✕ yutaro's house

yutaro's crib
princess jinwoo ♡ 6 years ago
Hyunseong stop visiting everyone's house
I'm about to arrest you for not having a warrant
☆ ethereal yutaro ☆ 6 years ago
shin jiho's fiance 6 years ago
sets up a tent inside
☆ ethereal yutaro ☆ 6 years ago
☆ ethereal yutaro ☆ 6 years ago
lays in bed, snuggling my pillow and watches a horror movie
☆ ethereal yutaro ☆ 6 years ago
crawls into bed with a box of tissues, cough drops, and cough syrup

I'm. Dying.
☆ ethereal yutaro ☆ 6 years ago
/raises the small glass with a silent cheers before throwing back the drink, humming as it warms up my throat, going down smoothly. /
I do have one but I prefer cooking to be done in the kitchen. otherwise the living room gets super hot
park yuri 6 years ago
Ah jongin san- the neighbourhood pranker. Absolutely, the more the merrier. especially when it comes to sharing sake.
park yuri 6 years ago
/peers at the open door with worry but shrugs it off since you probably know what what you are doing/ so, do you have like a portable gas stove or kitchen it is? /glances at you then at the drink being poured, waiting as it gets filled then picking it up to raise for a cheers/
☆ ethereal yutaro ☆ 6 years ago
/waves for jongin to enter, glancing between him and Yuri, then at my phone as it vibrates with a random notification ./ Shall I get another shot glass then?
☆ ethereal yutaro ☆ 6 years ago
/leaves the door open and steps back inside, shuffling back to the sofa, all the while listening to what yuri had to say./ Very true, I'll give you that one. /sitting back down, a soft, barely audible hums is made, a nod following after as I reach for the sake bottle and opens it with ease, tilting the bottle downwards to let the drink fill into the shot glasses, setting it down after./
park yuri 6 years ago
watches yutaro s silhouette from all the way across the sofa
☆ ethereal yutaro ☆ 6 years ago
/frowns deeply hearing the door bell once more, standing up once again and this time opening the door, standing on the top step and glancing around, my eyes darting back and forth before landing on the source of the ringing doorbell and rustling bushes.
Injong, what are you doing --
park yuri 6 years ago
haah.. of course i will make it since i kinda barged in without a notice. haaa..../nods reassuringly although a little worried that things might go wrong because cooking really isnt my forte/ listen, if i were to poison you, i would do it at a place that i know very well- not here. definitely not. /presses my lips into a smile ignoring your suspicion/ wanna pour the drink?
☆ ethereal yutaro ☆ 6 years ago
ig nor es all typOs bcs woT even is enGLiSh
☆ ethereal yutaro ☆ 6 years ago
/nods in regards to the door, glancing down at the basket once more./ Suki...yaki. I guess that's fine then... You're making it though. /raises a brow before plopping back down on the sofa, now crossing one leg over the other./ Is it poisoned? Are the others going to come by as well? This is weird..
park yuri 6 years ago
t yp o NO
park yuri 6 years ago
oh must be some neighbourhood kid- attempting to pranking in broad daylight. ignore it yutaro
park yuri 6 years ago
no we are having all of them- becauseeee /happily wriggles my fingers on op of the basket even though you didnt get what I was trying to imply/ We are making SUKIYAKI!! WOOHOO! /excitedly removes the cloth that was covering the groceries while you disappear in the kitchen and return fairly quick/ lovely. see, i knew u were in need for some alcohol
☆ ethereal yutaro ☆ 6 years ago
/walks over and peeks through the peep hole./
I don't see anyone
☆ ethereal yutaro ☆ 6 years ago
s t a r e s a t t h s d o o r
park yuri 6 years ago
sharply turns my head away from yutaro as the bell rings
uhhh yutaro, you were expecting someone?
☆ ethereal yutaro ☆ 6 years ago
Lettuce I'll go for, tofu too, the rest can beat the bush. /scrunches up my nose in distaste at the thought of any other of the vegetables even touching his lips./ anyway...sake you say? I could definitely go for some alcohol right about now. /glances at you for a split second before standing up and heading towards the kitchen, returning shortly after with 2 shots glasses./
park yuri 6 years ago
come on, you gotta put some greens in your system. and it s mushroom- tofu, scallions, lettuce- doesnt ring a bell? /grins excitedly now sitting up as i look at you with hopeful eyes/ just a bottle of sake, rest are coke.
☆ ethereal yutaro ☆ 6 years ago
veg--rhe beef part sounds quite appetizing, but the veggies can carry their asses into the garbage. Wait, drinks? What kind of drinks we talking about here? /narrows my eyes while leaning forward, poking at the seemingly harmless basket./
park yuri 6 years ago
shouldnt that be even /more/ concerning. are u not taking care of yourself hmm? /leans back letting my eyes momentarily wander around scanning the familiar interior before looking at the basket at the mention/ hmmmm- vegetables and beef /coughs/ and few drinks
☆ ethereal yutaro ☆ 6 years ago
w h en has my memory ever been any good? /hums and shrugs, plopping down on the opposite end of the sofa, pulling my knees up to my chest, pointing my finger at the basket./ what's in it?
park yuri 6 years ago
dear, what do you mean nugu? smh, yutarot i told you to stop banging your head on a wall. it s messing with our memory. /carefully places the basket on the said table then proceeds to make myself comfortable on the sofa/ just um- felt like it. wrong time?
☆ ethereal yutaro ☆ 6 years ago
b e s t f r i e n d nugu?
I didn't say you could come in --
/geatures to the coffee table
Set it there I guess, what's the surprise visit for?
park yuri 6 years ago
it s me your best friend yuri
/finger guns with my free hand shooting a winkue/
uh so where do i place this basket huh
/walks in looking around/


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zidian 5 years ago
finally leaving Song, thanks for the memories
bigboybbg 5 years ago
leaving as gray
beaniebaby 6 years ago
dropping chaoze and jisung rip-
sideeffects [A] 6 years ago
we're closed but i won't delete the place @ all the peeps that rp here on walls, pms or anywhere.
heckdumpitaway 6 years ago
jack gotta ded
88highest 6 years ago
Hiya- could I reserve Yoo Taeyang of SF9? thank you in advance ! <3
pixieprxnce 6 years ago
minghao & youngjun out!
mssg me sometime @ yurishka and milch
bigsadenergy 6 years ago
hoshi left
-white- 6 years ago
hi~! can you reserved Xia Junsu of JYJ for me?? Thank youuu^^
GalaxyDuizhang_143 6 years ago
Can you add and reserve UNB Ji Hansol, please~?
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