 years ago
I apologise for the inactivity. Black-Jack will be taking his leave.
eraserhead 9 years ago
Hamburger/Hanbin left, it took me some time to find my muse until I realized I've actually lost it, lol. I will be busy because of school and my new roleplay too. I promise I will return once I have the time for everything. Good luck guys, Dhana Zamina is awesome, don't let anything hold you back from joining!
RedNightingale 9 years ago
This rp has such an awesome concept but I fear bby_noob has to leave since I am still in so much rl stress that I have barely time to properly rp anymore ;_; I don't wanna take a spot someone else might make better use of but maybe I'll have time in the future and then I'll make sure to come back!
reves-moi 9 years ago
Classick will be leaving o m o I really love this rp, but I've lost my muse for my character and I've been busy with other rps as well ^^ I will come back though, when I have the time. Will keep the rp favourited and upvoted. Wish you the best for the rp o/
teratophobia 9 years ago
Sorry. ;A; error404 (Changkyun) had to leave due to me being really busy but also having lost my muse for this character. T^T I'm really /really/ sorry! Thanks for having me! ;u;
citylights 9 years ago
Face claim: BTS Park Jimin
Username: RedHeaven
In game gender: m
In game race: Dwyrain
In game class: Archer
Off game bio: [in replies]
fragrance [A] 9 years ago
[STATS] 09/11/2015

OG gender: 10 males / 8 females
IG gender: 11 males / 7 females
IG classes: 5 archers, 6 magicians, 5 knights, 2 priests
IG races: 5 dwyrainians, 5 iparians, 5 nótians, 3 zapadians
-soldxr 9 years ago
Face claim : ikon's bobby (kim jiwon)
Username : illionare
In game gender : male
In game race : dwyrain
In game class : archer
Off game background : will post it in the replies []
fragrance [A] 9 years ago
[UPDATED STATS] 02/11/2015

OG gender: 9 males / 9 females
IG gender: 10 males / 8 females
IG classes: 4 archers, 6 magicians, 6 knights, 2 priests
IG races: 4 dwyrainians, 5 iparian, 6 nótian, 3 zapadian
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