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Backstage Dressing Room
stuck in a trance
☆ ethereal yutaro ☆ 6 years ago
@kang seungyoon His to-do list honestly wasn't that long for the day, mainly because the young boy decided to cram his schedule into his supposed "off day" to make time for his newest fan. Kang Seungyoon. Simply saying the male's name excited Yutaro to a whole 'nother level, the small smile spreading over his lips began to creep out his manager as they pulled in front of the small cafe, it being located towards the outskirts of town, a good distance from where the youth would take notice of the idol he's meeting. Which he didn't mind whatsoever, of course his manager on the other hand was very skeptical about the meet-up, yet somehow, Yutaro convinced him on allowing him to meet up, alone. With a wave of his fingers, uttering a soft "tootles", the Japanese model climbed out of the silver van and made his way into the cafe, his eyes scanning the very few people inside.

Though as his gaze shifted towards a back-booth where a young man sat, his heart began to pick up speed, thundering in his chest as he grew closer. Yutaro simply figured the person was this Seungyoon character, due to him being to old other young looking person within the confines of the shop. "Seungyoon?" He softly called out, the slight accent popping up when pronouncing the foreign name. "I am Yutaro. Goto Yutaro." His Korean wasn't exactly the best, but enough to where he could communicate with someone without any major issues.
eric dane 6 years ago
@yutaro goto It wasn't completely uncommon for artists to reach out to those they were interested in working with. Yet Yoon felt like it was a little wrong since he was undeniably attracted to the other male. To his surprise, he returned from a sound rehearsal just in time to realize he had an email. With dark brows furrowed, he slowly opened the app on his phone before exhaling a sigh of relief. 'He doesn't think I'm a creep, thank god.' He laughed to himself before plopping down on the couch to type out another reply. It was short, sweet and setting up a meeting in a rather small cafe. Friendships were better off hidden from the public eye in the beginning. Not many people could handle the pressure of being friends with an idol. It was always a toss up on whether or not the fanbase would accept it, or frown upon it. It was better to actually build a friendship before subjecting someone to such things.

When the time finally came for them to meet up, he was less nervous than setting up the email. With a ballcap on and a mask to cover the lower half of his face, it wasn't too hard to slip away and blend in. Seungyoon sat down at a table in the corner to ensure that they wouldn't be in a place where people first looked. As he pulled out his phone to check for the time, he silently cursed himself for never asking Yutaro for his phone number to make things easy. Yet.. he had hope that their little meeting would go well enough to win it by the end of the night.
☆ ethereal yutaro ☆ 6 years ago
@kang seungyoon [] oOPs i meant Harajuku model widely recognized within the country* not "NoT"
s orrRy'<3
and issok it was amusing to read ouo
☆ ethereal yutaro ☆ 6 years ago
@kang seungyoon Goto Yutaro, a young man whose spotlight in the modeling scene seemed to have finally come into light while roaming the packed streets of Japan. A Harajuku model not widely recognized within the country, Yutaro was proud of what he does, his work being his passion, expressing all emotions within a single photo shoot. It's definitely something he adores. Though his favorite part of being a"public figure" are his fans. Loyal fans who never stray from his side, not even for a second. He has spent a great deal of time meeting other celebrities who support him along his ventures, but it is his fans that truly drives the male to do better. Just like any other day, Yutaro was working on set, posing and creating a mood for the camera, the lights flashed from two different angle, illuminating the room. His set was coming to an end; he dipped his head into a polite bow and excused himself, shuffling towards the refreshments table, the surprised expression worn by his manager as she rushed over caught the young boy's attention.
"Yutaro! Big news! Big big news! Your fan base has grown by 43% after the photos with Ariana Grande! And you've also been recognized by one of South Korea's big boy groups. A Seungyoon from WINNER has acknowledged your beauty." With a raise of his brow, Yutaro hummed in response, dismissing the manager with a simple wave of his hand as he fished out his phone, checking the notifications he received from instagram and twitter. Though there was one specific notification that seemed to catch his attention. "An email from...oh my god..." He read through what was written, blinking several times before looking every which way around him, and then clicking the reply button.
"Hello Seungyoon-san! I'm glad to know you're a fan of mine! It really does make me more motivated to work even harder! I would love to meet up with you and discuss some of your interests. I'll actually be in Korea tomorrow morning, and free towards the afternoon! "
Hesitation was written all over his face before he drew in a deep breath and pressed the send button, exhaling after the message sen completely.
eric dane 6 years ago
@yutaro goto It had been days, okay weeks, that he'd been following this model. So adorable and small. Someone who could probably fit into his pocket. To anyone else, it might of seemed weird to be so focused on someone he'd never met but.. damn, he was so cute. It got to the point that Yoon had to force himself to stop liking every picture, or showing it off to his band mates. After the third day, they all disowned him as a leader. So to speak--
After a bit of snooping, he was finally able to get ahold of the models business email. God, he probably looked like a stalker. There were no ill feelings, or even obsessive. He was just adorable. Yoon bit his lip at the thought before finally typing out an email.
'Hello! This is Seungyoon, from WINNER. I'm from Korea and was wondering if you'd be interested in meeting up for coffee sometime! Your choice of fashion, and career has interested me for some time and I'd love to learn more.'
-- he sounded like a creep. Either way, he sent it and tossed his phone into another members bag. All he could do now was bury his head in the sand and wait. With any luck.. maybe the guy would think it was spam and just skip over it.

((Yoon sounds like a stalker. xD I couldn't help it, though.))


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zidian 5 years ago
finally leaving Song, thanks for the memories
bigboybbg 5 years ago
leaving as gray
beaniebaby 6 years ago
dropping chaoze and jisung rip-
sideeffects [A] 6 years ago
we're closed but i won't delete the place @ all the peeps that rp here on walls, pms or anywhere.
heckdumpitaway 6 years ago
jack gotta ded
88highest 6 years ago
Hiya- could I reserve Yoo Taeyang of SF9? thank you in advance ! <3
pixieprxnce 6 years ago
minghao & youngjun out!
mssg me sometime @ yurishka and milch
bigsadenergy 6 years ago
hoshi left
-white- 6 years ago
hi~! can you reserved Xia Junsu of JYJ for me?? Thank youuu^^
GalaxyDuizhang_143 6 years ago
Can you add and reserve UNB Ji Hansol, please~?
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