— dance practice room.



room: dance practice

aim for the skill of someone like heechul. keep starting with slow movements and working your way up, and you may build the skill to have moves as crisp as his.

★ hwanhee l. 6 years ago
@☆ yukyung l. Hwanhee was a bit surprised by the reaction the female showed, he didn't expect her to react to him in such a way. The male, being his usual humble self, shook his head and responded as it wasn't anything. "It's not that good. I don't think my voice is...amazing." He subtly smiled and bowed his head out of habit. "Thank you though, I appreciate it." He looked down and smoothed the wrinkles in his shirt and then looked back up at the girl when she said she wanted to the male to teach her how to sing. He was again, taken back by her. "Really? Me? I don't know if I'll be a good teacher though."
♛ yoongi m. 6 years ago

“I can do that,” Yoongi muses, bringing Jimin’s hand up to his lips once more. “I’ll see you in an hour, then?” He’s excited, despite the lazy smile on his face. His excitement brims in the corners of his eyes, gaze twinkling as he looks towards Jimin, as though the other’s a rarity in a museum. Confusing, exciting, bottled up in an adorable bundle, just for him. “See you soon, smelly.” He leaves a kiss on Jimin’s cheek then, begrudgingly letting go of his hand, and giving his dance bag back. He has some cleaning to do, needing everything to at least look decent for when Jimin comes over. Maybe throw away the pizza that’s been sitting on his counter for about three days now. Buy a fly swatter ... This hour is going to be torture.
☆ soojin s. [h] 6 years ago
@★ hwanhee l. her lips releasing a soft sigh, yukyung tipped her head to the side, making goofy faces at her phone as she toyed with the filters on one of its photo editing apps. after a good minute, she heard hwanhee's voice faintly echo across the empty practice room. she was immediately captivated by his remarkable voice. she turned to face him, mouth slightly agape. "wow... your voice is amazing..." she blurted out without thinking, then chuckling and smacking , covering it with her palm. yukyung wrinkled her nose, her eyebrows furrowed as well. "you should teach me how to sing sometime... the vocal coaches got their hands full, so i don't want to bother them too much."
★ hwanhee l. 6 years ago
@☆ yukyung l. The male silently watched the female do her stretches, trying not to disturb her at the moment. He put his bag down and let out a tired groan. He walked back over to the female, who was speaking about the song. "That is true, it's more challenging. So it helps I guess. And if he did picked it, he probably wanted us to be creative with it as much as possible. Hwanhee sat down next to her and grinned, chuckling a bit at her comment. "I can definitely relate to that." The young man hummed a tune, then murmuring the lyrics from his mouth, just audible enough for the two to hear. He was singing the lyrics to his group's song. More specifically his assigned part to the song.
☆ soojin s. [h] 6 years ago
@★ hwanhee l. she silently listens to hwanhee, with him speaking as they enter the dance practice room, where her stuff is located. she eyed the large, wall-height mirrors and started stretching a little bit, trying to relax her already tired muscles. after his explanation, she gave him a subtle nod. "oh, you're right, you're right. fxxk it doesn't have a lot of movement, but at least it's a bit more challenging for you guys? i'm sure pd-nim had his reasons for choosing that song!" she replied, grinning at him, and then dropping to the floor to sit cross-legged. "aaaaaa. resting is like an oasis for tired muscles..." she let out, before looking up at the male and patting the small spot next to her figure.
★ jimin p. 6 years ago
@♛ yoongi m. Jimin pouted with a mock sulky expression, lightly pushing at the elder's shoulder. "Hyung! You could've at least given me a pity laugh." He groused playfully, lacing his fingers with the other. " 'sides, it's not like you won't try and spoil me anyways." He grinned, leaning against Yoongi as they walked out the practice room. He hummed, considering. He should probably drop off his stuff in the boy's dorm before they left. And take a shower. He could probably pack a bag too, in case he fell asleep over at the elder's house. "Yeah, I should. Do you wanna come back to pick me up from the dorm in like an hour? Seeing as how you complained about my stench I should probably stop for a shower." He snorted.
★ hwanhee l. 6 years ago
@☆ yukyung l. An 'ah' came from his mouth when he learned of their dance. So he was able to determine how hard the dance would be. "Two teams are learning Devil by Super Junior, and my group and another are doing Fxxk It by Big Bang." Hwanhee sighed, showing a little frustration. "The thing with Fxxk it, is that there isn't a lot of dancing in the song, but we're modifying it to have some dancing. So trying to stay on rhythm while dancing where there isn't supposed to be is hard." He opened the door to the practice room and followed after her inside.
♛ yoongi m. 6 years ago
@★ jimin p. Yoongi’s ... not very good with jokes. He stares at Jiminfor a moment, his gaze a dead stare, before slowly shaking his head. “You wont be spoiled if you keep making those jokes,” Despite his dislike for the joke, he swings their hands, completely content with how things are going. “Do you have a dorm to drop this off at? Or you wanna just come to mine?” His washer should be empty, he can’t remember if he put his clothes into the dryer. Damn. And he doesn’t have food, maybe they should stop by the grocery store. Double damn.
★ jimin p. 6 years ago
@♛ yoongi m. "That sounds very cassablanca-esque, hyung." The younger snorts, leaning into the touch in a very feline like manner. He never really hid his tactile nature, but he was relishing in all the soft touches."You sound pretty determined. Let's hope your tenacity pays off." he teases before pulling back to hum lightly. "That sounds nice, a little break." he mused. He hadn't had a relaxing night in for quite a while. His nights were usually spent in this room before watching a youtube video or two before sleeping just enough that he wouldn't feel like death waking up early. "No funny business, but comedy is okay." Wow Jimin, what a lame joke. Thank god you're a dancer instead of a comedian, for everyone's sake. The younger walks over to shut down the computer, quickly bounding back to Yoongi's side to take his hand. "What a treat, I'll be spoiled at this rate hyung."
♛ yoongi m. 6 years ago
@★ jimin p. "I'll join you eventually. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but eventually." Yoongi laughs, running a hand through Jimin's hair, and bringing his forehead to knock against his. "You wanna come stay at my place tonight? Nothing too risky, I promise. Just some popcorn, a few movies, talking," And cuddling, because Yoongi loves to be warm when he's sleeping. He lets go of Jimin to go grab his dance bag for him, looking around, and then glancing over to the younger, as if asking if he has everything. Bag, check, Jimin's hand - still needs to be held by his. He reaches out to him, "C'mere, brat, let Hyung make it up to you by giving you a foot massage."
★ jimin p. 6 years ago
@♛ yoongi m. Even though he'd wished for it, almost expected it, his breath still caught slightly in his chest when Yoongi leaned in, warmth from his hand mixing-- or adding to?-- the heat Jimin already felt in his cheeks from a roseate flush spread over not so defined cheekbones. The gentle whisper of a kiss is an ephemeral moment, one shared in a place Jimin considered a safe one. And with Yoongi here, a place of good memories. The younger grins at the other's so called endearing pet name he'd become used to at this point, letting Yoongi pull him up as he unfolded from his seated position. "Hyung! That's rude. And after I practiced so hard for you, hmph." he mock groused, pursing his lips in a faux pout. "Just for that, you can't join me."
♛ yoongi m. 6 years ago
@★ jimin p. He takes a chance, takes a chance because, although Jimin's sweaty, and red faced, and a bit out of breath from all the dancing, he's so pretty. So pretty, that Yoongi leans forward, and cups his chubby cheek with his shaking palm, and places the softest of kisses on those plush lips. Cordiform couplets that make him coo at the very sight of them, now all his. His nose gently grazes against Jimin's in the slow motions of his kiss, and all too soon, he's pulling away. "Yea, like a real date.." He grins, "brat." He tacks on, pushing himself up to stand, and holding both hands out to the younger. "C'mon, you need to shower, smelly."
★ jimin p. 6 years ago
@♛ yoongi m. Yoongi looks uncharacteristicly soft, which was already endearing enough. But more than that, he looked happy. Happy to hear that the younger returned his feelings just as much. It made Jimin feel a little warm, that he was able the make the man look that warm and happy, content radiating from him. He dimly noted that he'd like to make Yoongi look like that all the time, envisioning lazy mornings and even lazier kisses. Yoongi circled his hold around the younger's wrist, and Jimin thought of how nice it would be to hold the other's hand. His own were small and chubby, but seemed to fit perfectly if encased in Yoongi's own. "Yes hyung, I want to." He grinned, his own smile tinged with contentment. "Like a real date?" He hummed, pleased. "I'd like that a lot hyung. I'd be happy to do either of those, as long as I get to spend time with you."
☆ lalisa m. 6 years ago
@★ yukhei w. lalisa didn't really want to cry - she really didn't. there was something about her crying that she didn't like (but she didn't mind it if other people cried in front of her), yet here she was, a tear falling out of her eye. she didn't even wait for him to finish before she walked toward him and sat down on the chair beside him, wrapping her arms above his shoulders, pulling him into a hug. "i wasn't mad - i was never mad," she said quietly, and she hid her face from his view, embarrassed that she was crying. she sniffed. "i was just pretty... upset, i guess?" upset. that was probably it. she had no idea how she would explain her feelings except being upset and disappointed.

"i was just expecting a goodbye, you know? i didn't like how i woke up and suddenly people were telling me that you had moved away." her arms moved from around his neck, withdrawing her hands and letting them trail down his torso until she was holding onto the ends of his shirt. she hid her face in his shoulder, biting her lower lip to try and stop the tears from falling continuously from her eyes. "i'm honestly not mad, even more now that i heard your side." she looked up at him, eyes glossy with tears. "why didn't you even message me on social media? you could have told me, and it would have been a bit better than not being told at all!"

she let out a soft sigh. "why wouldn't your father let you come over though? it's not like i could convince you not to go. does your father not like me... or something like that?" she asked. she could vaguely remember talking to his father - perhaps once or twice in the whole time she and yuk were friends. were any of those meetings friendly? she hoped so.
☆ ariana g. 6 years ago
@★ xukun c. there's the thing though, you /think/ i will, but i /know/ i won't.
her free hand raised to tap at her temples, a soft laugh soon following suit. that same free hand soon reached out to nudge the door open so that they could step into the empty practice room. the wage that he'd came up with caused her cheeks to sink into a deep red shade, lips pursing with an eyebrow perking upwards. it sounded more like a win-win situation, but she wouldn't complain.
it's a bet, then.
☆ lalisa m. 6 years ago
@☆ jiho k. lalisa nodded at jiho, now thinking about the exercises she did to make her hips move at least more flexible than before. lalisa's style of dancing was more of popping, b-boying. she was often told that b-boy was her strongest forte, and she definitely would agree with that, as that was the one she had enjoyed doing the most. but as a dancer, she needed to be more... versatile. her goal was to be able to dance a lot of styles, but of course she knew that she still had a long way to go. "honestly, the exercises i did were just some things i saw on the internet, but they were quite effective!" she pulled out her phone without shame that she didn't know her exercises, and she quickly went on to google. once she typed in the key words, she saw the site she had used before. "here! it's trustworthy, i promise!" she scrolled down using her thumb. "it's what i used to follow before... and i can say that it's really effective! d'ya want to try them right now? before we get to our dance routine?"
♛ yoongi m. 6 years ago
@★ jimin p. As a boyfriend. His heart soars at the words. It’s different, his mind and reality. His mind pictures him taking Jimin into his lap and lavishing him in plenty kisses on his cheeks, his reality is a light chuckle, and bringing Jimin’s small palm up to his cheek. His reality nuzzling his skin like a placated kitten, his fingers in a gentle hold around his wrist. Yoongi looks up to him, eyes twinkling with mirth, and adorstion, suddenly so warm, like the perfect cup of cocoa on a winter’s morning. “So, you’d like to be hyung’s boyfriend?” The secrecy of it, though ... Would there be an unfairness to it? A possible bias? Not if he doesn’t meddle in Jimin’s affairs. He would have to let go on coaching him himself, during actual practice hors, that is. He can differentiate coaching, and merely being an audience. His lips, chapped as they are, press a kiss along his wrist, “How about .. we go out sometime, then? We can go ahead and go pick up dinner, and then watch movies, or go out to dinner and a movie,” Or the park, the skating rink, so many different things to do, and he’s one of the least romantic people out there.
★ yukhei w. [A] 6 years ago
@☆ lalisa m. he could hear the soft sound of her sneakers crossing the room, and with each step that echoed in his head, his breath kicked and started to come at a faster pace. his heart was beating erratically in his chest, but he wasn't quite sure what he was afraid of. she sure did have the ability to have a short temper — something he'd seen first hand in plenty of uno tournaments over the years. maybe she'd hit him? or just leave? or worse, start crying. it wasn't that he was emotionless over the whole ordeal. he was actually pretty shaken up as he sat on the chair, feeling his breath against his hands. he knew that if she cried, he would cry too, and that would be bad because he had an image to uphold — manly as .

in the midst of his internal musings, he was suddenly interrupted by an unforeseen force –– a blow to the back of his head. did she really just smack him? well, it could have been worse. kicking would have hurt much more. upon impact a sharp breath fell through his lips, hands slamming into his lap as his head jerked upward, hair sticking up in the spots that lalisa's hand hit.

he stared straight at her as she spoke, and it was evident in her voice that the emotions could take over at any moment. even his own eyes teared up a tiny amount as he watched her and listened, really taking in her appearance. she grew up well –– she was always pretty, but adulthood was definitely on her good side. once she finished speaking, more tears had welled up in his eyes, but he was fighting them away while trying to find the right words to say. "lis, i––" he paused, hanging his head low, fixating his gaze on the floor. it was too hard to look at her. "i was afraid that you'd be too mad that i left without saying anything. my dad wouldn't let me come over and say goodbye because we had to leave immediately and––" a single tear fell and landed on his forearm. "our relationship has been bad ever since then because i never forgave him. but, i don't know what else to say. i ed up, lis. i'm so sorry. i don't expect you to forgive me..." he was choking up a bit by the end, stopping himself from rambling on more because he knew more tears would come if he did.
★ jimin p. 6 years ago
@♛ yoongi m. It's fascinating, really, and a little cute; the way the usually impassive demeanor Yoongi walked around with seemed to be in shambles as he floundered out an confession. A confession which, mind you, he felt the need to explain. Jimin almost wanted to cut him off and end his misery, but he had a feeling the elder needed to get it all out to alleviate his nerves. Plus, he thought to himself secretly, it was a little amusing to watch. "You 'like' like me." he summarized unhelpfully once Yoongi finally finished his rambling, cracking a smile so the other knew he was only lightheartedly teasing him, not his confession. "Yes, hyung. I know what you mean. And I said I like you too." he repeated, leaning forward to peer at the elder, eyes crinkling as he smiled sincerely. He understood that confessions make everyone nervous, but how the other remained uncomprehending was beyond him. He had mentioned thinking he would grow alone, though Jimin couldn't imagine why. And in any case, he was here to derail that 'reality'. "You know what I mean by 'I like you hyung', right? Like, I'd really want to be taken out by you. As like, a boyfriend. Cause I like you." he said, using Yoongi's own words with a soft laugh. Soft laugh, soft smiles, he was always soft around Yoongi. It was nice, he liked it. And he also liked Yoongi.
♛ yoongi m. 6 years ago
@★ jimin p. Was he laughing at him/ Or at the situation? He feels the warmth on his chest start to itch, and he fears that his nerves might actually make him burst into hives. Until that small hand that he wants to kiss so, so badly takes his, when his fingers twine with his, and he feels his heart tug with so many emotions threatening to spill over. His fingers, as they tremble, twine with Jimin's, and he brings them up a bit, like he needs something to hold on to, something to ground him. "You know what I mean by like, right? Like, I'd really want to take you out, some time, not like a hyung, and dongsaeng. Like, like a," His tongue peeks out, dragging along his lower lip, "like dates, and what not. A man, and a man, romantically." And damn, does he hope that he means like in that way. His hands are so soft, and so small, he can't stop himself from swiping his finger over his knuckles, and turning his palm this way, and that. He can't stop himself from his heartrate skyrocketing when Jimin says his name, because the way he says it is undeniably sweet, and he wants to hear it every morning, over coffee, with that lovely smile just for him, reserved only for him.
★ jimin p. 6 years ago
@♛ yoongi m. "Well you don't know that for sure, do you? You can't just gamble with my life like that, hyung!" he exclaimed before tugging at his sleeve again. Honestly, what was so bad that the man had to pretend that he hadn't brought the subject up and then shiftily avoid his gaze. Jimin briefly entertained the thought that it was linked to something illegal, though he quickly chastised himself for the foolish thought. Finally Yoongi does meet his eyes, and why the hell does the man look as if he had been doing something physical like Jimin when he'd been sitting the whole time? The dancer had a lot of questions. He was gonna voice them, but the elder finally decided to speak. He straightened up a little when he mentioned it was serious, giving his full attention. He wasn't sure how serious it was, but Jimin would offer support if needed. He listened quietly before quirking an eyebrow slightly at Yoongi's opening statement, a weird feeling blooming in his chest. Ah..so that's what it was. He supposed it made sense then, that Yoongi was so flustered. Crushes could do that to you. Part of him felt a little happy Yoongi trusted him enough to be the person he went to for..advice? Was that what he was looking far? Yoongi obviously hadn't confessed to the boy yet, so he was probably looking for reassurance. Part of him was a little happy Yoongi went to him for reassurance but the other...well, he wouldn't examine that right now. Not while Yoongi still looked distressed enough to bolt without finishing his story. The younger reached out to give him an encouraging squeeze to his leg, urging him to continue. The more the other talked however, the more his features shifted into confusion. It sounded similiar-- and was Yoongi looking at him? He blinked dumbly at the male for a few seconds, taking it in, before a wide smile stretched across his face, lilting laugh filling the room. "Hyung! You had me worried." he chastised softly before taking the other's hand, not wanting him to remain in his unsure state. "I like you too, Yoongi hyung." he said simply, honest in it's simple declaration.
♛ yoongi m. 6 years ago
@★ jimin p. Whiny Jimin, thick satoori Jimin, low toned Jimin, all unfair Jimin. Him trying to turn to catch his eye, maneuver this way and that just to see him. Yoongi ducks his chin, a little bit of fat stuck between his neck and chin as he scrunches inwards on himself. No fair. "You can't pass out from curiosity!" Yoongi shoots back, an indignant snort leaving him. His blush isn't helping. His face is hot, his ears are hot, he swears he's breaking out into hives across his chest, and why the heck are his hands so sweaty?! He shoves them between his thighs, leaning forward, back towards Jimin, "This .. Is a serious matter. A .. Really ... Important matter to hyung," There he goes, referring to himself in the third person out of sheer nerves. "There's .. This kid. This guy, okay he's in his twenties," He takes a deep breath, unable to look him in the eye, "that hyung likes .. a lot. Which is funny, because I've always said I'm going to grow up, old and alone. But," He scratches at his eyebrow ( vaguely wondering how eyebrows have dandruff because are those skin flecks falling down? ), and manages a glance towards Jimin, "this guy has .. A really sweet smile, and amazing hair, and dances very .. Very well. And his singing could use some work, but that's okay because he's new at it, but." Yoongi stops, closing his eyes, and offering his hands out to Jimin. "I .. Like.. Like you? Jimin." Way to go.
★ jimin p. 6 years ago
@♛ yoongi m. "That's true." Jimin says with a pleased smile, nodding. The dancers in his company shared that sentiment, but only towards certain styles of dance. Learning the original swan lake was hard-- dance of the little swans had many of the dancers in frustrated tears frequently-- but a pop dance? Many of them would probably scoff at the thought that it would be in any way difficult to learn. Jimin though, he appreciated all dances, with all of their individual intricacies. If a dance was easily learned, he thought of the work that went into it to make it seem elementary. The younger pursed his lips a little when Yoongi stared at him for a few moments without speaking, snapping his fingers in front of his face a few times before startling when he started tugging at his own hair. What had made Yoongi, ever composed and collected, start fumbling with his speech? He seemed flustered, and Jimin couldn't do much but to stare at him confusedly. "I-- yes you did." he said, speaking slowly as he leaned forward, trying to peer at Yoongi's now turned away face. Was he..blushing? "Hyung." he intoned with the slightest undercurrent of a whine, tugging at Yoongi's sleeve. He couldn't do that! Get him all drumming with curiosity and then just drop the ball. "You gotta tell me, I might pass out from curiosity!" he said. Let it be said that Jimin couldn't perhaps be overdramatic from time to time. He did lower his tone though, genuine as he assured, "Really hyung, you can tell me. I promise I won't like, laugh or judge you on whatever it is."
♛ yoongi m. 6 years ago
@★ jimin p. Unexpected, and yet, there he had been, drawing every bit of expectation from Yoongi, and then some. He has to calm the rapid beats of his heart in fear that the other would be able to hear. His hand smooths along his pants, the sweat collecting on his jeans and just barely creating a shade difference in the rough fabric. "Originals are good, almost just as hard, sometimes." Like those V's his legs had molded into. Sweet baby Jesus, there goes his heart again. With his glazed out gaze sweeping towards Jimin at the sweet sound of 'hyung', he pauses, taking a few moments to finally snap out of it. Tell Jimin, right, tell him. Oh, , oh no. Yoongi shakes his head, and buries his hand in his hair, slightly digging at his scalp to force reality onto him. "There.. Just, well," Min Yoongi, tripping over his own words in front of a boy younger than him, Min Yoongi, whose tongue was never tied, was now on his figurative knees, at every beck and call the other may have, with his sweet sounding voice. "Did I? I don't remember," He lies, suddenly, looking away and praying that the flush in his face would be ignored. Probably not, his pale .
★ jimin p. 6 years ago
@♛ yoongi m. Flushed from a fresh performance, Jimin can't immediately tell if the warmth in his face is from exertion or from the way the elder was watching. The dancer wrings the hem of his shirt with a quiet laugh, if only to have something to do with his hands. He supposed it hadn't been the most..mild or conventional dance that Yoongi might have been expecting. All the more reason to be more diffident than he already was on any given day. The elder though, he seemed to have accepted it well, with his ramrod posture that melted into a playful mini performance of his own. Jimin snickered at Yoongi, ducking his head a little at the compliments before taking another swig of water, making his way over to sit next to the other with a little huff of an exhale as he plopped onto the ground. "Ah thank you hyung. I know it was probably a little unexpected." He laughed, covering his mouth slightly. "I do other stuff, like making a different choreo to songs like that, but I do enjoy learning the original first. Usually don't show it to people though cause they're usually more interested in what I can make from it, not copy." He hummed before leaning back on his hands. "I know lots of covers but yeah. Anyways." He glanced over at Yoongi before tilting his head a little, smiling lightly. "You said you wanted to tell me something, hyung?"
♛ yoongi m. 6 years ago
@★ jimin p. As soon as the first beats roll in, Yoongi knows what this is. His eyes widen, fixating on the way Jimin controls his footwork. At least, that’s what he tells himself. Practically lying as his eyes roam over his hips, how his sweatpants strain from his thighs. He’s entranced, entirely, and can’t stop himself from leaning forward. Watching Jimin’s reflection in each mirror, showcasing all angles to thoroughly over his mindscape. There’s no possible way that a man with such appeal could just be a backup dancer. His stare courses straight through, cutting deep into his soul and stealing his breath away with a vice. Caught in Park Jimin’s grasp, Yoongi dumbly claps, whispering for an ‘encore’ that he knows will never satisfy the intense heat that’s surging through his belly. He’s come knocking, and kicked the courage right down his throat. That was a professional look, surely, no way that he would ever look at someone like him like that — molten irises, plump lips parted and whispering the catchy tune to one of God’s most sinful creations. “That ...” He murmurs, finally sitting up straight, his pupils blown wide with bubbling excitement. That. Indeed, that’s the proper thing to say, for words were nothing when he tries to piece together the meanings behind such beauty. “I’m not a dance teacher, but I ... Know talent. And damn, Jimin,” He playfully fans himself, tugging at the collar of his shirt and flapping to create a cool air flow over his, suddenly sweaty, chest. He wasn’t even the one dancing, but his mouth is dry, and his heart is racing. Did someone turn up the heat? “That’s amazing. Very...” He gulps, “Flexible and poised.” . . How the hell is he going to tell him after seeing a performance like that?! ( And after thinking that maybe he should do that on his lap?! ) Yoongi feels like an old .
★ jimin p. 6 years ago
@♛ yoongi m. Jimin reached out for the cold water bottle like a man who'd been deprived for days, gulping down the cool liquid with a soft noise of appreciation. He really had been caught up in practice. As much as he had nagged Yoongi about taking water breaks, his own had slipped his mind. Well no matter. At least Yoongi came in to take care of him, he laughed to himself. Rolling over onto his stomach, the younger rested his chin on his crossed arms, nodding lightly at Yoongi. "Good good." He said with a hum of approval. "Were the students good? I bet they knew the difference between the cords and all." He joked before taking a sip. Yoongi seemed a bit softer, more relaxed, and it was nice. Made him feel comfortable in this peaceful air. He laughed when the elder mentioned the competition. Did Yoongi think he'd only practiced the routine from try outs? Truthfully, Jimin had a least 4 routines he'd practiced just for the try out portion. Jimin always wanted to learn and practice something new, so he was usually working on a new one. This one, well he was a little nervous to show Yoongi. "Mm, I'm good now. This water brought me back from the brink of death so I'm good to go!" He laughed. The younger smiled up at the other when he messed with his hair, tilting his head curiously. "Alrighty hyung. Hopefully I won't be distracted from my now burning curiosity." He replied, reaching down to pull his shoes back on, tying them tightly before straightening up. "So for this dance.. Well I don't know if you've seen it but it's a cover, right? I usually practice the original choreography before making the new one." He explained, walking over to the computer in the corner. He clicked start, shifting into a stance with his hip cocked. His eyes weren't on Yoongi, not really, but the flirty and confident quirk of his lips signaled his shifted attitude. A upbeat melody filtered through the room, shifting bass matching with the sharp popping motions of his hips, winding his body to the beat, mimicking the original artist. As the bass dropped so did he, dropping to the floor as the chorus played, raising his hips to undulate in a semicircle, mouthing the lyrics slightly. During the rap breakdown the fruits of his extensive stretching paid of as he spread his legs in a V before swinging them and his whole body into a bent stance, twerking in the same way as in the choreography. His legs tapped back behind his head as he did another V and swing, this time ending up in a crouch. This time he did catch Yoongi's eye while he mouthed along to the "dally dally" chorus though he wasn't *quite* looking at him as if seeing him, not when he was this laser focused into the dance. Soon enough the ending notes faded and he popped up, breathing a little labored as he stopped the loop, all the smoldering confidence he had just moments ago melting into the shy smile he now held as he rubbed his palms on his pants, asking Yoongi an open ended question of "so...?"
☆ jiho k. 6 years ago
@☆ lalisa m. "you do make an excellent point, i should probably let that be my warm-up next time!" jiho leans into lalisa's touch and closes her eyes for the short moment in contentment, much like a cat, and she remembered why she had the nickname "kitty" growing up. she wanders around the room for a few moments, getting her phone out to plug into the speaker system as she prepares the songs for their practice session. "don't worry, li! i've stretched while waiting for you." at the sound of lalisa's laughter at her stiff and awkward movements, she cannot help but let out a loud laugh as her face flushes into embarrassment. almost all of jiho's dance mentors were male, all of whom were quite stiff around the hips and so jiho never really had a strong female who could show her how to slay. she nods, listening intently to lalisa's advice and appreciating how genuine her friend seemed to be. it was quite hard nowadays to find genuine friends, especially with jiho being a trainee it seemed that most people around her wanted something from her. she was happy that that wasn't the case with lalisa, and that she truly found someone who could be a real companion for her. "some exercises? what do you suggest?"
♛ yoongi m. 6 years ago
@★ jimin p. He looks so ethereal, even if he's sweaty, spread out on the ground, dirty, red faced, looking more so like an apple than a beach. Still ethereal, from his clumped hair on his forehead, down to the dirty bottoms of his socks. A real man that had Yoongi weak in the knees, a real man that Yoongi wanted to toss into the nearest shower. He comes to sit down next to him, offering a nice, chilled water bottle towards him. "Class ended, I went to the cafeteria to grab somethin' to snack on, and got some water." Since he'd told him he needs to eat more. He omits the part about talking to Ariana in the mop closet, and settles for merely sipping at his own bottle. "You need more rest? Or are you finally goin' to show me some of those competition try out skills." Surely, he had something from when he auditioned - or something new, even? Either way .. Yoongi grins, and reaches up to brush some hair out of his brat's face -- the brat's face. "I got somethin' to tell you afterwards, ok, brat?"
★ jimin p. 6 years ago
@♛ yoongi m. A critical gaze tracks his movements, behind bright bangs that had long since flattened over his forehead. With a quiet groan, Jimin flops rather ungracefully along the smooth floor, appreciating the slight chill of the hardwood against his heated skin. He isn't quite sure if he's satisfied-- but he recognized that he should take a break. Not because he wanted to persay, but because he didn't want to tire himself out completely before Yoongi came. Speaking of the elder man, he was a bit interesting, the dancer mused as he lay spread eagle along the floor. He seemed intimidating and closed off, but he was actually pretty caring and nice. And cute, his mind chimed unhelpfully. Yoongi always tried to hide his little smiles, but he was very cute with a grin would slip past his defenses. And the gentle way he seemed to take care of Jimin, that made him feel rather warm inside. And in the face. But luckily, flushed from exertion as he was, no one could tell whether he was blushing or just flushed. A small grace, considering the man himself chose that moment to walk in. "Hyung, hi!" He called out, still laying on the floor and grinning up at the elder from his upside down vantage point. "Class ended already?"


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libras 6 years ago
hi friends! pls put jie, mei, and yerim on hiatus for a couple of weeks. i just need a break from rpr
yxgurt 6 years ago
hello pls reaccept me ily
chikn_nuggs 6 years ago
yongguk has to peace out
yxgurt 6 years ago
actually keep jae reserved might come back in a few days
yxgurt 6 years ago
jaehyun gtg thank you babies for le fun teehee
piixiedust 6 years ago
Please hiatus joohyun as long as possible, thanks
lovette 6 years ago
squeaks ily guys so much but jieun's gotta dip ; ; good luck with the rp! it's truly amazing ♡
melozennie 6 years ago
may i please reserve seo kangjoon?
weekday 6 years ago
do you guys accept internationals?
5HINee 6 years ago
Do you guys want Key or Onew?
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