Kim House (Namjoon and Baekhyun)

♦ Kim Namjoon (Rap Monster) 6 years ago
@♣ Byun Baekhyun Hearing the list of languages and the university he hums softly, giving a slight nod of his head. "If you ever need help with English just let me know." he says with a smile. At the question about him he chuckles. "Actually, I graduated high school very early, and I didn't go to college immediately after. In the in-between time I was blogging a lot and then I was reading a lot of books. On my blog I would review the book I read and well, my reviews became really popular and sometimes I would be paid to review a book. At some point I just started writing and self published my first novel. It didn't go so well but I made my second novel that I went through a company this time except I used my online name which was associated with my reviews. Eventually I went to college for literature and English and here we are now." he says telling his story.

Hearing the hesitating question he waits for the question. "Instead of a butler, think of yourself as my personal assistant. And today there won't be much to do. If you want, you can Shadow Eunsa and see what goes on in the house, but she'll put you to work." he says chuckling as said woman nods in agreement. "But its more, I'm exhausted right now. I got hit by writers block for a while, so I was up all night finishing the last chapter of my next book." confesses.
♣ Byun Baekhyun 6 years ago
@♦ Kim Namjoon (Rap Monster) Not only was Namjoon a good listener, he also was good at making conversation. Baekhyun smiled shyly. "I study English, French, Japanese and Korean at the University of Tokyo," he listed, using his fingers as he went on. "I wish, by the end of the year, that I could speak the four fluently. "He paused, shaking his leg under the table. Was he talking too much about himself? "Can I ask about you? I wonder what kind of studies led you to a career in writing," he inquired politely. Old habits die hard, and Baekhyun felt it would take a certain time to really loosen up with Namjoon. The employer-employee concept was still very vivid in his mind.

Being told about the plans for the day, he nodded with a smile. "Sound good," he grinned. "But..." he looked at Eunsa, not wanting to express his thoughts the wrong way. "I'm a bit confused. I am a butler... and all I have to do today is to chill around with you?!" And to think he was paid for that sounded like the best thing ever. After the meal was finished, he thanked Eunsa and Namjoon again. He was all energetic and ready to go from his two cups of coffee.
♦ Kim Namjoon (Rap Monster) 6 years ago
@♣ Byun Baekhyun Hearing the other agree so quickly, has the other smiling though chuckled softly at seeing the other becoming embarrassed. Hearing that the male is a student he hums softly, "What language(s) are you studying?" he asks him curiously, "and which University do you go to?" he inquires, wanting to know more about the younger if he's going to Namjoon's assistant.

Seeing the newcomer clean his plate, Eunsa beams happily as she reaches for the cart she has next to her scooping seconds on to Baekhyun's plate. "Eat up." she says happily, always loving it when someone new enjoys the food she makes.

Namjoon hums softly as he thinks about what is going to happen today. Honestly, he wasn't so sure himself. "Today, is just getting to know the mansion and I'll introduce you to the people I work with. So basically its just an overview of what you'll be doing. Eunsa will also show you to your room, if you ever have to want to stay over, its free for you to use and anything else in the house when you're not on the job." Namjoon says as he too is given seconds when he finishes the first round, smiling brightly as he continues eating.
♣ Byun Baekhyun 6 years ago
@♦ Kim Namjoon (Rap Monster) "Alright Namjoon," Baekhyun said, his face enlightening immediately. Good news, this guy wasn't the uptight rich kid he thought he might have been. Turns out he actually was a lot more interesting than predicted, and even though he wouldn't want to jump the gun, he would totally see them being friends. "Oh geez," he laughed as he tapped the side of his hand that betrayed him. "I am," he nodded. "I study language, along with a few history courses I was interested in. Smooth semester so far."

If he wasn't in this opulent mansion, sitting in front of someone he just met - and technically at work - Baekhyun would have had seconds for this chicken stir-fry because it was just so out of this world. "I love coffee, thank you," Baekhyun said as he took a sip. He could get used to that. Chilling in the mansion with Namjoon, talking over coffee, and getting to know him a bit better. "So, Namjoon," Baekhyun started. "What are the plans for today?" He was now excited to know what his duties would be, and also eager to explore the gigantic house further. He's never been in a place like that, maybe excepted in his wildest dreams where it always ended by taking a dip in a giant pool, surrounded by palm trees and an enchanting garden. Indeed, Kim's House was quite the dream.
♦ Kim Namjoon (Rap Monster) 7 years ago
@♣ Byun Baekhyun  Namjoon smiles softly as he sits down across the other male. "Just call me Namjoon. Mr. Kim sounds weird." He says with a cheeky smile. "Also, instead of butler think of yourself more as my personal assistant." He says rubbing the back of his head. As the two chit chatted, getting to know each other, he heard the question about his books, "I do, and before I was a writer I blogged and review. I still do reviews and I blog when I have the time and energy to." He says with a smile. "What about you? It seems you had quite a bit of writing to do today." He says having noticed the snuffed pen. "You're a student right?"

While the two were chatting, Eunsa was finishing up lunch, a simple lunch of salad following a chicken stir-fry. Once everything finished, she takes it out to the parlor, serving it along with the coffee, "I hope you like coffee Baekhyun-ssi, if not just let me know and I'll whip up a quick pot of tea." She says with a smile hearing his repose before taking a seat next to Namjoon.
[post deleted by owner]
♣ Byun Baekhyun 7 years ago
@♦ Kim Namjoon (Rap Monster) Eunsa is absolutely charming, Baekhyun thought as he took a seat in the vast, bright and elegant room. He adjusted the golden cufflinks of his brand new shirtsleeves. There was something about that uniform that made him feel more confident about the job, whether or not it was an illusion. He wondered what kind of lunch they would be served, but mostly, if his manners would be judged as a test for this first encounter. With shock, he noticed the side of his right hand was stained with blue ink from his morning exam. He prayed the small imprinted characters wouldn't be noticed by his master. What kind of person was he, anyway?

Baekhyun bowed respectfully when Namjoon entered the room, smiling and holding out a welcoming hand. "Pleased to meet you Mr Kim," the young man replied. "My name is Byun Baekhyun. I will be your butler from now on." he smiled, his mind spinning with questions about this situation. What struck him in the first place was Namjoon's appearance : he looked pretty chill, after all. And young, too. Why would someone like him need a butler? Was this immense mansion his own property that he could afford as a writer or was it his parents'? Baekhyun suddenly felt like this job would be a piece of cake and that, after a few years of it, he could have his own mansion and butler too. The thought made him cheerful, and he decided to start a conversation. "I heard about your books, Mr Kim and I must say I'm quite impressed by your work," he commented. "Do you read a lot yourself?"
♦ Kim Namjoon (Rap Monster) 7 years ago
@♣ Byun Baekhyun Eunsa smiles when she sees the new arrival, giving a kind smile as they introduce themselves. Looking at the clock she catches the time. "Namjoon, will be done with his work soon actually. If you'll have a seat at the table, I'll have lunch ready shortly." she says leading the young male to the small parlor next to the kitchen which shows the view of the yard.

All morning Namjooned worked on the last chapter, having finalized it a couple hours ago now it was just editing. Once everything was good, he waits for the email to send and then waiting for a confirmation that his editor received it. Grinning to himself, he checks on the time noticing he kept to his table. Standing up, the man stretches out his stiff limbs, walking out of his office. Passing the kitchen, he sees Eunsa working away. "Is he here yet?" he asks her.

"He is, I figured you two can talk over lunch, he's waiting in the parlor now." Eunsa says finishing up the food. "Namjoon, tea or coffee?" she asks for a choice of beverage.

Namjoon nods, heading in the direction but pauses mid step at the question, "coffee." he answers, walking into the parlor and seeing the boy already there. Giving a smile, the male sits down. "Hello, I'm Namjoon." he says holding his hand out to the other for a handshake.
♣ Byun Baekhyun 7 years ago
@♦ Kim Namjoon (Rap Monster) Only a few minutes remain until the clock needle reaches noon, setting the end of the exam period. Baekhyun is meticulously reviewing his last answer of the test, the only one he's not one hundred percent sure about. What was the possible reason behind the ban of Christianity in Japan in the mid seventeenth century again? The words mingle in his mind. A war, was it? He recalls this thing about Japan's isolation. Pencils are scratching papers more hurriedly as time passes by. Baekhyun finalizes his answer. Five, four, three, two, one...

The sun is bright outside as Baekhyun hurries to the train that will take him to Kim's mansion, his leather tote bag filled with books and a signed contract for his new part-time job. 30,000¥ a day, the thought of such a good pay creates rainbows and fireworks of happiness in his mind as he takes a seat.

At the mansion, Baekhyun is directed to the kitchen by a member of the staff after he's changed clothes. Butler clothes, that is. For the hundredth time, he wonders if this is too good to be true. Why would they hire him and not an actual professional butler? As he enters the bright room, he's served with Eunsa's welcoming smile. "Mr Byun," they both bow politely. "Nice to meet you." Her soothing voice immediately washes Baekhyun's worries away. "Shall I introduce you to our master? Please follow me."
♦ Kim Namjoon (Rap Monster) 7 years ago
@♣ Byun Baekhyun Namjoon was in his study working on the final chapter for his latest book that was due later that same day. In order to get it done, Namjoon has been pulling an all niter, and it didn't surprise the head of staff, Eunsa when she walks into Namjoon's office to bring him his morning coffee. "Sir, the new hire will be arriving today." Eunsa reminds him.

Hearing the door open, and then the sound of a cup being set on top of the solid cherry wood desk. Once he found a good stopping point, the young male reaches for the cup of coffee, taking in the intoxicating aroma before taking a sip. Honestly, with all his work, Namjoon completely forgot. "I see. I should have this done by lunch. Show him around, let him know of his duties." Namjoon says as he begins getting back to work. However, the male pauses when the elder woman reaches the door. "Also, another cup of coffee please? Its delicious." he says with a smile, this time fully getting back to work.

Eunsa smiles, as she nods her head. "Alright." she says as she walks into the kitchen, seeing several staff members eating, and the coffee she made already gone. Giving a soft laugh, Eunsa begins whipping up another batch of the coffee as the remaining members gather. Over the course of breakfast, Eunsa lets each person know what their duties are for that day. Once the staff was fed and caffeinated, they got to their own work, Eunsa taking another cup of coffee to Namjoon, then goes back to cleaning up the kitchen while waiting for the new arrival.


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StormyThunderNight 5 years ago
since this place is closed and really quiet im going to leave (taeyang) thanks for the fun
tookawaii 5 years ago
jimin will be leaving
ukiyo_ [A] 6 years ago
Dean will be leaving. I'm sorry I really wanted to rp with you but I didn't have time to be on as often as I wanted. I hope we can still occasionally talk as friends though
Ayeong 6 years ago
Jaebum left, thanks for having me.~
gospel 6 years ago
mark dipped.
tart-torte 6 years ago
Hyunjoong left
Patotie 6 years ago
Tae dipped
af-hoseok 6 years ago
Jungkook bounced. Sorry.
gospel 6 years ago
i need semi-hiatus
NotSoGwiyomi 6 years ago
Godfrey has left
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