The Cinema

The CinemaΒ 
Riley Parker 10 months ago
@Tsuki Everything happened far too quickly for Riley to react. Her scream had him leaning backwards, but he had barely moved an inch before the knife cut into his cheek, leaving a deep gash. His face erupted in pain, blood flowing down his face and neck. Riley let out a scream of his own and sobbed. "MURDERER!" People faster to catch on began jumping out of their seats, someone pulled out a phone and started to film, another was calling the police. Riley grabbed Tsuki by her shoulders and leaned in again, crying as he rubbed his open wound against her face, covering her in his blood. "I remember you.", he whimpered into her ear and then bit down on the shell so hard his teeth cut through the cartilage.
Tsuki [A] 10 months ago
@Riley Parker The boys reaction to her words was not one she’d expected and it wasn’t long before Tsuki felt like her chest was tightening around her, her breathing becoming shallow and uneven as she started to panic more and she felt a sense of anger boiling up inside her. He was too close to her, she hated having people so close and as he sunk down and spoke of remembering her she couldn’t control her impulses anymore.
“I don’t know you!” she yelled as she pulled her hand out of her pocket, forgetting about the knife she was clenching so tightly until after she’d lashed out and hit him.
Upon seeing the knife in her hand, she froze for a few moments, even holding her breath as she glanced around, noticing the rest of the people watching the movie slowly turning around with disapproving looks before a more concerned look came over their faces.
Riley Parker 10 months ago
@Tsuki Riley shut up when the girl started speaking and stared at her, his sunken in dark circles appearing even larger in the dimly lit cinema. He inched back a little at the sharp hiss in the tone, his torso twisting away. Riley hugged his shoes to his chest and stared at the ground. For a few seconds he didn't move at all, and then he started to shake his head wildly from side to side. "No no no no", he mumbled in a hushed tone. Riley turned to face the girl and leaned in so close he could feel her breath on his face. "No no no no I know you, yes I do. Yep yep. You made it rain and now it hurts. Bad bad bad bad" Riley gently nudged her with his hand/shoe, unwilling to cause any actual physical harm. He didn't want more voices in his head. "You don't remember? You don't?", he tilted his head to the side and let his upper body sink down until his head almost touched her knee. "How come? I remember you. Yes yes."
Tsuki [A] 10 months ago
@Riley Parker She made sure to take a seat that was further from other people, not really wanting to be too close to anyone that she might hear their whispering or have them get irritated by the sound of her eating her popcorn, so when the bizarre looking boy approached she was already on edge, her hand darting into her pocket and holding the handle of her knife she had hidden just in case.
Then the boy pulled her head down and began speaking, and Tsuki could feel her heart beating out of her chest as she started to panic, her eyes narrowing instead of widening as she stared at the boy.
“You’ve mistaken me for someone else, please move, I don’t like sharing space…” she half whispered, half hissed to the boy.
Riley Parker 11 months ago
@Tsuki After wandering off multiple times and getting into trouble, Powerdrive had stuck him in their HQ for the time being, at least until someone had time to sit Riley down and explain - once again - why he shouldn't just run off, and that after he was done with work he should go straight home. Well, Powerdrive was having a busy few days, and as a result, Riley had managed to sneak out again. Currently he was walking in the middle of the road with bare feet, his shoes on his hands. "Got to stay dry. Ouch ouch the rain hurts. Ouch ouch the rain hurts.", he sang to himself and clapped the soles of his shoes together. Cars honked at him from all around until a concerned passerby pulled Riley off the road. Riley was asked what was wrong, if he was alright, and he responded with a clap clap and a whimper that 'it hurts'. The concerned stranger turned to their friend to get their phone, and in that decisive moment Riley wandered off again, and straight into the cinema they had been standing in front of. What followed was a series of striking coincidences where everyone that could have stopped him from entering the cinema hall happened to be distracted or gone. And so, mid-movie, Riley wandered into the dark place. He sat down next to several people, feeling out which seat he liked best, but kept moving until he arrived next to the hooded girl. Riley looked down at her from his standing position and sat down right next to her. "I saw you. What are you hiding for?", Riley pulled her hood down, "There's not point hiding. I saw you. You made it rain and now everything hurts. I saved my shoes thankfully, but it's really no good. Didn't father Sun tell you to stop? You should listen to him."
Tsuki [A] 11 months ago
@Riley Parker It was a pretty bleak day outside with clouds blocking the sun and a light haze of rain through the city. Days like these were Tsuki’s least favourite days as the rain was almost like a lie, barely there but enough to mess up your hair, makeup, and clothes.
So today she’d thrown on a hoodie and pulled the hood up, covering the ponytail she’d put in, and she hasn’t bothered with her makeup, letting the dark circles under her eyes show for once. She wasn’t intending on being recognised so she didn’t particular care for her appearance. Sighing to herself she grabbed her bag and made her way to the cinema, picking out a movie to watch, some sort of teen horror movie, and handed her unlimited membership card to the teenager behind the desk before taking her ticket and heading to the popcorn and drinks counter, trying to decide what she wanted to take into the screen with her.


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hippie 5 months ago
Heyyy~ can I reserve Kwon Jiyong?
crybebi 10 months ago
louchedche 10 months ago
Hii - may I request for Lee Soo Hyuk pls :)))) Thanks!
Queenofsins 10 months ago
Oh my god I just saw Jackson Wang on your wish list and he is perfect for the character I have in mind can I still have him?
creamsoda 11 months ago
may i have oh sehun please?
creamsoda 11 months ago
you want male or female?
Oxytocin 11 months ago
hmm I'ma dive in
chungmyung 11 months ago
could i get war wanarat please?
0c119f4809feac09a276 11 months ago
Jeon Soyeon please?
kikukiyuu 11 months ago
May I reserve Mix Sahaphap for power drive
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