dorm request
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students will have the option to live in the dorms on campus. in order to be assigned to a room, you must either have one or two other roommates. these can be other students you have talked to in advance, or you can be assigned to somebody when there is an opening. please comment below with the following form for a dorm:
full name:
roommate(s): choose one or two if you have spoken to another student in advance, or say how many you would like and we will assign you to a room when there is an open slot available.
dorm number: choose any identifier you wish so you know which room is yours.
NOTE! dorms are not co-ed, so boys cannot room with girls. if your dorm is vacated for longer than two weeks, it will be locked. after that, each roommate must pay 50 credits for it to be unlocked again.
* dorm rooms cost 300 credits.
you can split the cost between your roommates,
if you wish. just say so in your comment so the
admins know how many credits to deduct!