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20 questions
Think of 20 questions that you want to ask your playmate. they will also think of 20 questions. You two can take turns asking each other questions from your list.
20 Questions is a classic get to know each other game which makes it the perfect game to play if you want to get to know a lot about your playmate in a direct (but fun) way! Even though it can be tempting to try to know all of their life and deep dark secrets, make sure that most of your questions are light-hearted and won’t make them uncomfortable!
It’s a classic game of deductive reasoning and quick-hit creativity, requiring no more than two people and as little or as much time as the players set. The premise is simple: one person chooses an object or person while the other attempts to guess it in 20 questions or less. Once the subject is chosen, the opposite player sends a series of questions, ideally narrowing down the subject through the responding yes-or-no answers.
Example — Say you’ve chosen Morgan Freeman as your subject. The player opposite you may ask, “are you an animal?” You would respond negatively and they would move on to another question, such as “are you a human being?” Considering you’re Morgan Freeman, you would reply with “yes.” The game continues in a similar manner until the player guesses the correct answer or surpasses 20 questions, whichever comes first. Morgan Freeman is far too easy. Pick something harder.
Think of 20 questions that you want to ask your playmate. they will also think of 20 questions. You two can take turns asking each other questions from your list.
20 Questions is a classic get to know each other game which makes it the perfect game to play if you want to get to know a lot about your playmate in a direct (but fun) way! Even though it can be tempting to try to know all of their life and deep dark secrets, make sure that most of your questions are light-hearted and won’t make them uncomfortable!
It’s a classic game of deductive reasoning and quick-hit creativity, requiring no more than two people and as little or as much time as the players set. The premise is simple: one person chooses an object or person while the other attempts to guess it in 20 questions or less. Once the subject is chosen, the opposite player sends a series of questions, ideally narrowing down the subject through the responding yes-or-no answers.
Example — Say you’ve chosen Morgan Freeman as your subject. The player opposite you may ask, “are you an animal?” You would respond negatively and they would move on to another question, such as “are you a human being?” Considering you’re Morgan Freeman, you would reply with “yes.” The game continues in a similar manner until the player guesses the correct answer or surpasses 20 questions, whichever comes first. Morgan Freeman is far too easy. Pick something harder.