— girl's dorm.



room: girl's dorm

relatively clean, and usually full of stuffed rilakkuma plushies and sleeping beauties. no boys allowed.

♛ jieun l. [h] 6 years ago
☆ ariana g. 6 years ago
@★ xukun c. turning to look at the mask in the mirror, she leaned forward to set it up, or at least, attempt to make it look like a giraffe before laughing along with him.
you're totally right, it's hopeless. a hopeless giraffe.
stepping out of the room with him, she carefully climbs onto her bed before laying back and taking one of the towels, soon setting it beneath her head before resting it back against the pillows
whatever is on this is really healthy for your skin, so i don't mind it getting on my neck. i just set it beneath my head.
nods while looking at him, lips curling upwards
you look so adorable
★ xukun c. [A] 6 years ago
@☆ ariana g. [ ] i am too we can finish this tomorrow ksjdhfd

it's like, /some/ kind of animal that wanted to be a giraffe so badly, but just didn't try quite hard enough.
/he burst into a short fit of laughter, one hand catching a drop from his own mask before he nods at her with a slight smile.
yeah, maybe that'll be good. i'll grab some towels too so the bed doesn't get wet––
/he puts a hand on the small of her back as he grabs two small towels, following her out of the bathroom and to the bed, waiting for her settle in if before he scoots in next to her, handing her one of the towels.
i'm going to like–– just lay this across my neck so whatever drips down falls onto it––
☆ ariana g. 6 years ago
@★ xukun c. hey, i can definitely kick if needed.
with a playful 'hee-yah!' towards the mirror, she releases a soft laugh and claps her hands together a few times while he faced her.
i think i'm supposed to be a giraffe but, i'm not sure if it looks like a giraffe. wanna go lay down? so it doesn't - drip
her hand raises to catch the drops from the mask beneath her chin, an almost embarrassed smile settled upon her tiers

) ahhh jisk;sf im faling asleep hhh
★ xukun c. [A] 6 years ago
@☆ ariana g. you're the least menacing ninja i've ever seen–
and quite literally the cutest.
/he bites his lip for a moment before leaning his head back and placing his mask on his face, patting it into place with the help of the mirror, and turning to her with a laugh.
it's super cold!!! ah!!!! this one is a panda and i love it ––
☆ ariana g. 6 years ago
@★ xukun c. heh, i feel even better in it.
the flesh of her cheeks sunk into a deep red, soon rolling the sleeves up her arms, which wouldn't stay up, in order to successfully put on her mask. she removed it from the bag, laughing at his comment while unfolding it before pressing it upon her face
it's so cold, my god -
after pressing it against her face, she leans back into a playful karate pose towards him
i feel like a ninja.
★ xukun c. [A] 6 years ago
@☆ ariana g. /his lips curled upwards like a natural reaction — something they seemed to do whenever he looked at her — as he stepped inside the bathroom and took his mask from her.
it may be big on you, but you look absolutely. adorable. in. it.
/he chuckles a little and kisses the top of her head before opening his bag, carefully removing the mask and starting to unfold it.
it's so slimy! cool.
☆ ariana g. 6 years ago
hearing the light tapping on the door, she immediately reached out to the door knob - definitely being the excitement - so that she could open the door. her head tilts up to look up at him, lips curling upwards before her head tilted down to look at the hoodie
i was right, i'm swimming in it. but ! it's super comfy.
her fingers held the masks, brows soon waggling playfully while handing one out to him
shall we?
★ xukun c. [A] 6 years ago
@☆ ariana g. you got it, boss.
/he waves her off with a chuckle, and as she closed the door, he reached for his back and pulled out a t shirt and a pair of basketball shorts –– it wasn't attractive, but it was easy and what he usually wore to bed. well, minus the shirt most of the time. he neatly set his bag back down and walked to the bathroom door, lightly tapping on it.
i'm done, sweetheart––
☆ ariana g. 6 years ago
@★ xukun c. watching him remove the hoodie, one of her brows raised upwards as he turned it right side out before a laugh slipped through her lips. reaching out to take it, she leans on her toes to peck his cheek before leaning back down and turning towards the bathroom
mkay, i'll be right back. let me know when you're done.. changing,
her mind was a bit frazzled as she stepped into the bathroom and nudged the door shut. after removing her clothes, she tugged on his hoodie - which smelled just like him (of course, but also, she was glad). the scent brought a smile to her lips, hands tugging her longer locks out of the hoodie that ended towards the middle of her thighs. she decided to settle in just the hoodie and her underwear, fingertips grabbing two of the masks before waiting for him to let her know that he was done
★ xukun c. [A] 6 years ago
@☆ ariana g. /his smile turned triumphant before he let out a light chuckle, quickly getting standing to his feet at her mention of his hoodie.
oh, i put it on because i actually forgot you needed it, but ––
/he pulls the hoodie over his head,, turning it right-side-out and handing it to her with a small smile.
mmm, yeah, sheet masks would probably be best this time. less mess.
☆ ariana g. 6 years ago
@★ xukun c. i definitely agree. super good progress.
the tip of her index finger gently nudged the bottom of his chin with a soft smile, rocking back and forth upon her toes while nodding her head.
mkay! yeah, that sounds good. i'll need um, your hoodie, please.
she requested, palms opening towards him with a smile growing upon her lips.
then i'll go and get the masks. you wanna do sheet masks?
★ xukun c. [A] 6 years ago
@☆ ariana g. thanks, baby... i think i'm a long way from being where i want to be, but i'm making progress.
/he nods firmly, a gentle smile on his lips as he looks at her thoughtfuly, taking a second to relish in the moment; he thinks about her question for a moment, his fingers absentmindedly playing with the hem of her shirt.
yeah, i think we should? that way we can just do the masks and then head to sleep? i'm getting pretty tired.
☆ ariana g. 6 years ago
@★ xukun c. even if you do, you're amazing at english. i'm proud of you.
it made her heart flutter to know that he'd do that for her, and she wanted to tell him that she'd been doing the same with some chinese phrases, but instead decided to keep it to herself. for now, that is. her hands clasp together and she bounces up at the sound of masks, turning to face him with a wide grin settled amongst of lips
okay, do you want to do sheet masks? or clay masks? i've got a bunch of masks. and.. should we change before we do them?
★ xukun c. [A] 6 years ago
@☆ ariana g. except i slur a lot, and forget words sometimes. i've actually been studying in the little free time i have –– because i want to make sure i can say everything i need to say to you.
/he flashes a shy smile as he sets his bag down off to the side and taking off his shoes and leaving them near the door; he crosses the room, looking around with the smile still on his face before he sits next to her.
yeah –– luke likes to keep things in an organized mess, i guess you could say. heh.
but ! masks! i'm more than ready.
☆ ariana g. 6 years ago
@★ xukun c. good, even though your english skills are already through the roof.
she felt a bit shy revealing her room to him - you really can learn a lot about a person by the way their room looks. thankfully, it was sparkly clean, well, besides the bed not being made. raising one of her legs, she nudges the door shut with the tips of her toes before stepping forward and releasing a soft laugh while sitting upon the edge of the bed.
is it? hm, well, welcome to mi casa. mi casa es su casa, make yourself comfy, babe
★ xukun c. [A] 6 years ago
@☆ ariana g. /you/ are excited for this?
i am elated. ecstatic. excited. every e synonym. you're really testing my english skills here.
/he laughs loudly, simply filled with happiness to be with her and to be able to have a little adventure together. he keeps his grip tight on hers as he lets her lead, the smile on his face not fading during the whole walk. he gasps a tiny bit when they enter the room, surprised at what he finds inside.
this is so much cleaner than our dorm––
☆ ariana g. 6 years ago
@★ xukun c. hearing the british accent, her head tossed back while she slipped into a fit of laughter - one that it seemed he only had the power to set her in.
more than ready, handsome!
she returns the horrid british accent, doing a playful curtsey before slipping her hand into his own. her fingers locked with his and she soon began walking, leading him up to her dorm with a small hum.
i'm so excited for this,
★ xukun c. [A] 6 years ago
@☆ ariana g. /in a matter of minutes, he returned, a bad in his hands and a wide smile spread across his face –– and a little pink blush to boot; when he re-entered the room, he spoke in his horrible british accent.
i have returned, darling. /snorts. ready?!
/with a grin he held out a hand, slinging the bag over his shoulder with his other.
☆ jiwoo k. [A] 6 years ago
@☆ chaewon p. jiwoo can feel the bump forming on the back of her head as it throbbed in pain. jiwoo just kept her eyes closed. when she opened it, she saw only one chaewon in front of her. 'good,' she thought, 'no concussion, at least.' but then she saw chaewon walking away, hearing her say something along the lines of, "i'll be back really quickly," and jiwoo shoots up from her position laying down. (she really shouldn't have, her head hurt even more.) with one hand, she grabs chaewon's wrist, and with her other, it cups her temple, "ow.." she mumbles to herself again. but then jiwoo brings her attention to the blonde in front of her, "don't..." she stops for a second, wondering what she's trying to say.
"don't go..." she finally sputters out. "i-i'm fine, really! just, please don't leave?" jiwoo looks up at chaewon, her eyes shining a little bit. she's really not fine. her head is pounding and she's not even sure if she'll be able to go to practice tomorrow in this condition, but she wants chaewon to stay by her side and she honestly isn't sure why she wants this so badly. maybe she just liked the company. "please...?"
☆ yuqi s. 6 years ago
@☆ jiwoo k. chaewon hears a slam from behind her, and her head snaps in the direction of the sound. chaewon’s eyes grow like entire planets before she turns around, rushing to jiwoo's side. “oh my god,” she panics, immediately getting pillows to put under the injured’s head. “jiwoo,” she beckons, trying to get her attention, “jiwoo are you okay? how many fingers am i holding up?” chaewon holds up four fingers in front of jiwoo’s face stupidly because, god, she doesn’t know what to do in this situation. she doesn’t know what to do in half the situations she’s put in, shes 17 for god’s sake.
putting her hand back to her side she lifts herself from the ground, “um, okay, i’m going to just- just uh, get some ice from the infirmary. if you could just- just stay here—well i don’t know why you would go anywhere else. uh don’t fall asleep yet? i think people tell you not to sleep incase you have a concussion i think. just! i’ll be back, okay?”
☆ jiwoo k. [A] 6 years ago
@☆ chaewon p. chaewon smelled really good to jiwoo, as weird as that sounded. through her sleep haze, jiwoo was able to breathe in the sweet scent of chaewon's hair. opening her eyes occasionally, jiwoo could see the bright lights of the dorm lobby, but she closed her eyes again and burried her face into chaewon's shoulder once more.
feeling herself being lowered, jiwoo tiredly peeks her eyes open again. she could see the overly pink walls of the dorm room and she sighs a little bit. it was comfy on chaewon's back. recklessly and without though, she simply lets go of her carrier. as a result, her head slams against the frame of her bed before it hits the matress. jiwoo winces and lifts up her hand to the back of her head, groaning in pain, "ow.."
☆ yuqi s. 6 years ago
@☆ jiwoo k. chaewon had jiwoo on her back for thirty minutes. walking from the practice and lounging areas of the campus (chaewon thinks of the entire place as a school more than a filming set for a reality survival show) to the dorms is actually quite far. the walk is usually around 10 minutes, but keeping someone on your back and making sure she’s still on your back can take up some extra minutes.
after fiddling with the elevator buttons with her elbow, chaewon had finally gotten the elevator to move to what floor jiwoo’s room was in. thankfully, chaewon’s room was on the same floor as hers.
arriving at the floor, chaewon trods up to jiwoo’s room, opening the door and making her way to the latter’s bed. she smiled at how cute the decorations were around jiwoo’s section of her room. slowly, she got on one knee with her back facing the bed. “jiwoo, you’re home,” chaewon says, trying to speak as softly as possible.


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libras 6 years ago
hi friends! pls put jie, mei, and yerim on hiatus for a couple of weeks. i just need a break from rpr
yxgurt 6 years ago
hello pls reaccept me ily
chikn_nuggs 6 years ago
yongguk has to peace out
yxgurt 6 years ago
actually keep jae reserved might come back in a few days
yxgurt 6 years ago
jaehyun gtg thank you babies for le fun teehee
piixiedust 6 years ago
Please hiatus joohyun as long as possible, thanks
lovette 6 years ago
squeaks ily guys so much but jieun's gotta dip ; ; good luck with the rp! it's truly amazing ♡
melozennie 6 years ago
may i please reserve seo kangjoon?
weekday 6 years ago
do you guys accept internationals?
5HINee 6 years ago
Do you guys want Key or Onew?
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