— two truths and a lie

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two truths and a lie
Two Truths and a Lie is a classic icebreaker for situations in which you want to people to get to know each other better. Each person takes turns saying two truths and one lie. The fun is trying to figure out what is the lie!

Explain to all players that they need to come up with three statements about themselves. Two are required to be true, and one must be a lie. The order doesn’t matter.

Have the first player say all three statements. The rest of the players guess and vote which one is the lie. After the voting process, the player reveals which one is actually the lie. The game continues in the same manner until all players share their statements.
bona(r) 8 years ago
mine c:


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Queen_Riri 8 years ago
Xiao left.
699ac74553fb078b324e 8 years ago
wei gotta dip.
pitapat 8 years ago
shiah is leaving sorry
neutrali 8 years ago
Jin left.
Thanks for having me here tho.
b2db8fe822e266277863 8 years ago
iu is leaving
thank you for having me here
it was fun while it lasted
good luck! :)
chipsmore 8 years ago
sojin left
e7a5825fd26496badd51 8 years ago
jennie left o/
hixtape 8 years ago
thanks fam
i just cant find my muse
junhoes 8 years ago
heart emoji here < 3
bleached 8 years ago
a&r bp's jisoo jsy
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