› club

stuck in a trance
jeon wonwoo 6 years ago
@kim jaejoong The lips was on his, and he was gone. All he could feel was the soft touch of those lips moving against his own. The man tasted like sweet alcohol, and chocolate, or maybe he was hallucinating. But his body melted into the gentle hold of the man. This was not how it was supposed to go, he was supposed to hold the man and kiss him- but here was his body, trembling lightly, giving in easily within a kiss, pliant and ready-- and impossibly needy. He had never felt like this before, never felt this amount of desire to touch a man, not even ually, but just to get lost in everything he offered and that was enough to have him go blank, enough to have him release a shaky moan of pleasure.

Maybe he was playing with fire, but he realized he did not mind getting burnt, not with what he was feeling right now cause suddenly everyone else around them did not matter at all. The teasing finger of the man left a burning trail up his spine. His eyes were closed on demand, but everything went too quick for him to register. The warm hand was gone, the sweet lips were gone, and his arms were filled with sudden wave of emptiness that had him gasping softly. His eyes remained closed for a moment longer, as if trying to smell the lingering scent of the man there- to just, breath him in. Before he knew it, he felt a hand on his back, his eyes snapping open to see s before releasing a soft sigh. it almost felt like Kim Jaejoong was not even there. "he got you ed up in seconds man" one of the commented and Wonwoo did not even have the energy to agree, he only spilled a few words. "i need his number" he whispered, hot flush crawling up the apples of his cheeks before he was tugged away. He could still feel the lingering stare of a few people but he barely paid them any mind.

He was soon pushed into a taxi with the others, directed home. Glancing at the time, he could barely believe they had spent over two hours in there. it felt like seeing the man, kissing the man and pressing up against the man's body was only five minutes -way too short in his opinion- but as he reached home and hit the bed, every inch of him could only think of meeting him again- somehow, somewhere, as soon as possible.
kim jaejoong 6 years ago
@jeon wonwoo "You're playing with fire, Wonwoo..." Jaejoong warned as he felt those lips on his neck, smiling a little bit to himself. He wouldn't harm the younger man, but he would definitely have his fun with him, , leave him wanting more... Maybe it would be a good story for the other idol to go and give his friends a little later on. So he allowed for Wonwoo to kiss his jaw and tease his ear, shuddering just a little in sensitivity before he smiled once more and tilted his face up towards the younger man.
"Don't say I didn't warn you..." He whispered, Jaejoong's smile heard in his voice before he was feeling warmth pressing against his crotch and also his lips.

But he kissed the man back more than eagerly enough, letting Wonwoo feel the warm seep into him before he wound his arms around his waist and tugged him in even closer to himself. The younger was so warm and pliant, how was he supposed to resist him? Sighing softly he nipped at Wonwoo's lower lip before he tugged on it with his head tilting back as he smirked around the bit of flesh. Eventually Jaejoong let it ping back, chuckling before he nudged the man's nose with his own, one hand sliding up beneath his hoody again and tracing over his spine, writing his name with his finger there too a few times.
"Close your eyes..." When Jaejoong was sure he did, he dragged his nails down against the flesh beneath the man's hoody, feeling how smooth it was and how warm it would be, angered and red from his nails.

"Wonwoo..." Jaejoong crooned as he called him, keening even and sounding so, so surreal anybody in the younger's shoes would have thought they were just daydreaming. But he was kissing Wonwoo all over again, even being so mean as to moan his name before the warmth was all gone, sudden, like a splash of icy cold water on the younger's reality. But Jaejoong was gone, smiling to himself as he left the heady boy behind, nodding to s when he walked past them, gesturing for them to go and see to Wonwoo and just makes sure he got home okay. Whilst he might not have been going home with Jaejoong, the elder was still hoping he got home on his own easily enough. As for the elder, the elder had his fair share of fun for the night, knowing he didn't always need to go home with someone every night at least.
jeon wonwoo 6 years ago
@kim jaejoong "oh please" He whispered, but his eyes fell closed, no longer trying to put up a front, no longer putting effort into looking cool. No. His mind was falling into the intoxicating feeling of the male's warm body. The dance filth almost graceful even if it was dirty roll of hips against hips. His nose brushed up against the fine line of the man's neck, lips touching over the pulse point where he could almost sense every beat beneath his touch. He wanted to drink him, not only with his eyes but with his hands, with his mouth-- he wondered what it would feel like to be lost in Kim jaejoong not realizing he was already losing the right path to sanity. he always liked insanity better anyway. He had danced with a lot of people, had many bodies pressed up against his own, invading his personal space. He had girls and boy's pressed up against him- some shy, some daring even if it was not something that would happen frequently. He was just twenty one, he could still count his experiences in his head.

Kim Jaejoong though. Dancing with him was different and so when the mean's head leaned back, Wonwoo took the chance to admire the empty canvas of his neck- oh , he wanted to bite him. The man was once more looking at him- those eyes were black holes and Wonwoo could feel himself getting into their depth. He wanted to look away-- almost shy away, but it felt like breaking that stare would be a sin, as if it would ruin things. In the moment.
The man's warm hands crawled over his skin- now this would not easily get to him, but this man was different. His touch burnt like fire, and he was left shuddering, holding back a soft gasp that threatened to spill past his lips. His hand tightened around the male, fingers crawling down the fine spine before he dared to step further into his private space, lips pressing an eager kiss against the sharpness of his jaw, leaving butterfly touches all the way up to the soft lobe of his ear. He did not know how to regain control, but he knew how to get rid of the itch in his lips.

His daring kisses led to those plump lips, and his body leaned closer, torso flushed against the man's; he allowed his daring eyes to fall on those gorgeous petals. They were made for kissing yet for some reason he did not dare to lean closer-- but he did dare to slide his hand down, gripping the edges of the man's pants to tug him close, letting his hips press flush against his own. God- he was pretty much ed for tonight--- at least mentally.
kim jaejoong 6 years ago
@jeon wonwoo "Doing what, Wonwoo?" Jaejoong asked as he looked up at the other man with a grin spreading across his lips, chuckling softly to himself before he gave a small shrug of those broad shoulders in the least amount of defence he could offer up for himself. Despite the slight height difference with the younger being a bit taller than himself, Jaejoong felt as if he were suddenly a lot bigger than the other idol as he was pulled in, his head cocking to the side as he looked at him. It was as if he were challenging the younger man, daring him to say or do something before he was laughing softly to himself, hips swaying, circling to however the music dictated for him to do so.

His own hands landed on Wonwoo's hips, feeling them move beneath his palms before he was smiling to himself at the daring lips pressed to his neck, giving the younger props for actually being brave enough to even begin doing something like this in the first place. He'd smiled to himself and rolled his head back in the embrace he found at the back of his head, his own mouth falling over as it seemed a silent moan seeped from this lips of his, brought forth from being allowed to enjoy the dance like this at all. That was the thing about Jaejoong, a kind of inside joke amongst his friends, that he seemed to be a man that could literally feed off the intoxication you might find on the dance floor, or the euphoric feeling only someone else's hips pressing up against your own when you knew you were testing waters and pushing boundaries. Jaejoong lived for all of that and more, for making boys like Wonwoo who seemed so intent on playing with fire given an experience they weren't likely to forget any time soon.

Tilting his head back up, Jaejoong met those eyes on him, smiling as there might have been several people looking at him, but he was only looking at one person. He smiled a little wider when his fingers splayed out against the flesh just beneath the hoody the other was wearing, feeling the flesh beneath his touch before he gave the younger's hip a teasing little squeeze. He still thought Wonwoo was adorable, the way he tried so hard to seem cool in front of him, like a clumsier, adorable version of the young best friend he had once hand but felt like was long gone now. Instead Jaejoong was left intrigued by this new man that looked like a flash from his past, wondering if he should get to know him properly or if he, like the butterfly inked on his skin, was going to try and fly free from him all too soon.
jeon wonwoo 6 years ago
@kim jaejoong "youngest would be Dino, but only the hyungs are here today, the younger ones did not come- we dont want him getting into an scandal for underaged drinking now, even if we do let him do that sometimes when he is in the dorm, its safer there" He whispered- upon hearing the man's next words, his cheeks flushed a light shade of pink. god, he was not doing a very good job in keeping the cool image, he was sure the man was seeing him as a kid more than anything and that was not pleasing.

Pushing himself off the stool, he followed the footsteps of the man between the mass of bodies grinding against one another. He could see clearly now, how everyone looked at the man. from his exposed skin to his face, and even Wonwoo was looking, how could he not when the man was just a few steps away from him, and this was the closest he had ever been to Kim Jaejoong. It was not an every day thing to bump into someone like him.
One second he was close, and the next second the crowd had pushed him up and all Wonwoo could do was stare at him, stare at the way his whole charisma took the crowd by the storm. It was easy to stare at him, easy to get lost in the melody spilling past his lips, it was easy to lose one's self and get lost in whatever he offered. The man belonged to the stage, and in some ways he looked like an untouchable star. One everyone wanted to touch but didn't dare to-- but here was the greedy Wonwoo, demanding more.
He almost choked when the other man pointed to him, he could feel the gazes of people on him and it had his cheeks burning in red flames-- , this was not going as smoothly as he had planned, and it felt like he was not even playing his own damn game well. Then Jaejoong was close, too close, and he could once more inhale the cologne-- curiosity peeking to know what it was on the man that made him wanna bury his face against the crook of his neck.

It was as if the Idol was doing this on purpose-- oh...O h. His mouth formed an 'o', eyes circling around them, noticing the people that had their eyes settled there. There was a whinny sound threatening to spill past his lips, and he was unsure of what to do next. He should have planned better, cause his 'being cool' journey was coming to an end. He hated the man-- okay that was a lie, but he hated him in the best way possible. He was glad the place was dark or else his cheeks would embarrass him further. "...you are doing this on purpose" he mumbled, words muffled as he allowed his arms to circle shamelessly around the male's neck, tugging him close to his lean body-- and suddenly he felt smaller. But all he could think of was his own body moving to the rhythm of the music, head leaned to the side with lips lightly brushing against the idol's neck. His fingers crawled in between the male's soft locks, feeling the slight sweat at the edges- but he was too high on the scent to act cool anymore when Jaejoong was actually making him lose his cool.
kim jaejoong 6 years ago
@jeon wonwoo "True. But are you all legals? You're just legal, right? Twenty one? How young is the youngest member now?" He was just curious and didn't really care if the younger ones were in here. As long as they weren't drinking, or drinking themselves into oblivion, then he really had no room to be judging considering he'd been quite young when he'd even had his own drink.

A laugh left Jaejoong's lips once more, this time when he was being called a beauty by the younger man. Not that he thought that sentiment was funny, but what he did find hilariously adorable was the way the other man was trying his damn hardest to keep up this whole cool pretence thing he had going on for him. He'd been about to comment about Samuel until there was a hand suddenly being held out in front of him, the man blinking before he smiled in response and gently batted Wonwoo's hand down and away, rising from his stool as he spoke up teasingly.
"Is this prom? No need for hand holding here. Come on." He encouraged, moving over to the mass of bodies before people began parting to allow him through, Jaejoong smiling as it seemed his name and prestige still managed to get him somewhere.

When he was comfortably on the dance floor he waved his hand in the air above his head, getting them to change the music to something quicker. Only the DJ seemed to bring on one of Jaejoong's own songs, having the idol blink for a moment or two before he was laughing again as 'Love You More' blasted out above the speakers. He didn't know when but he was surged forward by the crowd to rise up on the stage, a mic in his hand as he was giving in to the crowds' chanting for him to begin singing. So he did, and perhaps it was a little romantically cheesy, especially for a first meeting, but there Jaejoong was as he sang, pointing out Wonwoo in the crowd of many, many people as he did so. Somewhere along the way the elder had lost his jacket entirely, left in just his trousers as he came off the stage but some kind soul had at least handed him back the jacket when he was withing reaching distance, the elder just holding it as he fanned himself a bit when joining Wonwoo.

"Sorry- Crowd wants what it wants." He apologised as he leaned in again, speaking right up against Wonwoo's ear before he motioned for him to dance as another song had come on, people still watching the pair but not saying anything or interrupting. It had Jaejoong smiling that signature grin of his, enjoying how much he seemed to be able to tease Wonwoo, wondering when the younger idol was going to catch on that he was messing around with him.
jeon wonwoo 6 years ago
@kim jaejoong "i mean it's not like we didn't struggle, but these rare nights where we actually manage to find free time, we get away and this place was the first suggestion, who was i to say no- and i have to say i don't really regret it" and as those words spilled past his lips, he made sure his gaze was fixated on the man sitting before him. Yes, Kim Jaejoong was much older than him, in every sense of the word but he did not care about the age cause the man had yet to change, minus the fact that he looked much bigger compared to his TVXQ days where wonwoo used to follow him, trying his best to learn the dances he did, sing the songs he did- he definitely admired the man, he admired the whole group- so to say he was heartbroken over the break up of the group would be the understatement of the history.

He chuckled, looking down with a small smirk tugged on the corner of his lips- at least his hair had a good purpose and so he reached up, gently brushing his fingers between the loose strands that sat there wildly. "does that age bother you?" He watched the bartender fill up the man's glass, his own glass now served infront of him before he took it, bringing it up for a brief second before taking a large sip of the bitter tasting drink, his face lightly scrunching out of habit the moment he felt the familiar burn of the alcohol. He was fond of drinking, he was not addicted but when it came to fun, drinking was always involved and he liked to consider himself a really good drinker, at least comparing to his other hyungs who were quite the lightweights, mostly leaving the responsibility of getting them home safe on Wonwoo, which was quite unfortunate, but tonight, he was not gonna give much s.

Wonwoo leaned in almost immediately, gulping with adam's apple bobbing up and down in light nervousness- the soft ghost like breath of the other caressed his skin- and he was left with goosebumps slowly crawling up all over him, and for once he was glad about his choice of clothing. Oh - dear lord, was he taking a bite way too big for his mouth? He leaned back again, lightly clearing his throat, trying to not act like the man's cologne alone was enough to make him dizzy.
"True, but i wonder why no one approached you, cause i personally couldn't resist, its too hard not to get a closer look at all this beauty" he honestly felt proud for saying that without stuttering and stumbling over his own words infront of the male. His glass was soon empty and the bartender made sure to refill it- he still had a long way to go before getting drunk, but his brain was loosening up enough to bring out his shameless behavior.
"your brain's completely fine, yes he used to be but he left, though i have to say im quite fond of his solo songs" and the next move was perhaps mindless- or completely idiotic, but he reached out, fingers held out for the other male as he put his empty glass down. "dance?"
kim jaejoong 6 years ago
@jeon wonwoo "Well, your group is quite young. When I was your age I was struggling under my old company and trying hard to keep making myself relevant. The most fun I had with drinking was in street food and a cold bear. Definitely not here looking like I just got out of bed." Jaejoong motioned to the boy's messy locks atop his head, laughing a little bit behind the red concoction he brought up to his lips, tipping his head back and finishing off the beverage before he placed the glass down and naturally at his lips.
"You're what, just about twenty one?" The elder asked, leaning his elbow against the bar top whilst he crossed one of his legs over the other one, the leather over his trousers only seeming to tighten in response to that action.

He could definitely feel the eyes on him still. He didn't need to be told or reminded of how he looked, but it was the conversation of drinks that had the elder raising an eyebrow. Who knew Wonwoo knew some basics about drinking? Lifting his now empty glass, Jaejoong briefly held it up before sliding it over to the bartender, smiling to himself as he spoke up.
"Neither. When I'm drinking cocktails I like to forget there's any alcohol inside. Meaning... I like it sweet enough I can't taste it. Strawberry daiquiri is my poison tonight." And sure enough, his glass was refilled with the red liquid, leaving Jaejoong to fiddle with the little umbrella popped in one side of the glass.

About to take another sip, he'd paused when Wonwoo had mentioned his surprise. Okay so apparently this young man was definitely trying to flirt with a veteran idol like Jaejoong, and it made the elder laugh a little to himself. He covered his mouth when he did so, though he lowered it a moment later and leaned his chin in his palm, motioning with a wag of his finger for Wonwoo to lean in as he spoke right up against his ear. He may as well have fun with the cute one, especially since he was trying so damn hard.
"Haven't you noticed the wolves all around? I might be alone, but I'm not ignored." Jaejoong pointed out before leaning back on his stool once more, making a cheers motion towards his sudden guest before bringing the drinks to his lips once more.

Jaejoong had already spotted the rest of the younger's group as well, smirking behind his glass when he noticed the little interaction between Wonwoo and the other. He couldn't remember their names, but it did remind him of Samuel, another young idol he had met recently for a show and if he was remembering correctly, used to be under Pledis as well.
"Actually I think we have someone we know in mutual. Samuel? He didn't talk much about his past experiences but he used to be under Pledis right? With you guys and was one of the youngest? Or is my old brain finally giving in?" Jaejoong laughed, the sound just loud enough to be heard ver the rest of the noises around the club, his mouth forming the most gorgeous of smiles as he did so.
jeon wonwoo 6 years ago
@kim jaejoong If he thought the back view was beautiful, the front view had him taking a sharp inhale of breath, kept within his lungs and it took him a few seconds to actually dare to release the breath he was holding. Seeing the idol on TV and music videos were one thing, seeing him up close was another unholy experience. Jaejoong was beautiful, and every fan and sane person out there knew that, but up close? he was breath taking and Wonwoo he was sure he would need medical attention soon, or someone to teach him how to breath. But he had to hold himself together, to at least sound interesting and cool to the other male- the fact that the other actually recognized him blew his mind even if he was trying his best to not show it. A small smile tugged on the corner of his lips, unable to hold back the satisfaction filling his facial expression.

"yes, that would be right. We don't really have much time to hit up the club but when the time is there, who am i to say no" Dark eyes were fixed onto the idol before him, he was checking him out rather shamelessly, from the deep eyes to the soft, yet pointy nose, down to those plush lips and his adam's apple. He looked like an angel that held thousands of demons underneath his hands- and Wonwoo wanted to melt down to the ground.

Stay cool Wonwoo, stay cool, don't be an idiot and mess up. He was repeating the words to himself as his eyes scanned the other. The only fancy thing he was wearing was perhaps his belt, hidden underneath his hoodie, he did not really have too much time to dress up as he was pretty much dragged out- the only thing he could fix up was his air, slightly messy, holding the after look but much neater. There was no make up on him, but the dark clothes created the perfect contradiction against his pale skin, and the constant bites of his lips had caused the thin petals to become more pink and swollen than usual.

"is it that surprising to see us here?" He whispered, deep voice breaking through the loud sound of the music. His eyes settled on the boys sitting further away, one of them looking at him with a smirk on his lips- and damn he wanted to flip him the bird. He turned his attention back to the boy, the bartender soon coming forward to ask if they wanted anything- but for sure he could feel the man's gaze linger on his for a second too long- and in the most unpleasant manner possible. "Can't decide if you are a sidecar kind of guy or a snakebite kind" spilling out the only thing he was confident is was another attempt to conceal away his nervousness. Drinks, he was a good drinkers- and more than that, he was a good drink maker, he was already sure if he did not get anywhere as an idol, he would go for being a barista. He turned to the male, ordering a rusty nail which had the bartender sending him a look- judging him. He was definitely not surprised.
"I'm surprised you are sitting here alone, i mean..look at you"
kim jaejoong 6 years ago
@jeon wonwoo It'd been some time since Jaejoong had allowed himself to go out to enjoy the night without the company of his friends or those he knew. And don't get him wrong, he loved them all very much as they were like a second family to him, but he loved the adventure that came with just going out at night on your own and not giving a damn about it. You never knew the kind of people you were going to meet, and that was okay, sometimes they were bad, other times they were damn ing amazing. Either way, you'd have stories to tell the friends you didn't go with that night, plenty of them and hopefully plenty laughs as well.

So the man was there, at the club with music playing loudly from the live band up on the front stage, people milling around on the outskirts of the dance floor, too nervous to merge with the mass of writhing bodies that lay just beyond. There were the sofas at the back were groups or couples lounged about together for a quieter bit of ambience, enough to just be heard over the loud booming of the music at least. And as for Jaejoong, the man was standing by the bar where he was ordering his second cocktail of the night, smiling at the bartender who had happily been chatting with him for the last several moments in some attempt to get the idol's number.
"Keep serving them like this and I'll think about it." Jaejoong lifted his cocktail glass before he sipped from the contents happily, turning to scan over the crowd whilst he felt multiple pairs of eyes staring hungrily at him.

He wasn't unused to that kind of attention, it came with being an idol, and especially one like himself that was known for being on the more... risque side of things. But it just made the smile on his face turn into a smirk, the gazes staring holes into his bare back as all he had on was a jacket, half open at the front but with the back completely exposed save for a few chains that brushed over his beautifully inked flesh. The lines led down to Jaejoong's tattoos further along his back, and those led down into the extremely tight pair of trousers he was wearing, leather and catching the dim lighting of the establishment. With his earrings and accessories, the man was a ing sin, his hair a soft brown unlike how he often wore it as a golden blond, and he looked older. Jaejoong definitely looked older but he'd not lost a single ounce of that appeal he seemed to ooze just... mellower now.

When he heard a rather young sounding but deep voice coming from behind him, the elder turned around and settled his eyes on the man. Jaejoong blinked several times, whispering 'Yunho's' name in question before he shook his head and realised this person was far too young to be the man, but he definitely, uncannily looked similar in an almost eerie fashion. Clearing his throat, the veteran idol collected himself before he smiled and sat down on the stool beside Wonwoo, tilting his head as he wondered if the other was even old enough to be in the club let alone ordering drinks.
"I wouldn't say no to another cocktail when I'm done... Wonwoo, right? From Pledis Ent.? I didn't realise clubs were the style of your group." He was teasing, as Jaejoong often did, especially with how sweet and innocent this pretty young thing in front of him still appeared to be.
jeon wonwoo 6 years ago
@kim jaejoong It had been a good while since he had gotten any form of break from promotions, so when they got home from the heavy session of dance practice, he was more than glad the hyungs offered an outing. The younger ones wandered away to eat, but he decided to stick with the others, the thought of dancing mindlessly and having a drink much more tempting than simply eating a few pieces of pizza, he could use some loosening up, whether it was in the form of grinding against someone, ing someone, or just drinking. Maybe he was going too far with that thought but he was frustrated in every sense of the word, and maybe his mind was not in its right place due to the amount of exhaustion gripping his shoulders.

Wearing a simple ripped jeans in black with a dark blue hoodie; he followed the others inside of the club, flopping down on one of the VIP seats before the drinks were brought to the table. He released a soft sigh, eyes crawling towards the crowd of bodies grinding up against each other- and for once after two weeks, the loud sound of music was actually pleasing not frustrating. He liked their own songs, but hearing it more than 100 times within one day could be quite frustrating. The Whiskey Sour in his hand felt cool and as he took sip, he could feel the bitter and sweetness burning down his throat- god, that was refreshing. He haven't had a good drink in more than three month- actually all he could remember of the past three months was word and sleep.

The four of them were all quite focused on a conversation, pointing out towards the crowed, checking them out and talking about them- shamelessly. They were young, their hormones could go out of hand sometimes-- but it was then when his eyes settled on him. The figure- even the back view was enough to have him halt his movement, his words and his gaze. He stared at the man, taking the last sip of the bitter drink before putting the glass down. "guts i gotta go" he didn't bother with an explanation, not when he caught a sight of the man's face-- . He looked good, he looked way too good to even belong to this club- and how in the world was he even alone-- oh...Oh. His mouth formed an 'o', recognition filling his mind. Cool, he had to be cool, at least attempt to be as cool as the people the other had encountered with- he could someone show off maybe? and impress the other male but even if the outter structure of his face was cool, and even he often got complimented for his acting skills; his insiders were quite a mess- he was great at masking things. Taking a sharp inhale of breath; he slipped on the stool right next to the other, chin resting atop of his hand.

"can i get you a drink handsome?"
park chanyeol [A] 6 years ago
we have the littest club ever
park chanyeol [A] 6 years ago


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zidian 5 years ago
finally leaving Song, thanks for the memories
bigboybbg 5 years ago
leaving as gray
beaniebaby 6 years ago
dropping chaoze and jisung rip-
sideeffects [A] 6 years ago
we're closed but i won't delete the place @ all the peeps that rp here on walls, pms or anywhere.
heckdumpitaway 6 years ago
jack gotta ded
88highest 6 years ago
Hiya- could I reserve Yoo Taeyang of SF9? thank you in advance ! <3
pixieprxnce 6 years ago
minghao & youngjun out!
mssg me sometime @ yurishka and milch
bigsadenergy 6 years ago
hoshi left
-white- 6 years ago
hi~! can you reserved Xia Junsu of JYJ for me?? Thank youuu^^
GalaxyDuizhang_143 6 years ago
Can you add and reserve UNB Ji Hansol, please~?
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