Kwon House (Jiyong and Ryosuke)

♣ Yamada Ryosuke 6 years ago
@♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) There was a closeness that had developed with his master that Ryosuke certainly hadn't been expecting, having simply planned on making some money before eventually returning to Japan. However in all fairness he hadn't known he would be taking care of someone like Jiyong- someone who didn't treat him like an animal to boss around and expect to cater to their every whim. Which... well it was something he did for him however Jiyong was never rude and when he did want something slightly awkward he was always kind in his mannerisms. In fact it was why he was so quick to offer additional help without being told, ensuring the tea was close enough that he could sip whenever he wanted.

"I can help don't worry alight... we don't need any further strain on your ankle that's not going to be good for you". With a light scorn in his voice the male was worried that his master would attempt to do too much by himself; knowing full well how the male could be when determined to undertake tasks by himself. Brushing his hair back he soon grabbed the pants and nibbled his own lip, not having realized that the tattoos actually extended down to the man's legs. Usually when he helped bathe him the lotions would keep his lower half covered but as it happened Ryosuke had always been a fan of body art; figuring they suited Jiyong quite nicely. "Raise your hips a little". Near kneeling on the bed he carefully shimmied the pants along his masters legs, not wanting to touch him inappropriately as he carefully pulled them over his crotch.
♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) [A] 6 years ago
@♣ Yamada Ryosuke Jiyong closed his eyes at the butler’s touch, glad by how the other had become more receptive to physical intimacy, even being the one to begin it. After agreeing to see the doctor the same night, he watched the younger male quickly send the message, startled by his efficiency. The master was lucky for having someone so caring and competent by his side and was fully aware of it. As Ryosuke turned to make the tea, Ji yearned for his touch again. However, right after the sweet smell of roses invaded the bedroom, making the master eager to drink the tea, so it wouldn’t be bad to wait a little.

The master pulled off the blanket when the other approached him holding the pajamas. “Sure”, he replied instantly, supposing it would be hard to put on the bottom clothes by himself. However, when he was about to untie the robe’s knot, Jiyong hesitated. That was unusual, but he was embarrassed. Sooman, the previous butler, saw him more than once and that was no big deal. Maybe it was because the old butler bathed him since he was a baby? Or maybe because Ryosuke was young… and hot? Anyway, after a short moment of pondering, Ji finally took off the robe, becoming completely . His body was full of tattoos, from his back to his hand to his legs, and now all of them were open to view. “This I can put on by myself”, he said grabbing the shirt. “But I need your help for the rest”.
♣ Yamada Ryosuke 6 years ago
@♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) With a soft cooing noise Ryosuke continued brushing his fingers through the elder males hair, not wanting to make him seem babied but wanting to offer as much comfort as possible. After all he truly did appreciate the master and he enjoyed being around him, wanting to ensure he was both healthy and happy at the same time. Tipping his head to one side he was pleased when his offer was accepted, quick to send a message to the doctor as he had him on standby the entire time he was conversing with him.

With a delicate look Ryosuke turned to make him the infused tea knowing exactly how the male liked it- having made them more than enough to know just how much to let them brew. "That's fine I can make some for you now... and you don't have to worry about sleeping uncomfortably whilst I'm still around I would ensure you were kept comfortable". Helping him settle against the cushions he soon grabbed some clean clothes for the elder, holding them against his chest as he eyed his prone figure laying in front of them. "Would you like me to help you dress?".
♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) [A] 6 years ago
@♣ Yamada Ryosuke “Hm”, he let out with a slight frown. “You’re right.” Jiyong was obviously annoyed just by the thought of having to wait for the doctor, but Ryosuke had a point and it’d be foolish to complain more. Now that his foot was already properly bandaged, there were less risk of moving it too much and getting more hurt, so got under the blankets by himself, covering his entire body but the head.
The butler’s words were so kind that his bad mood didn’t last long. “Yes, please”, he replied happily to the other's offer. The idea of being spoiled - even more than he already was - made him think that even a hurt ankle could have its good side. “I would probably have slept inside the bathtub. Not exactly a comfortable place to sleep”, he said with a laugh, trying to make the mood lighter as the other seemed worried. Then, he grabbed the remote control on the nightstand to turn on the TV, but suddenly turned back to Ryosuke before choosing a channel. “Before leaving, could you please bring me my underwear and pajamas? I’m still under the robe, you know”, even though he was already confident enough to make small movements, going as far as to the closet seemed like a little too much considering the room's size.
[post deleted by owner]
♣ Yamada Ryosuke 7 years ago
@♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) "I know you want to sleep but if he comes now you could have a lie in tomorrow morning? Not to mention it might swell overnight and by fixing the issue right now you won't have to deal with unnecessary pain- I'm sure the doctor would appreciate being able to advise you in the beginning of this situation". His voice both soothing and gentle Ryosuke didn't want to pressure the elder male into accepting his premise of having the doctor come quickly- but alas he truly was worried as to the implications of leaving it for too long. If he were to take a guess he would say the injury was a sprain and would likely feel better with some rest and pain medication. But when it came to the master of the household he was hardly going to risk guessing his health- not wanting him to suffer any injuries due to his own negligence.

"I'll call the doctor and make you some rose infused tea hmm? That will keep you awake for a little longer and should hopefully motivate your healing. I could even bring you a couple of treats if you wanted- you did take a nasty fall after all". As always his voice was gentle as he spoke with the man truly having come to care for his well being, practically taking care of everything when it came to Jiyong. "I'm simply glad I was able to help you- I can't imagine what might have happened had I not been able to hear your call".
♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) [A] 7 years ago
@♣ Yamada Ryosuke Just by feeling the cold ointment on his skin Jiyong already got relieved, not to mention Ryosuke gentle movements that helped to shake off the pain. “Only if the doctor is available now, I don't want to wait much”, he said letting his childish side out. Of course taking care of his health was more important than sleeping a few hours more, but the master could be very irresponsible at times. He didn't even consider that the next day his ankle could get worse, he wanted to sleep and that was all he thought about. To balance his immaturity it was essential to have someone more responsible by his side to lead him the right way and make up for his mistakes. At that point he hadn't noticed yet, but he had already become completely dependent on Ryosuke, calling his help even for minor problems. The attachment Jiyong had for the other was quickly exceeding work boundaries to an emotional extent, what could be defined as need for attention and company since the butler was the person he spent more time with.
As Ryosuke finished wrapping the bandages, Jiyong looked at him with a jokingly smile. “Seems like I don't only have a butler, but also a nurse”, he said in a slightly mocking tone, but not meaning any harm. “You are good at it”. It was just his way of giving a compliment.
♣ Yamada Ryosuke 7 years ago
@♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) [] Oh goodness please don't apologize ^^ It's no problem <3

With a gentle look Ryosuke ensured he had his arms ready to catch the male at all times, not wishing to injure the elder any more than he blatantly was. After all the master was one of the kinder people he had met, aware that not all treated their butlers with the kindness he often expressed. For that reason he held warmth for Jiyong and would often go out of his way to ensure his comfort, mainly allowing physical affection when he would usually shy away from such instances. Once he had tucked away his hair he delicately laid out the bandages, soon using light fingers to caress and rub the ointment into the tender skin. Glad he had thought ahead to bring such things as he didn't want the man in any prolonged pain, only wrapping the ankle and foot when he was sure he'd coated every inch of his flesh. "Are you sure you'll be alright for the night? I could ring for the doctor now and see if he could make a late visit..".
♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) [A] 7 years ago
@♣ Yamada Ryosuke (Sorry for taking so long, I was coming here to keep the rp alive but took a hiatus from rping)

Holding Ryosuke’s hand, Jiyong slowly stood up, being careful not to put too much weight on the hurt ankle. Getting out of the tub was quite a challenge since he had to jump over the border, but with the butler’s help he was able to keep his balance, even if still with some pain. You never notice how everyday things can be hard until you become partially debilitated. Finally standing, he slid his hands on the robe to make sure it was in place and not crumpled, when he felt the other touching his hair. He was confused at first, but then noticed that his hair must be a mess since the didn’t brush it after the bath. “Thanks…”, he said, thinking he was lucky for having such a gentle and careful butler by his side. Ji pretty much hopped until the bedroom, feeling relieved when he reached the bed and sat on it. While waiting for Ryosuke to grab the bandages, he stretched out his legs, comparing both ankles. Looking at them side by side, his left, injured ankle was obviously swollen. Even so, for now he just wanted to be able to rest and forget about the injury until the next day when he’d go to the doctor.
♣ Yamada Ryosuke 7 years ago
@♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) With a gentle look the silver haired male soon sighed and waited for the elder to shrug on the robe, feeling terrible that the male had to feel such pain and embarrassment. Assuming that he most certainly hadn't planned on doing such a thing, especially as he had evidently been unprepared for such a situation. The butler however merely gave his uttermost respect and fondness when helping the other male, lightly holding out his hands while he helped the other with standing and leaning upwards. Not wanting to risk hurting him further as he knew how much such a thing could hurt, having hurt his foot a few months before. "That's fine I can take care of you the best that I can". With a soft chuckle he helped him from the tub and soon ran his fingers through the males hair, ensuring it was smoothed back and not sticking up in an unattractive way. Leading him into the bedroom and mentioning for the male to take a seat on the bed, grabbing some bandages and soothing cream.
♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) [A] 7 years ago
(Sorry for deleting, there was a typo)
♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) [A] 7 years ago
@♣ Yamada Ryosuke Jiyong turned his gaze to Ryosuke slowly, his face blushing due to the embarrassing situation. He was used to making others feel embarrassed for the circumstances he put them in, but it wasn’t fun when he was the one who was uncomfortable. However, the sight of Ryosuke was a relief. Being stuck in an odd place without being able to move was agonizing, the butler that he saw every day suddenly seemed like a savior. “I’m tired, I’ll go to the doctor tomorrow morning”, he replied with a slight frown on his face. “For now I’d rather have my ankle bandaged by you.” As Ryosuke placed the robe over his shoulders, Jiyong slid his arms inside the sleeves and knotted it in the front, but it was still messy and crumpled on the sides since he couldn’t stand up to dress it properly. “Thank you”, he said while his expression turned into a discreet smile. “You can treat my ankle after we go to the bedroom. I don’t want to stay inside the bathtub anymore”, the master said with a subtle laugh, reaching out his arm in the butler’s direction in a way of asking for help.
[post deleted by owner]
♣ Yamada Ryosuke 7 years ago
@♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) [] No need to apologize <3

Ryosuke was silently fretting at the thought of the injuries his master might have sustained, hating to think of the male being seriously hurt or injured. Though he sometimes gave silly requests the teen did appreciate how welcoming and understanding the elder was, not fond of thinking him in such a position. Once hearing that he was decent he grabbed the robe lain across the ground, taking it inside the bathroom as his eyed quickly fell to his fallen employer. "Are you alright sir? Shall I phone for a doctor?". Aware that they needn't fret over such appointments he held out the robe and placed it across the males shoulders, more than ready to help him dress if he would feel comfortable with such a thing. Moving onto his knees he affixed his eyes to the swollen and bruised ankle, pity and concern lacing his every features as he couldn't imagine the pain he might have been in. "We have ointment that will help sir... I can also bandage it to ensure the throbbing doesn't worsen".
♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) [A] 7 years ago
@♣ Yamada Ryosuke (Sorry for the short reply)

“All I could grab was a towel nearby, but yes”, replied the helpless master, still inside the bathtub. In the meantime he waited for Ryosuke he could open the drain stopper and wrap a towel around his waist with much effort, but couldn’t stand up yet. Well, at least he wasn’t soaked wet anymore and not totally . However, that didn’t make the situation any less humiliating, making him feel like a child calling their mother after the shower. ‘If I only could grab my robe’, he thought looking at the garment at the other side of the bathroom, what meant a few meters away. For a moment he even wished that he had a small bathroom like middle-class people did, but at least he had a butler. “You can enter…”, Jiyong said shifting his gaze to the wall, too ashamed to face the other male. His ankle didn’t stop hurting even for a second, it became reddish and even a little swollen. The prospects weren’t good for him, who would probably need help for everything for a week or so, not to mention the need to go see a doctor to treat the injury.
♣ Yamada Ryosuke 7 years ago
@♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) Ryosuke had been spending his time buying groceries and cleaning the household while his master was away. Having been informed that he'd be spending the entirety of the day at his parents house he knew it was one of the only opportunities he'd have to completely tidy without having him around. Not that it was ever a problem seeing as Jiyong- shi would always do his uttermost to give him free access to the needed rooms, but he often found it rather awkward when he would directly have to ask the male to leave or enter a specific area of the mansion. As a result he had spent hour upon hour tidying and cleaning only having stopped when the master's car had pulled back into the driveway. Having quickly placed his utensils away he had made sure to greet him as he didn't want to appear as though he were slacking or being rude- having left the male shortly afterwards as he knew he liked to be independent unless he required his assistance for anything specific. In his own bedroom getting ready for bed he was startled to suddenly hear a loud noise throughout the house, quickly grabbing his phone when he heard the buzzing. The master being the only person with the number as he saw no reason to share it with anybody else, soon burrowing his brows in concern. Gasping for a second he stood and dashed towards the bathroom, not entering as he was unsure if he was decent. "Are you covered? Shall I come in?",
♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) [A] 7 years ago
@♣ Yamada Ryosuke It was already night and Jiyong had just gotten home after spending the whole day in his parents’ house to see other relatives that came to visit from other city. He had a good relationship with his family and enjoyed the time with them, but after talking and laughing the whole day all he wanted to was taking a warm bath and going to sleep. Inside the bathroom, he the spout of the bathtub and waited until it was full, exchanging messages with his friends through the cell phone to kill time and checking the water temperature once in a while. When the bath was finally ready, he took off his clothes and tossed them on the floor, heading to the tub afterwards. However, when he was getting inside, he tripped on the border and felt almost hitting his head on the wall. Luckily, he put his hands forward and avoided a more serious injury, but his ankle was hurting anyways. And a lot. Unable to stand up and get out of there, he decided to just take his bath hoping that the pain would go away. Then, he scrubbed his whole body with the sponge, washed his hair and relaxed in the warm water. And, as the time went by, the pain only seemed to get worse, to the point that he was afraid of trying to get out of the bathtub, falling again and get even more hurt. The only solution was calling the butler, the only male employee there at the moment and the one who had the key to every room of the house. “Ryosukeeeee!”, he screamed uselessly, considering that the mansion was huge and the probability of the butler hearing it was close to zero. So, the master sent him a message. “Ryosuke, save me (T__T) I’m stuck in the bathtub.”
♣ Yamada Ryosuke 7 years ago
@♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) [] I'll look forward to it!^^
♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) [A] 7 years ago
@♣ Yamada Ryosuke (I have an idea of how he could get hurt hehehe I'll post it soon)
♣ Yamada Ryosuke 7 years ago
@♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) - H [] Hehe Ryosuke will be running around trying to accomplish all his demands <3
♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) [A] 7 years ago
@♣ Yamada Ryosuke (Sounds good. I guess Jiyong would be better, he'd become even more demanding than usual. Yamada better prepare himself eue )
♣ Yamada Ryosuke 7 years ago
@♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) - H [Hmm perhaps Ryo or Jiyong could injure their ankle? So the other has to be more attentive towards them? Perhaps being there when they're hurt etc?
♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) [A] 7 years ago
@♣ Yamada Ryosuke (For Ji I think that positive genres fit more, like fluff and comedy. Maybe a little drama here and there, but nothing too heavy)
♣ Yamada Ryosuke 7 years ago
@♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) - H [] That's no problem I'm sure we can brainstorm something!
Are there any genre's you'd like to explore such as drama/angst/fluff etc?
♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) [A] 7 years ago
@♣ Yamada Ryosuke (I don't know, I'm kinda out of ideas now...)
♣ Yamada Ryosuke 7 years ago
@♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) - H [Yes I think it would be fun^^ Is there anything you'd want to move onto?]
♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) [A] 7 years ago
@♣ Yamada Ryosuke Jiyong’s restless mind was finally starting to calm down, he could already feel the sleepiness going back to him. The biggest factor for that was Ryosuke was accepting his touches, and the thought that they were getting closer made him happy, like an objective was finally starting to be completed. He still didn’t really know why he was so obsessed by getting the butler’s liking, but that night all he would do was enjoying every moment together. It had been a long time since he last slept with someone just for the company and not for ual reasons, what felt really good and relaxing. The master adjusted the body to snuggle Ryosuke, leaning his head against the butler’s shoulder. “Good night, Ryosuke”, he replied before closing his eyes with a soft smile.

(Should we start another plot?)
♣ Yamada Ryosuke 7 years ago
@♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) - H Seeing as he was facing the wall Ryosuke was able to smile without worry of being seen or caught a shimmer of pink reflected across his cheeks. After all his natural skin color was extremely pale and as a natural result he would often flush or turn red, especially when hearing those kinds of compliments. "Well I'm glad I dress better at least? Though I can hardly say I have a clue about fashion it's not something I've ever thought about". His voice remaining soft the younger had also closed his own eyes while he relaxed under the blanket, his body curled somewhat as the elder was flush against his back. With his fingers still delicately caressing his knuckles he hoped the gentle touches were welcome and accepted, soon enough feeling his hands being held and caressed in a delicate manner. His smile one of sheer shyness as he focused on the light hold, keeping his hands inside the males as his lashes brushed his own cheeks. "Goodnight master...".
♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) [A] 7 years ago
@♣ Yamada Ryosuke “Don’t worry about it”, Ji said squeezing Ryosuke’s body slightly for a brief moment. “You’re doing everything right, with a plus that you’re much more stylish.” He smiled remembering that Sooman would often question him about his choice of clothes, of course in a very polite way, and now his butler was a young guy who already had two different hair colors, both quite outstanding. Jiyong was about to close his eyes to try to sleep, after all that was the reason he summoned the butler to lie down with him. Also, the other must have been tired since he had his sleep interrupted. However, the master got startled feeling a soft touch on his fingers, in other words Ryosuke’s hands. The armor and weapons of the man who was always fast-forward and shameless instantly felt on the floor, leaving him defenseless. He wasn’t expecting that, so he didn’t know how to react. Until then the butler had always been very formal, so Ji was thinking that all their physical contact would be started by him… But now the other was willingly touching his hand? The master’s face assumed a light red tone, what was rather an uncommon sight. Still, he decided not to lose the chance and slid his fingers between Ryosuke’s, then closing them to hold his hand.
♣ Yamada Ryosuke 7 years ago
@♦ Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) - H [] No worries ^^ <3

Ryosuke was still floundering in the new responsibilities that covered his daily routine, not used to having someone around full time especially not when he was expected to cater and look after them. After all he had been one of the youngest in his home town and had become used to the near coddling methods of the women- though things had quickly changed once he'd grown up and realized how odd it truly was. He knew full well that he wasn't clicking with the master as quickly as he would have liked, wondering if the elder male even liked being around him as the blonde certainly wasn't fun or entertaining. But he had never shunned Jiyong as he knew full well how it felt to have a stranger in your home, wishing to make it as comfortable as he possibly could for the male. "It's a shame he had to leave but I'll certainly try my best to keep up to his standards". With the arms wrapped around his body the blonde soon brought up his hand to delicately brush his fingers against the elder males, wanting him to know he was still there. After all the man must have wanted him in his bed for a reason- perhaps he was feeling lonely?


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StormyThunderNight 5 years ago
since this place is closed and really quiet im going to leave (taeyang) thanks for the fun
tookawaii 5 years ago
jimin will be leaving
ukiyo_ [A] 6 years ago
Dean will be leaving. I'm sorry I really wanted to rp with you but I didn't have time to be on as often as I wanted. I hope we can still occasionally talk as friends though
Ayeong 6 years ago
Jaebum left, thanks for having me.~
gospel 6 years ago
mark dipped.
tart-torte 6 years ago
Hyunjoong left
Patotie 6 years ago
Tae dipped
af-hoseok 6 years ago
Jungkook bounced. Sorry.
gospel 6 years ago
i need semi-hiatus
NotSoGwiyomi 6 years ago
Godfrey has left
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