Ariostia Mountains

A series of mountains found in Zapad that contain a large number of the kingdom's wealth. Aside from the mines, it's the second largest income source for those in Zapad allowing many to be blacksmith and focus on trade.

A tamyog large dragon like creatures that often are greedy and not friendly. if you get uncomfortably close to them they attack on sight and often are found protecting treasures.
N yoeong pixie like creatures that despite their small size can be quite dangerous. they shoot toxic spit and often are known for ruining weapons and armors.
B ppeun large stone like creatures that appear to be stone figures built by early Zapadians to protect their lands. they're slow and stupid but very strong.
B holang appearing much like tigers, they're giant feline predators who hunt in the mountains for other creatures and people. they're fickle and moody, often attacking without cause.
[GM] Jun 9 years ago
[ posts checked. ]
C웃➶ monggus_dad 9 years ago
When he comes towards the edge of the mountains he sighs deeply contemplating whether he wants to try to go through the river. There wasn’t many strong monsters but the one that lays there is strong enough to cause problems for Jongin. Not to mention they have the ability to lure his character in without a thing Jongin could do. So he opts instead to teleport. He has already pushed his luck traveling through the mountain without any insurmountable difficulties and doesn’t want to continue to do so. He pulls out his stone figuring it was a reasonable distance he could travel and murmurs, “ Renivohitra.” before he fades into pixels and his avatar is zapped towards the destination he wishes to go.
C웃➶ monggus_dad 9 years ago
He knows people can sell things to other players and npc vendors but it didn’t seem very lucrative. Of course the first thing on his mind in the game already was show to quickly earn cash. Even if he if he was rich then he could stock up on potions. The gaming system alerts him of holangs lurking nearby their body heat caught on his sensor map of the area since he’s so close to one. He carefully avoids it not wanting a repeat of him fighting off level B monsters with rocks and his fists. He has a feeling that wouldn’t work and he would be forced to teleport to where he’s meeting Sehun at. Jongin goes around where they’re located making himself be more quiet than he had before. His pace is quick and steady but he can only go so fast in this form wishing silently he would have chosen the race he had thought would work better: Notian.
C웃➶ monggus_dad 9 years ago
Tracking up then down the mountain is uneventful without the regular spotting of those damn pixie monsters. He would complain about it but he much rather face a thousand pixies than anything ranked higher than him. If they’re easy enough for him to kill rather they’re more bothersome than they are lethal - he can only imagine what he would be like to something of higher rank than he is. He would be quashed like a bug. With a heavy sigh he moves forward wondering how long in-game travel typically took by foot. It didn’t seem like weeks worth of time but it was surely not a short distance. Jongin wonders if there are crafts each player can learn because that would be a nice attribute to consider if he wanted to earn money.
C웃➶ monggus_dad 9 years ago
It seems easy enough for him since the only struggle is the mountains for him as he calculates the distance Princess has to go and from what she has to pass if she goes by foot. Princess has to go from Rithos Peak, most likely across the desert, then head to the river. It’s not entirely too bad but Jongin feels lucky he can just ride up the river hopefully if he stays far enough away from the river he won’t find any monsters lurking about. Pushing his hair back he moves forward carefully to avoid the high peaks of the mountain not wanting to encounter anything seemingly unpleasant. It would be a shame to die and start back at Pilseta - shamefully having to admit to Princess he had died.
C웃➶ monggus_dad 9 years ago
It does the trick because soon the pixies are fading pixels and there is a modest pile of coins. But nothing he can do any serious work with. He collects them and surveys the damage. Thankfully they were small enough to not do anything major but eventually he’ll have to take care of it if he doesn’t want to progressively lose health points. Tugging the rucksack with his things he opens the map in his screen figuring the distance and places he would have to get to Renivohitra City from where he’s at. Unlike Princess once he gets far enough out of the mountains he can just catch a ride on the river to the center of Ipar until he reaches the city.
C웃➶ monggus_dad 9 years ago
Basic level N - like himself. Their power is only in their numbers and their acidity. He feels rocks under his finger tips and gets an idea. He doesn’t have any weapons so he’ll make due with what’s around him. He launches forward to smash the small pixies between the two rocks in his dwarves hands as they scramble to get out of his way. He does it again and again hearing the chime of small dropped coins not expecting much from a monster like this. However their numbers do overwhelm him as they annoying buzz around him like flies and he feels the burn of their acid touching him. Thankfully he has no armor they can ruin but it also means he grows more sluggish than before dropping the rocks and moving to dismember their limbs with his hands.
C웃➶ monggus_dad 9 years ago
The mountains are high and hard to climb. Though physically Jongin isn’t the one doing the work himself he still feels the strain through the game’s stimulator as his dwarf moves. He’s cautious because he knows his luck he might encounter a tamyog. But the likelihood isn’t there since they guard their treasures. So long as Jongin doesn’t move too closely towards them he’s safe. But he had forgotten how annoying yoeongs could he. He curses when he sees the the hovering cloud of pixies coming towards him a moment right before they attack. The first shooting of spit has him rolling out of the way despite his staggered movements he somehow manages to miss the spray of toxicons. They’re weak, he reminds himself.


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citylights 9 years ago
RedHeaven is going... :(
Von--- 9 years ago
I apologise for the inactivity. Black-Jack will be taking his leave.
eraserhead 9 years ago
Hamburger/Hanbin left, it took me some time to find my muse until I realized I've actually lost it, lol. I will be busy because of school and my new roleplay too. I promise I will return once I have the time for everything. Good luck guys, Dhana Zamina is awesome, don't let anything hold you back from joining!
RedNightingale 9 years ago
This rp has such an awesome concept but I fear bby_noob has to leave since I am still in so much rl stress that I have barely time to properly rp anymore ;_; I don't wanna take a spot someone else might make better use of but maybe I'll have time in the future and then I'll make sure to come back!
reves-moi 9 years ago
Classick will be leaving o m o I really love this rp, but I've lost my muse for my character and I've been busy with other rps as well ^^ I will come back though, when I have the time. Will keep the rp favourited and upvoted. Wish you the best for the rp o/
teratophobia 9 years ago
Sorry. ;A; error404 (Changkyun) had to leave due to me being really busy but also having lost my muse for this character. T^T I'm really /really/ sorry! Thanks for having me! ;u;
citylights 9 years ago
Face claim: BTS Park Jimin
Username: RedHeaven
In game gender: m
In game race: Dwyrain
In game class: Archer
Off game bio: [in replies]
fragrance [A] 9 years ago
[STATS] 09/11/2015

OG gender: 10 males / 8 females
IG gender: 11 males / 7 females
IG classes: 5 archers, 6 magicians, 5 knights, 2 priests
IG races: 5 dwyrainians, 5 iparians, 5 nótians, 3 zapadians
-soldxr 9 years ago
Face claim : ikon's bobby (kim jiwon)
Username : illionare
In game gender : male
In game race : dwyrain
In game class : archer
Off game background : will post it in the replies []
fragrance [A] 9 years ago
[UPDATED STATS] 02/11/2015

OG gender: 9 males / 9 females
IG gender: 10 males / 8 females
IG classes: 4 archers, 6 magicians, 6 knights, 2 priests
IG races: 4 dwyrainians, 5 iparian, 6 nótian, 3 zapadian
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