the fact that the plots on my profile
just shows how brain dead I am right now. xD
I'll fix them up tomorrow, right now I'm just going to leave them like they are
@Chen Don't judge me. Dx I haven't been on the past two days because
of an ice storm.
I still need to leave my other character and apply as someone else.
maybe I should do that now before I forget. >.<
I just realized that I had people I was supposed to reply back to, but never did. >.<
Now I don't know if the one's I need to reply back to are still the same people I was rping with or not. T__T
/hits head against keyboard/
Um, Xiumin needs to go on Hiatus for 2 weeks. I've started school and there is no time for me to even make myself comfortable here. I promise to be more active when I come back, yes? :)
I accidentally pressed the leave character button because my stupid iPod was well being stupid I was Jungkook I would be really happy if you accepted me back