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Once the the player going first has been determined, he or she texts his or her opponent a series of underscores representing the amount of letters in the chosen word. The other player then responds with a letter he or she believes might be in the word. If the guess is correct, the player who chose the initial word replies with the underscores, this time filling in the correctly-guessed letters. If the guess is wrong, the player who chose the initial word replies with the number of guesses that remain based upon the rules specified prior to beginning the game. The game is over when either the correctly guessed or no guesses remain. We recommend beginning your guesses with strictly vowels or some of most commonly found letters in the English dictionary (e, t, a, o, i, n, s, h, r, d, l, and u).
Example: It’s been determined that you are to choose the first letter and you’ve chosen “jazz” as your first word. Your text would therefore consist of four underscores indicated the four letters in the word (” _ _ _ _”), to which your opponent would reply with a letter. If he or she correctly guessed the letter “a,” you would respond with “_ a _ _,” but if he or she guess incorrectly, you would likely respond with “four guesses remain” or something along those lines. The game would continue back and forth until your opponent correctly guessed the word or subsequently ran out of guesses.
Example: It’s been determined that you are to choose the first letter and you’ve chosen “jazz” as your first word. Your text would therefore consist of four underscores indicated the four letters in the word (” _ _ _ _”), to which your opponent would reply with a letter. If he or she correctly guessed the letter “a,” you would respond with “_ a _ _,” but if he or she guess incorrectly, you would likely respond with “four guesses remain” or something along those lines. The game would continue back and forth until your opponent correctly guessed the word or subsequently ran out of guesses.