⇀ thornhill manor.

―thornhill manor.
thornhill manor.
home to all vampires, thornhill manor is a grand mansion built on the edge of a cliff, located in the outskirts of the city of arcani heights. through it is hundreds of years old and the architecture still boasts a rather gothic, victorian style, the interior has been all but completely modernized in order to keep up with the ever changing times. every vampire has their own bedroom here, as well as many common areas for them to interact with each other. 
vampires are required to return to the manor before sunrise. 
❛ felix lee 4 years ago
@❛ changmin shim ʰⁱᵍʰ ᶜᵒᵘⁿˢᵉˡˡᵒʳ of course, he knew agreeing to coming to such an event would come at a price - he just never thought that price would end up being... his own life. did castiel know about this secret attack on the lycans? no. no there's no way. there's no way castiel would put him in harms way on purpose. just the other night, the vampire had proclaimed his love for the human boy and promised him a long, health life with his protection. they had even discussed the potential idea of yongbok accepting the altering change, giving up his fragile humanity.

castiel swore to him that he would protect him. he swore to him that no ill fate would come to him, that as silly as it may sound, they'll share an eternity together. there's no way castiel would bring him here just for the boy to meet a gruesome fate. he just wishes he could see castiel one last time before he would end up taking his last breath...

the teeth and claws tore into his skin like a knife through butter, spilling warm crimson all over his clothes and all over the ground. his screams were loud and piercing however could barely be heard over the chaos going on around him. during his fatal attack, he could see some vampires lunging at the lycan atop of him with eyes as red as his own blood. whether it'd be in attempt to free the mortal or because they could smell his blood, yongbok could never tell. none of them reached him - at least no in time anyways. by the time a vampire had yanked the lycan off of him... it was too late. his screams had ceased, he could no longer feel the agonizing pain anymore. his body felt light, like he was floating high in the clouds.

the last sight yongbok managed to catch was the high counselor leaning over him with this... look in his eye. he couldn't hold on any longer to be able to decipher what it was and within a second, the human had faded in the males arms; eyes glittering with tears now dull and empty. and when his body had been carried outside towards castiel, the vampire let out a wail of both horror and sorrow at the state of his beloved. shaking hands reach towards yongbok's shielded face, turning it just slightly so a trembling kiss could be placed to his forehead.

castiel ended up taking the boy and giving him a proper human burial in the backyard of the house they were staying in. his family had wept into the night at they laid him to rest respectfully and castiel had refused to leave the grave for the remainder of the night. a few days had passed when a particular rumor caught wind, spreading throughout the lands through branches and off the lips of people who whispered to another: of a vampire too overcome with guilt to mend his broken heart had willingly stepped into the sunlight until he was nothing but a pile of ash.

now, many many moons later, yongbok's essence flickers in a small but hopeful flame inside the chest of his spitting image; felix lee. a compassionate and kind human boy who charms his customers at the florist shop with a simple smile and feeds the stray cat that continuously visits. a reincarnation of the human that had perished too soon over a century ago.
❛ changmin shim ʰⁱᵍʰ ᶜᵒᵘⁿˢᵉˡˡᵒʳ 4 years ago
@❛ felix lee castiel's crestfallen, utterly pitiful state of desperation causes even changmin, the unwavering hand of judgement amongst the elders, to experience a flicker of emotion reminiscent to his time as a human. the same tragic gleam of despair across the other's visage forces the high counsellor back centuries, reliving the event of his death. he can still recall the sickening feeling of his stomach sinking onto the enemy's lance. he recalls grasping a locket--his loved one, who was named... who was named...?

"you have dared to move me, castiel." he replies indignantly, weighing the probability of the human possibly still being alive. he offers the other a brief glance before he leaves, returning to the mansion's hallways now littered with corpses of lycan and vampyre alike. "yongbok?" he calls, following the mortal's succulent scent--until he locates him.

"too late." he admits in defeat, crossing himself as he gazes forlornly over the mortal's body. it's obvious who the murderer was with the claw and teeth marks, not to mention the wretched smell. he thereupon moves to kneel at the dead's side, gingerly brushing back the curls of his bangs to observe the last of his color draining from his face. he closes his eyes, acting in prayer. "welcome yongbok into paradise, o lord--where there will be no sorrow, no weeping, or pain." he says in a low murmur before concluding the prayer.

as if yongbok were still alive, he lifts the other in his arms with the intention of alleviating some of castiel's grief--yet, why only now has the high counselor been moved to such a gesture for a human? ordinarily, he would blame such happenings on vampyres for failing to obey the rules--they exist for a reason afterall. after so many centuries of living up to how emotionally cold vampyres can be, then why has he been moved to such a state? is it because he didn't wish castiel to fall to the same hand of fate he had? his cussock is stained with yongbok's unforgetable rosy scent, but is he only realizing now that even vampyres after many centuries of living will lose their memories?

he's unsure as to exactly what his emotions are toward the pair. he had once considered emotions being removed to be a rite of passage to true vampyrism, but he realizes even the most closed of hearts can battle with emotions. he finally addresses castiel with yongbok's body in his arms. "i hope you will not forget him like i have." he adds, cradling yongbok's head against his chest as if he were shielding his own child from something he didn't wish his child to witness. "but otherwise, do with him as you'd like."
❛ felix lee 4 years ago
@❛ changmin shim ʰⁱᵍʰ ᶜᵒᵘⁿˢᵉˡˡᵒʳ ( i hope thornhill manor is okay for now ; ^ ; if anything, we could always move to a different room later on! but yes in case you're confused at all, i was aiming more towards the end of the event! )

despite feeling so confused, and having so many questions, yongbok still had the open-minded compassion running through his veins. he was willing to try - willing to accompany castiel in his goal that vampires (and lycans) can live alongside humans without conflict. that humans, despite resembling a cherry blossom (beautiful, yet shortly lived), held resilience and strength in them despite the mess that they can cause. there's still good in humans and castiel wanted to show everyone what they all once were before they became what they were now.

yet, the vampires... seemed to hold a different idea in mind when it came to this party. castiel attended with a close ally at his side with high hopes and yet it was his own kind that turned the tables.

he remembers walking out of the closet after a very, very long conversation with the high counselor and returning to the dance floor with yongbok close to his side once more. castiel was just about to offer to go get them drinks when all hell broke loose and they were separated in the matter of seconds in the confusion. castiel had instantly caught on to the loss of warmth wrapping around him, the delicate scent of roses and lilywater no longer filling his nostrils. however before he could dive into the crowd in an effort to search for his beloved companion, hands gripped him, pulled him back and hauled him away. the vampire kicked and screamed the entire way, not once sparing the person holding him a single glance in his struggles.

"let me go!" castiel shouts once they're outside and only then is he able to break free, stumbling a little before regaining his balance. when he realizes the high counselor himself had grabbed him, rage fills the male's eyes and he shoves the other vampire harshly. "what the hell do you think you're doing?! i have to get back in there!" another pair of hands grab him to prevent him from re-entering the manor and voice fill his ears; telling him that there was no use to go back in there, that the boy was a goner. "no. no! let go of me! i can't leave him behind! i can't let him die!"

"why do you care so much about a human?" a vampire snarls at him, grabbing his shoulder and shoving him down into the bench in an effort to contain the struggling male.

"he saved me!" castiel declares while staring up at the manor with eyes that are glistening with never-ending tears. "a group of lycans attacked my family a couple of months ago. most of us didn't survive and when we fled, we.. we stumbled across a little village. a human village. and yongbok, h-he found us. in the middle of the woods, in the dead of night with nothing but a torch, he *found us*. instead of reporting us to the guards, he brought us into his home. his family took care of mine, patched up our wounds, and allowed us to stay hidden within their basement until we recovered. yongbok showed me such kindness that i've never, ever seen before. he saved my life.. he saved me and i-i brought him here to *this*. i can't let him die." castiel struggles once more and manages to get to his feet. "he can't die! i have to get to him! please, just let me save him! please!"
❛ jungkook jeon 4 years ago
@❛ taehyung kim ᵉˡᵈᵉʳ "are you chaining me to you? i like that punishment. feels ." jungkook can't help but flash a cocky smile, fingertips tapping against the other's firm chest as he gently pries his hands away from the man's hold. there's a dull warmth emanating from under his touch and jungkook wonders just how warm he could get taehyung. how red and pink could he flush the man with just words and sleights of his hand? he can tell that taehyung is gettiled riled up. at least, he thinks he can. in his years of life he's probably never encountered one as daring as jungkook, but he takes pride in knowing and doing so. taehyung will fall to his feet, whether he wants to or not. the older vampire may be classy and dignified from an outside perspective, but there's nothing that he wants more than to break the councilman down until he's begging for relief.

"how about we go home and i'll show you a real good time?" jungkook finds slight irritation nipping at his heels at the complete denial of feeding or freedom. he was a free spirit, going wherever he felt his mood swing and take him. being confined would definitely be a blow to his psyche, but he supposes if he were to spend it with taehyung, he wouldn't mind so much. in the mean time, he'd just have to entertain himself with taehyung. he couldn't wait to draw more reactions, more snarls and anger, more condescending tones just to flip it and bring the man to his knees.
❛ taeyeon kim ᵉˡᵈᵉʳ 4 years ago
@❛ selena gomez Taeyeon nodded at the female as they walk through the premises of the manor, "I see, when I was your age, it took me a hard slap to realized that I don't live with the humans anymore." She gave the other a sheepish smile. "You wanna know how I die?" She told her with a soft tone. "I died from old age." She whispered and waited for the other to react, the before she burst out laughing, her laugh echoed around the empty corridor before she dies down the moment they were at the stairs. "I'm sorry, but your expression is really priceless."

The moment she died down from laughing, she sighed. "Anyways, I used to be like you when I was first turned. You feel like your senses were hurting you, or your ego but when you get used to it, you're like an apex predator! Like a lion, since they are the king of the animals." She told Selena as they go downstairs. "Hey, Selena. Don't be scared, okay? I'm not like the other elders, I talk to death dealers and other younger vampyres like you casually. Don't be afraid to approach me, okay?"
❛ selena gomez [A] 4 years ago
@❛ taeyeon kim ᵉˡᵈᵉʳ "thanks." the female murmurs as her palms run over both of her arms, gently gnawing upon her lower lip. "a walk?" her head tilts downward to overlook the simple large shirt she'd donned, tickling the middle of her exposed thighs. "um, okay." the pads of her feet meet the cool floor as she walks alongside the elder, eyes focused downward with brows furrowing together.

"uh, thirty? something years ago. it's been okay, i've had a very good teacher." the thought of the death dealer brings upon the smallest of smiles, raising a hand to rub at the nape of her neck. "it's not been too hard for me, it's more emotional for me, i guess."
❛ taeyeon kim ᵉˡᵈᵉʳ 4 years ago
@❛ selena gomez Taeyeon smiles and nods, "I see, Selena. What a beautiful name! It almost sounds like the Moon Goddess." She complimented in a way for the other to feel comfortabke with her despite being an elder. "Uhh, would you mind taking a walk around the manor with me? I need to exercise my feet." She asked while smiling warmly to the other before pushing the box inside her room, "So let's go?" The petite elder giggled a bit before they start walking through the corridor.

"When were you turned, Selena? I know it's very difficult to adjust yourself in your new life as a vampyre." She asked while humming before looking at the portraits of paintings. "I have been in your situation when I got turned the first time-- it took me a year to get used of the environments but you can get used to it just less than a year." Taeyeon added before looking at one portrait of a person she used to know before she continues to move on to the other premises.
❛ selena gomez [A] 4 years ago
@❛ taeyeon kim ᵉˡᵈᵉʳ with her lower lip retrieved from a bite to her lower lip, selena's fangs seem unforgivable upon the supple flesh. she'd never been a fan of the elders, especially being aware of the power that they hold above every single individual within the coven. "i'm not very new, no." the fear makes its way throughout the honesty spoken between selena's teeth, fingers gently itching at her side. her eyes lower to overlook the palm outstretched to her, slowly reaching out to take it within her own with a faint shake before retracting it.

"i'm selena." glancing back down to the box previously within her hand, she shakes her head. "it's not bad."
❛ taeyeon kim ᵉˡᵈᵉʳ 4 years ago
@❛ selena gomez As the new vampyre got surprised and almost jumped, she turned to face the elder who was looking at her in a clueless manner but she can see that the other is scared seeing an elder in front of her. 'Am I that scary?!' Taeyeon thought to herself as though being an elder vampyre is just title for those who had lived longer than others, she didn't mean to scare the vampyre. She quickly gets the box and put it down beside her, "It's alright, it's alright. Don't be scared I won't punish you or anything." She looked at the other with a nervous look. "I'm surprised you already found out that I'm an elder though, are you new here?" She asked softly, not trying to scare the new vampyre anymore.

"My name is Taeyeon." She introduces herself to her and shows her hand for a shake without forgetting to smile. "I'm not really showing up to the council and rarely going out of the manor when no one is around, but-- I was away before I decide to come back here." She giggles, "I really wanna get to know you, what's your name?"

"--Oh and by the way, do you like wine?" She asked her all of a sudden if she used to drink wine.
❛ selena gomez [A] 4 years ago
@❛ taeyeon kim ᵉˡᵈᵉʳ the few knocks on her door is what initially caught selena's attention, and whilst she would've normally remained within the warmth of her bed, relaxed by the loud impact of the rain and thunder, her curiosity had gotten the best of her. the pads of her feet meet the cold floor with an arm outstretching to gather jacob's shirt within her palm, tugging it over her bare body before she continues towards the door. her fingers then sink beneath silkened strands, tugging them free from the loose constraint of the collar of the shirt. they dance down the expanse of her back upon being freed, only to act as a cape as she crouches down to pick up the packages left at her door.

with brows knitted together, the box (heavy, at that) is turned repetitively within her palm in search of a label of whom this was to be delivered to, yet it lacked one. must've been delivered at the wrong door. the voice of the elder visibly takes the female by surprise, her body initially reacting with a jump and a hand fleeing to press against her chest. "god, you scared the out of me."

only then do her orbs flee to the voice and her words are lost within . her stomach seemingly churns at the sight of the elder, and only then does she overlook the package in her palm. "um --" the first murmur comes out in a stutter and she swallows thickly. "i uh -- it's not what it looks like, i swear. i think it was just delivered to my place by mistake." selena whispers, taking slow steps towards the female with both arms outstretching. "i'm sorry, here you go."
❛ taehyung kim ᵉˡᵈᵉʳ [A] 4 years ago
@❛ jungkook jeon the previous title of an italian prince seemingly doesn't fit taehyung anymore, especially not within this moment. who would've thought a man, once a prince, would be deciding a punishment that would ultimately bring a younger male to the brink of death one way or another? it was almost amusing to him, how he'd ran from his own torture to provide just the same to occupants within the coven. although he was becoming less and less of a fan of being part of the council throughout the decades, and the temptation to stray would grow stronger and stronger, taehyung was beginning to think that jeon jungkook was one deserving of a lesson -- of punishment. not once had he'd been spoken to like this from someone lower than him, for the coven certainly respected the council (at least to their faces).

his fangs are unforgiving as he dare to bite his tongue, a strong metallic taste dancing over his tastebuds with his eyes (for once) fluttering shut. the tips of his fingers twitch against his pen, and his walls are slowly beginning to cave. the slenderness of the pen crumbles beneath his fingers with ease, and his eyes immediately open to overlook the rest of the council. "here's what i suggest, because we obviously will not be able to come to a conclusion in peace." the last word is emphasized with a strong grasp fleeing to the younger vampires wrists, prying them from around his neck. "jungkook shall be required to remain under my watch until we reach a decision. whilst under my watch--" the male begins, turning within his chair to overlook the brunette. "there will be no feeding, nor freedom to live without me. am i understood?"
❛ taeyeon kim ᵉˡᵈᵉʳ 4 years ago
@❛ selena gomez One stormy weather in the vicinity of the heights, the rain falls hard against the soil of the land and a crashing lightning made the second elder Taeyeon woke up from her desk as she got dozed off from reading so much papers. The elder vampyre looks at the window and sees that tonight was stormy as hell, the petite vampire sighs and gets up from the desk. She saw more papers on the ground and picked it up, she sees one paper which she orders a box of newly improved blood wine that was going to be delivered tonight. Her eyes widen, she should have waited for the deliverer.

Taeyeon went to her wardrobe and wears a comfy clothes: an oversized sweater and sweatpants, she tied her hair into a bun and walks to her door before opening it. She peeked outside a little to see if no one, not even a single rat is around. She then slowly walks out of the room and sees that the box of wine she ordered was in front of the wrong room, there's already one vampyre checking it.

'There's a new vampyre around?' The elder thought before walking closer to the woman, she cleared and spoke. "Excuse me, miss?" She called out the girl with a smile. The new vampyre might know of her, or not, it depends if she always see a painting of her portrait in the manor. "I think you're looking on my box." She added, but softer than the last she spoke.
❛ jungkook jeon 4 years ago
@❛ taehyung kim ᵉˡᵈᵉʳ "Why not?" There's a playful simper working at the corner of his lips. It's twisted and there's obvious amusement on his features. The twinkle in his eyes is indicative of more that he has in store for the elder vampire, fingers practically twitching with excitement. Each and every reaction that he elicits from the man is like fuel to his entire being. The fire that burns in his gut is something he's never felt before. He wants to see more, reactions that the man would never show to anyone else, something hidden deep within the recesses of his soul, that only Jungkook could unlock. "Cut me some slack, baby. I'm new to this."

He's really not. He's fairly new, yes. Relatively? Yes. But definitely not completely new. He's had some time to adapt to his new lifestyle, but he finds it difficult, especially in times of extreme hunger, to hold himself back. Jungkook hasn't had years of experience like the elders have. For the time being Jungkook does remain quiet, only because he's in silent admiration of the snarl that had emitted from Taehyung's throat. It's only until he hears muffled bits and pieces of his punishment in discussion that he saunters over to Taehyung, hands grasping the man's shoulders before sliding down his chest, leaning down until his mouth ghosts right over the man's ear. Heated breath waves over the shell of his ear as he speaks, fingers tapping languidly against Taehyung's chest. "I don't think so, love."
❛ jacob kiszka [A] 4 years ago
@❛ selena gomez ᵃˡᵉˣᵃⁿᵈʳⁱᵃ ᵇᵉˡˡᵉʳⁱᵛᵉ it was so strange, that she didn’t dispute when he said something now. even more strange was the fact that he didn’t even notice her compliance at first. it was almost as if all of the arguing, those silly tantrums (on both sides), and the physical attacks on one another were all faux to their true nature. they weren’t destined to break each other down, but be there to hold the other up when they needed it. the moment her arm reaches for him, palm grazing the nape of his neck below damp tendrils, he has the urge to reach for it and press kisses to every exposed inch of flesh, but he resists (much to his instinct’s distaste).

much unlike the physical contact with any other, his shoulders fail to tense as her fingertips graze his skin; he neither recoils or lashes out, but relaxes, of all things. as if Selena’s palm could wipe away the stress, her touch smoothing over the ferocious waves of anger and sadness colliding deep within his soul. he began to doubt the fact that vampires are only given one dark gift, for she seemed to have two. a beast slayer, a healer. so ironic that he be the one to turn her, the one damned soul too far in the depths to be reached (or so he thought).

“Train you?” he repeats her words, thoughtful as the possibility ricochets within his brain. “It won’t be simple.” he practically states the obvious, his own fingers seeking out runaway locks that fall against her cheek, the damn things censoring her features from him, a travesty, to be quite honest. “If you truly want to learn, I cannot be lenient on you because of.. this.” the last word is accentuated by the way he tucks her hair behind her ear, the tips of his fingers falling to trace her jaw before he tilts it upwards. he can feel the unfamiliar sensation of a smile itching to curl his lips over his fangs, and perhaps it would’ve, if he had been given one more moment of peace with her. alas, such a fate was not possible the moment he picks up the sound of thundering boots outside of the manor, death dealers dispatching for the night. the twitch of his lip fades before the visage could paint itself upon them. his hand frees itself from her grasp, both palms fleeing to cradle her cheeks and pull her closer to his body, the surface of her forehead meeting his tiers so that he may press a hurried, fond kiss upon it. he doesn’t respond to her plea for safety, uncertain of what he could say that would soothe her, without lying to her. the truth was that Jake could disappear into the night, never to return again. he could be torn apart by his brother’s kind, and the only one who would mourn him was right before him. he knew this, and yet he could say nothing to comfort her. so he simply doesn’t speak, releasing her after a moment, he ghosts to the door on the opposite side of the room, disappearing the moment he pulls it closed upon his exit.
❛ selena gomez [A] 4 years ago
@❛ jacob kiszka her figure is slumped against the frame of the bathroom door, arms crossed over her chest as her eyes remain on his countenance. she follows each and every movement that he makes with each sense heightened— from nudging himself up to drying himself off, then to him latching the weapons back to his body. it’s as if she was watching the construction of his walls, building them up before her. but not to put into use with her, but to whomever would be his next victim of the night. the weapons on his being were bricks added to the foundation of those walls, and honestly, she’d never been bothered by them. even now. each knife and gun were a part of him, and selena was acutely aware of the fact. jacob didn’t have the safest job, much to her own demise, but at least these weapons would keep him safe.

the touch to her hand brings her back to the moment, roughly tugging her away from the trance she’d fallen into. a blanket of lashes tickle her cheekbones as honey hues run over the knife set within her palm, brows gently knitting together. being entrusted within this knife had to have been the most monumental step taken, and selena knew that if her heart was beating, it’d be racing. maybe when he dissipates beneath the moonlight, she’ll once again awaken the muscle and think of him, feel her heart thrum against her ribcage as it would at the sight of a high school heart throb. jacob was her heart throb, and she yearned to feel how her body would naturally react to the thought of him— her heart, without her mind interrupting.

running the pad of her thumb over the blade, her head tilts upwards to look at him with a faint smile and a nod. “i promise.” she whispers, and outstretching an arm to perch her hand against the nape of his neck, a request for him to promise her of his safety was on the tip of her tongue. but, with consideration of his age and how long he’d been doing this, she knows that he would be someone that knows what he was doing. so before speaking, the tips of her fingers run over his cheeks once more before the face of her nail gently traces his cheekbone to draw his hair behind his ear.

“i want you to teach me,” she begins, straightening up a tad with the corner of her lips twitching just a tad. “train me.” she corrects with a faint scrunch of her nose. “not off of memories or anything like that. in case anything were to happen, i want to know that i could at least try to protect you, too. just like i know you’d protect me.” her hand lowers down the length of his arm to take his hand, raising it to press a kiss to his palm. “please be safe.”
❛ jacob kiszka [A] 4 years ago
@❛ selena gomez ᵃˡᵉˣᵃⁿᵈʳⁱᵃ ᵇᵉˡˡᵉʳⁱᵛᵉ /come back to me when you’re done./ the statement had so easily slipped from her lips that for a moment, Jake had forgotten that this was not his every day routine. could it be? as his tiers latch on to hers, he ponders the possibility. having someone to come home to every morning, to kiss her goodbye every evening, was this twisted incarnation of a family as far away as he once believed, or did the charming couple lifestyle finally lay within his grasp? he hadn’t thought about being a husband since he was alive, and thus the word even seemed foreign to him. regardless, there was no denying that there was so much more to his relationship with Selena than he had previously written off. “Okay.” it’s all that he can muster, though his conscience tells him to tell her no.

too lost within the depths of his mind, he’s only brought back to the present when her lips abandon his, leaving behind a ghost of the weight that once was, and then she’d left the tub all together. he follows soon after, retrieving the towel as it’s draped upon him. he can’t help himself but to stare, the way his clothes seemed to swallow her smaller frame. she clearly belonged in something much more feminine, dainty, however the stark contrast to her features the garment provides is a reminder and testament to the differences between the two vampires, and the join between them.

“I can.” he answers, taking only a moment to dry himself and reaches for his pants. upon buckling them, he’s already rearming himself for the night to come, strapping knives and firearms to his body as if they were long lost pieces of his puzzle. in a way, they were. he’s just about to slide a particularly large combat knife into the sheath on his thigh when he pauses, and instead takes her wrist with his free hand. “Take this.” he whispers, placing the handle of the weaponry against her palm and closing her fingers around it. truth be told, he wasn’t sure what she would have to use it on: lycan or vampire, but he wasn’t going to allow her to be unarmed and alone. “Promise me that, if the time comes, you’ll use it.”
❛ jacob kiszka [A] 4 years ago
@❛ changmin shim ʰⁱᵍʰ ᶜᵒᵘⁿˢᵉˡˡᵒʳ [] just gonna ,, cough cough start this !!

his footsteps are practically silent, boots stepping lightly as he crossed the threshold into the manor. once again, he was racing the sunlight, the ball of fire rising just as he pushes the heavy door closed, sealing it away from him. though it wasn’t exactly unlike him to stay out late into the night, all vampires were due to return to the manor before sunrise (that included death dealers) and it wasn’t often until lately that he had been arriving in the very final moments of darkness. for he was no longer simply patrolling the grounds, or stalking the city for lycans, but also finding himself tied up in social meetings with one in particular. his brother.

as what was the norm by the end of the night, the manor was silent, and the foyer empty. most of the undead have already returned to their rooms to wait out the day. golden eyes cut to one side, and then the other, in search of anyone that might catch him coming home later than what was expected of him.
❛ selena gomez [A] 4 years ago
@❛ jacob kiszka this had to have notably been the moment filled with the most tranquility -- serenity, even, as she washes him clean. admittedly, she wouldn't have expected for him to have listened to her in the first place. but, then again, none of this day was expected to happen. a ghost of a smile taunts her tiers as she remembers how she'd awakened to the heat upon the roseate brims and then each memory that followed suit. she could see it so clearly, yet she fails to dwell on it. the rest of their time was limited, and that she was aware, so all she wanted to be was present within this moment. something within her, her gut maybe, speaks to her.

certain that this wouldn't be their last time together, selena ponders the possibility of the aura when they were to meet next. would it be awkward? would he be cold again to her? the thought frightens her, palm running over his chest as if to hold him any closer. there wasn't much more heartbreak she could take, regardless of the eternity of such ahead of her path. her eyes hesitate to shift towards their connected hands, then shifting towards the nearest window with a shadow of a frown apparent upon her visage. she said it once, and she'd say it a million times: she didn't want him to leave. but that doesn't change the reality of him needing to, or the consequences that would follow suit if he were to disobey. seeing him - quite literally - broken before her wasn't a risk she'd ever take again.

"i know." she whispers in return, turning her head back to look at him. her chin perches atop of his shoulder once more, and she stares longingly with the tips of her fingers running over his cheek and lips, then caressing his jaw as she leans in to press a lingering kiss to his tiers. "come back to me when you're done." the whisper is molded into his couplet pair, and selena finds herself reaching for the water release for the tub to begin draining. hesitantly, she pulls away and slowly nudges herself to a stance, carefully stepping out of the tub. if she wouldn't, there was no way either of them would leave. at least that she was certain.

disappearing into her bedroom, she only returns moments later decorated with his shirt over her figure and the rest of his clothes in her arms, along with a towel. dropping the clothes into the stool where he'd previously sat, she reaches out to rest the towel upon jacob's back before tugging her dampened strands free from beneath the collar of his shirt. "you can pick up a new shirt on your way out, right?" memorabilia, one would say. but this is what could be left to litter her with his scent once more, to comfort her as the light within her light dims.
❛ jacob kiszka [A] 4 years ago
@❛ selena gomez ᵃˡᵉˣᵃⁿᵈʳⁱᵃ ᵇᵉˡˡᵉʳⁱᵛᵉ his brows furrow as soon as she begins to shift, the water surrounding the two rolling in waves against the walls of the tub. he would be lying if he said that he wasn’t apprehensive, that he could stop being cautious, for these were traits drilled into his nature, and thus hard habits to break through. still, he allowed himself to relax in the slightest the moment he felt her hand against his chest. it was as if the extremity belonged there, for she was, had always been, connected to him in such a way. it only made sense to feel her palm against his skin, her lips upon his neck. if there were anything that he could be certain of in this moment, it was that he belonged here.

a strange realization, and especially to come to one only after twelve hours spent exploring her in a different light, but he couldn’t lie to himself; even if he would do so aloud if she asked. she had been there, all along, and he had been burdened with the inability to love; blinded by grief and holding on to something impossible. he hadn’t known so until right this very moment. whatever this was, whatever he felt for Selena, meant that he was free to feel for another, unshackled. he would have to thank Amelia, he determined, when they meet again, for releasing him.

there were few other sensations that could compare to the genteel nature in which she bathed him, and he found himself melting into the haven that her atmosphere brought forth- obeying her request. with his head angled back, his eyes close for a moment, and he’s allowed himself to be completely at peace, if only for the moment he shares with her. one palm rests atop her knee, fingers wanting to dig in, to keep her there, but he doesn’t. he keeps them relaxed, against his nature.

so many things on his mind, even more so upon the tip of his tongue, though none are fortunate enough to be twisted into sentences and spoken aloud. instead, he’s staring into the crimson water, a stark reminder that their time was over, that no evidence of him would be left upon her, and none of her on his person, either. he should be relieved, he shouldn’t have this selfish feeling of disappointment. still, he finds himself pouting inwardly, because Selena wouldn’t walk the manor brandishing love bites or his blood staining her skin, the scent of him, nor the essence that he had so lovingly left between her thighs. no one would know he had marked her, and that is a thought that should bring him comfort, but instead it made him uneasy.

all good things die, it was a harsh fact of reality that the vampire had come to terms with long ago, although this time seemed much harder. he didn’t want to see the moon, and have her tear them apart. with a soft sigh, his hand reaches to take her own as soon as she was rinsing his locks, giving it a hearty squeeze. “I have to...” he doesn’t bother finishing the sentence, for he was certain they both knew that they could no longer stall for time; it was time to put the day they’d spent behind them.
❛ selena gomez [A] 4 years ago
@❛ jacob kiszka the confession was enough to shake the female to her core and her previously furrowed brows relax, alongside the rest of her entirety. it felt as though the world had been lifted from her shoulders, that maybe, just maybe, the feelings that ran within her veins was somewhat mutual. for once, selena doesn't question him nor does she speak one word in response, mostly in fear that if she did, one syllable would be enough for jacob to revoke the words he'd previously spoken. the phrase is tucked away within a box of her fondest memories and instead of locking it, she allows the husky murmur to ring within her head repetitively. the tip of her tongue begins to glide amongst her tiers each time she hears it, fingers gently gripping upon the sponge with a merciless grip.

"very well."

this moment was unlike any other time she'd managed to get her way with him, for there were no shots fired, no threats, no temper tantrums - just spoken word of yearning and honesty with not only him, but also herself. who would've thought it would go such a long way. her pair of limbs gravitate towards the side of the tub as he climbs in, and it's as though the water is filled with electrical waves as high powered currents plummet throughout her veins. although he's beside her, now, she doesn't move. not yet. the sponge hovers within her lap as she leans back against the head of the bath, simply marinating within the contentment clouding her judgement. the way he touches her - slowly, sensually and gingerly brings a wave of unknown warmth through her deceased heart.

with honey hues daring to flutter closed, her tiers part to exhale a soft sigh. maybe she would regret inviting him in, for would she have the ability to find the strength to let him leave? her head slowly rolls to the side, eyes flittering to look over his crouched figure. he looked better by her side, she decided, and her palm outstretches to gently perch itself upon the surface of his knee in order to slowly pull herself closer to him. her right leg is bent before her, calve soon the only thing separating her body from his rear as her left leg runs adjacent to his left one. selena's left palm is soon occupied by the sponge once more, her right hand running up his back before slowly enveloping the right side of his chest beneath it as her lips faintly press upon the left side of his neck.

"don't think right now." she whispers, elevating the sponge atop of his skin to begin freeing each centimeter of his flesh from her own ichor, although she would mention that she found him more attractive donned beneath it. "just be here." losing grasp of the sponge, her fingers gather enough water to run along his cheeks and forehead, carefully swiping him clean with her tiers running along the back of his neck. the same fingers begin to delve within the tussled mane seeping over the strong build of his shoulders. the tips of her nails run along his scalp, and only after building enough moisture upon each and every strand does she lather the shampoo and conditioner upon them, nails repetitively running over his scalp before repetitively massaging his temples, then leaving him unblemished, a failed reflection of what their day had consisted of beforehand.
❛ jacob kiszka [A] 4 years ago
@❛ selena gomez ᵃˡᵉˣᵃⁿᵈʳⁱᵃ ᵇᵉˡˡᵉʳⁱᵛᵉ they say that every man has his breaking point, and for Jake, that breaking point appears in the form of Selena’s touch. each from lithe, soft fingertips leaves his foundation weaker, his body just an inch closer to climbing in with her. “If I do,” he whispers, his eyes falling to the bloodied water in which she’s engulfed. it practically taunts him. hyper focused on one bead of water that races down her silky thigh, leaving a trail that only supernatural eyes could still follow, he knows the combination of her words and the sensation of her fingers on him is breaking him down. “I might not want to leave.”

releasing the sponge into her grip was perhaps the first sign of his defeat. his fingers should’ve dug into the material, held it tightly, or even pulled it away before she could slip in and retrieve it, but he doesn’t. he allows her to take the sponge from his hand as his fingers fall limp, nails just barely breaking through the surface of the water. “Selena...” he murmurs her name, as if pleading for her not to break him down, but it was clear that he was already beyond saving. the butterfly of her fingertips against the back of his hand sends shivers down his spine. he yearns to be with her, to /stay/ with her, but he knows he cannot afford to fall into the abyss of addiction; he couldn’t allow himself to cling to her like a schoolboy. yet, that seemed to be exactly what he was doing.

/then you can go./ the words almost cause him physical pain, to imagine him leaving her. would he come back at daybreak? would he continue to pull her into his chaotic current of death and decimation? was that fair to her? a soft sigh resides on his lips, going no further than the threshold. “Very well.” his defeat materializes as a faint whisper, and the movement of his muscles as he pushes up from the stool, stepping into the bath opposite of her. thankfully, vampires were gaudy and expensive; the bathtub easily fit the two bodies as he slipped in, knees bracing against the porcelain wall opposite her own. however, now that his body is forced into close proximity of her own once more, he finds his hands unable to be controlled by his better judgement, fingers curling around the plain of her silky calf, palm sliding downward until the extremity disappears beneath the murky water. his wrists shifts and rolls, caressing her from ankle, and then to knee again, slow and sensuous. once his palm reaches her knee, it turns, cradling the portion before traveling up the length of her thigh. how could something so beautiful, so fragile, openly express desire for him? he was an animal, destructive and cruel, and yet she was still so warm for him. impossible as the realization is for him to decipher, he decides against even attempting.
❛ selena gomez [A] 4 years ago
@❛ jacob kiszka her eyes are steady on him, regardless of what he was doing or what he was looking at. he seemed to be focused in on cleansing her tanned skin from the crusted crimson, the red already polluting the water surrounding her figure, as she focuses in on him instead. it's not as though she necessarily planned for this, for her eyes to linger on him for so long, but selena felt as though she was rediscovering his visage for the first time all over again. it makes her think back to the first time she met him, and although she hadn't been able to face him upon his initial attack, her feet are what followed within his footsteps in his memories, leading her back to the manor and to his very room.

the first time she met him was a time when she was not only immensely confused about what was going on, but also frightened and sad, and every other emotion under the sun. her heart was longing to go back home, but little did she know that she'd never step foot beneath her roof again. never would she embrace her mom, or hold the power of encouraging her through her struggles. she'd only be able to watch from the sidelines, and admittedly, she hated jacob for it. for taking every single thing away from her. but the jacob before her now, and whom she'd spent the last twelve hours or so with, was not the jacob she'd grown to know. it's the one within her memories, caressing a woman named amelia and smiling. selena, too, yearned to see him smile.

if it was the last thing she'd ever do within this lifetime, she thinks to herself, then she'd lived a good life. "we have time." she refutes softly in certainty, the tips of her fingers coming to a stand still upon the left side of his neck. selena's face fails to waver, and within this moment, there's a certain tranquility unlike anything else as her hand lowers to gently collect the sponge from his palm, her own fingers dancing atop the back of his own. his touch continues to set her skin ablaze and only now does she become certain of the power that he has over her. "i won't be long." she whispers, the tips of her fingers running over his palm with a faint squeeze, almost to encourage him to enter before her.

"and when i finish..." she trails off, brows somewhat knitting together. "then you can go." and she could only hope that he'd return to her when dawn comes again. perhaps she was being completely transparent without recognizing the fact, and her lower lip collects between pearly whites once more as she looks back into his own eyes with unvocalized pleas. if she could have this, just finish off whatever /this/ was, then even eternity wouldn't be so bad with the memory.
❛ jacob kiszka [A] 4 years ago
@❛ selena gomez ᵃˡᵉˣᵃⁿᵈʳⁱᵃ ᵇᵉˡˡᵉʳⁱᵛᵉ even when he heard the soft murmur, the clear distaste in the idea of him leaving, he doesn’t acknowledge it. instead, the statement is tucked neatly away within the unbeating heart that lay below the surface, sealed with lock and key. for when he was feeling particularly alone, especially isolated, he could release the memory, hear her voice in his mind. it would keep him going, keep him strong, even if she didn’t know it.

once she’s submerged herself within the water, the death dealer reaches for the sponge on the edge of the tub, taking a moment to plunge it beneath the surface, soaking it in warmth. as she breaks through the water again, he finds a lot of the blood has melted away from her skin already, but what is stubborn enough to stay behind he begins to dab at with the sponge, squeezing to send a waterfall of warmth over her shoulder as he does so.

contemplating whether or not to answer her question; it was not a question of whether or not he desired to slide into the warmth of the bath with her, for he did so that he was forced to plant the soles of his feet firmly on the floor to keep him from moving. oh no, it was a matter of what he knew to be the right thing to do, for her. his eyes graze over her form, following his hand as he scrubs away any lingering evidence of his momentary weakness. his smell, his blood, if she were to be truly clean she could harbor neither. still, he cannot help himself from allowing his head to dip against her caress, nuzzling his cheek against it as his eyes close. content. an emotion otherwise unknown to him, though he feels it in this moment, with her.

“Perhaps,” he whispers, his lips barely moving to form the simple and vague answer to her question. “But not this time.” it’s a heartbreaking rejection, one that has his body screaming at him to do the opposite, he wants so badly to climb in with her, to hold and kiss her, even make love again, but he manages to stand firm in his denial. “I can’t.” the sponge dances over her clavicle, wiping away the remnants of him as he speaks, and yet he finds his digits splaying, the rough pads of them rubbing against her skin moments after the sponge had washed any discrepancies away. they trace the bone, slow and steady, as if he were rediscovering the section all over again. “We don’t have much time.”
❛ selena gomez [A] 4 years ago
@❛ jacob kiszka even in an attempt to resist the encouragement of his fingers, to keep her head tilted within the crook of his neck and hidden from any kind of observation, selena fails. her chin is tilted up yet her eyes hover over his collarbone, and even within this state of mind she notes that if she were to have been given the opportunity again, that's the spot that she would mark as her own. even if it would linger for a single second or two. selena manages to gather the strength to find his gaze, however, only mere moments after he'd spoken. his words garnered no reassurance, however, and she's left within a state of guilt. "it's not a waste with you, jacob." her words are as delicate as his own tainted flesh, brows furrowed.

her own gaze shifts towards the window and her body is immediately consumed by dread and disappointment: had she really convinced herself that this would never come to an end? that somehow, she could be entangled within the odd warmth of his embrace for the rest of eternity? "i don't want you to go." she mutters beneath her breath, almost inaudible to him even, but not quite. though, her arms find security around his neck once more, couplet pair ghosting above the muscle she'd awoken only a few moments prior to now. her headspace is somewhat fogged, confused even at the feelings that pumped throughout her veins, but at this time she decides to not ask questions. especially one's she knew the answer to.

emitting a faint grunt upon being set on the counter, selena finally takes the time to turn and look at her reflection. she was ..... a mess. just as much of a mess as he was. her fingers raise to run along her flesh, over the blood scattered amongst so much of her body that if anyone were to have seen her like this, they would've thought there was some kind of accident. she can hear the water running, though she doesn't yearn to step within it. part of her wanted it to remain, for him to remain stained on her like a coffee ring upon a table. perhaps she was somewhat unstable to think so, but it's something she couldn't help but yearn for. his voice brings her back to earth and slowly, she straightens up from the hunched position as she looked at her reflection.

with brows knitted together, her feet gently tap the floor with each step taken forward, palm resting atop of his shoulder to ease herself in before slowly taking a seat. the hot water somewhat knocks the wind from her lungs, and without sparing a single glance does she dissipate beneath the surface of the water with palms running over her face. maybe it was an attempt to completely dissipate from the world itself, remove herself from situations she'd seemingly gotten herself into. but no matter how she would try to, he would still enter her mind within the lonely days to come, and if she were to be alone, at least she keeps his eyes in her life. only when she resurfaces does her lips part to breathe in the air as her hands nudge the wet strands back, eyes fluttering open to shift towards the male with both legs hugged to her chest.

"will you come in, too?" she inquires in a quiet murmur, reaching a hand out to brush over his cheek. her eyes follow the glistening line of water left behind, and somewhat of a faint smile tickles her tiers. "you look just as bad as i do." her head tilts to the side to look at what she could of his back, palm following suit. "maybe a little worse."
[post deleted by owner]
❛ jacob kiszka [A] 4 years ago
@❛ selena gomez ᵃˡᵉˣᵃⁿᵈʳⁱᵃ ᵇᵉˡˡᵉʳⁱᵛᵉ his heart had stopped, the pain ceasing, though the memories linger within him, the fleeting emotions of shame, guilt, sadness, loneliness. they were sensations long since forgotten, and he’d prefer if they stayed that way. his face remains nuzzled against the flesh of her neck, cradling her as if he weren’t the one who’d been so terrified only moments before.

“Don’t,” he whispers, only now pulling back from her. the palm of his hand glides along , upwards until it traces her jaw, urging her to look at him. his thumb resting upon the bottom portion of her plush couplet, his fingers create a stand to keep her chin elevated so that he may look into her eyes. he doesn’t seem angry, or even hurt. not at all like the night prior. “Don’t waste this on me. Look at the damage you’ve caused to yourself.” his plea is barely above a whisper. “As I said, you are /so/ young. You’ve so much left to learn.” his eyes have dulled, no longer glowing, but instead they cast a gaze to the shuttered window, protected from the fatal sunlight just beyond, though he could tell from the way the sky exploded in pinks and oranges that the demon in the air was setting. the night must be close to separating them, sending him on patrol and leaving her here, alone, again. he finds himself wondering if she misses him while he’s gone, if she would lay upon her bed and recall their lovemaking. for her sake, she shouldn’t.

“It will be dusk soon,” he murmurs, perhaps more to fill the silence between them, or maybe to prepare himself. he’d never felt so conflicted about leaving before. he didn’t /want/ to. his legs slip from the mattress, feet hitting the hardwood with a sturdy thud as his arm remains hooked around her lower back to keep her body as close to his as possible. one, graceful motion is all he needs before he’s standing, Selena safely enveloped within his grasp. “You cannot stay like this.” of course, he was referring to the blood that was crusting over on her skin. she would be ethereal regardless, but he wished to wash away all that he’d tainted her with. was it to forget the day spent with her? unlikely, he decided, as it was painfully evident that such an instance of lovemaking would not, could not, be washed away. he would tuck the memories away in his mind- every soft moan of his name, the nails digging into his back, until he could savor them again. alone.

the death dealer’s feet carry them both to her bathroom, setting her form atop the counter; he allows himself no time to admire the art of her, for it would surely take his breath away if he had. instead, his foot hooks around a stool, dragging it into position just to the right of the claw foot tub. he takes his place there, hunching over to run the water. it only takes a few moments for steam to begin to claw its way up from the water, thickening the air around them. with a curt nod, he gestures to the tub. “Get in.”
❛ selena gomez [A] 4 years ago
@❛ jacob kiszka “you can, it’s okay. i’m here, i have you.”

it’s the only vocabulary she can seem to locate within her hazed mind, for even her own heart beat rattles her to her core. she didn’t remember it having this much of an impact on her, but upon consideration, forty years will do more damage than a few months will. her eyes squeeze close, and she wishes she can draw herself out from this nightmare. introducing harm to either of them was far from her intentions, yet she’d still managed to do so. she’s messy, unable to complete a single thing without slipping and causing harm, even to others. that was the worst part of this entire thing— all she’d ever done is gone against what he’d say, betray him even, just as she was doing now without any intention of doing so.

the toll that it has physically wasn’t apparent until her figure sways a tad, her head feeling as if it were a fishbowl on her shoulders — heavy. but before she’s able to completely collapse, the familiarity of his embrace collects her within them. she’s tucked against him and selena clings, hard, both arms entwining around the broadness of his shoulders with slender digits slipping through the hair upon the nape of his neck. the tip of her nose glides upon his shoulder, and only then does her hand rub at her nose. she hadn’t noticed the blood before, not until now. she doesn’t ponder it any longer, her hand then pressing against his shoulder to hold him just as close.

only now, with her face shielded from him, does she allow herself to feel the pondering regret, shame and guilt that’d seemingly been apparent for a lifetime. her lower lip drags along the nape of his neck as it wavers, eyes squeezing shut. “i’m sorry.” she repeats repetitively, as if a chorus reciting a song at a recital, and he was her audience. her own cheeks are tainted by saline, so she’s grateful she wasn’t facing him. she couldn’t. was she sad to feel that humanity be taken away from her again? certainly. but she was more sad that she was so stupid to do something like this. “i never meant to hurt you.”

it’s the first time she’d thought about not being deserving of his presence nor trust, she’d caused an equal amount of pain to him that he had to her, even without realizing it. she realizes it now, and her teeth sink and tear into the inside of her cheek at the thought, at the reality. her head tilts downward, face hiding within his neck to prevent him from even attempting to look at her. there were so many things she yearned to say to him, but they’re lost within the lump in , failing to roll off of her tongue. how pathetic he may think of her if she did— god. no matter what she would try, how she would try to change, she could never be what he wanted her to be. and this she was certain.

“good,” she whispers, running her palm down the expanse of his back. “it’s done now, you’re okay.”
❛ jacob kiszka [A] 4 years ago
@❛ selena gomez ᵃˡᵉˣᵃⁿᵈʳⁱᵃ ᵇᵉˡˡᵉʳⁱᵛᵉ perhaps it was the awakening of human emotions that he no longer felt, the guilt he carried around, though hidden, the pain of the absence in his heart- Sam, who had been lost twice so far, and it was only a matter of time before he’d watch him slink away a third. the isolation of spending a lifetime without light. all of these sensations flood him at once, makes it hard to concentrate on anything, though he tries his damndest to keep his eyes trained on the woman before him, though one tear escapes the corner of his eye and stains his cheek. thankfully, he’s able to keep the rest at bay.

“I- I don’t want to- no, I can’t-“ comprehensible and complete statements were lost on him, as he was lost within his own undertow within his mind. his palm presses into her chest, and for the first time in history, they’re alive together. it’s misery of the flesh, but their hearts beat in tandem.

which then poses the question: what would it have been like if Jake had met Selena under such circumstances? would he have felt differently about her if he had the ability to feel more deeply? would she have trusted him if he had been worthy of her trust from the start? or had he always been destined to destroy her? had god set his intent on punishing the vampire for all eternity by forcing him to decimate every fragile thing that is unlucky enough to fall within his grasp? were all of these questions a side effect of his temporary mortality? the answer was most likely yes, however, they sink deep within him to linger long after his heart would stop beating.

eyes aglow from an amalgamation of the scent of her blood, the physical pain, and the emotional toll the event is taking on him, they trace the streams of blood over her lips and chin. it was hurting her, too, which only made him feel more hopeless. why would she do this? to him, to herself?

one palm presses into the mattress to pull himself up into a sitting position, his other arm drawing her in with his elbow hooked around the small of her back. his face finds a safe hiding place in the crook of her neck, while his chest presses firmly against hers. his tear is swiped along her skin, but he kisses it away and squeezes her tightly, the simultaneous beating of her heart seeming to soothe his own. his other hand flees to her shoulder blade, clinging to her, locking her in place. his fingers trembling for a moment before they dig into her flesh, it’s only then that he’s able to endure the fear that grips him. he can feel his heartbeat fading, and it feels like he’s dying all over again. he’d never welcomed the sweet embrace of his void more warmly before now.
❛ selena gomez [A] 4 years ago
@❛ jacob kiszka .

nerves begin to gnaw at her stomach as she overlooks the male beneath her, especially as his eyes shoot open. she had no idea what kind of reaction to expect from him: would he hate her for this? for showing him something that she wasn’t even much experienced in? perhaps it comes with the trust he’d given her earlier within the night, voluntarily offering his blood for her to see what he’d gone through. selena suddenly wanted him to know everything about her, too. and it was only fair, considering he’d done the same. what was he thinking? what she would give to uphold the power of reading thoughts would’ve been anything within this given time.

however, all of her questions are answered within the midst of a split second or so, and the language she picks up from his eyes are enough to run guilt down her spine. the one thing she’d been entrusted with and she’d messed up, again. it’s all she could ever do with him, it seems, never getting it right. her brows immediately begin to knit together, pad of her thumb gently running over his chest. “i..” his plea was enough for her own heart to shatter within, a familiar lump forming in as her free hand raises to nudge her hair behind her ear. “shh, it’s okay. it’s okay, i’ve got you.” make it stop— was it possible? she tries removing her hand from his chest, even repeating the taps on his chest afterwards, attempting everything that would come across her mind, but to no avail.

the thudding of the muscle continued to echo in her ears like wildfire, and she shakes her head. “i.. i don’t know how to stop it, i’m so sorry.” she whispers, but she takes his hand within her own and presses it to her own chest. her fingers tap against her own, awakening her own deceased heart. the pain was agonizing, earning a faint grunt, but she wouldn’t make him go through it on his own. “see? i’m here with you, it’s okay.” her fangs are once again unkind to her lower lip, drawing blood that began to trickle down her chin, just as the blood had done down her nostril. perhaps her body was overwhelmed, for the last time she’d done this was a few months after being turned. having not doing it since, as well as doing it twice in a row, could take somewhat of a toll.

“i’m sorry, jacob.” the whisper is hearty, her free hand running over his visage in attempt to soothe him some. but the helplessness is overwhelming, for there was absolutely nothing that could be done on her end. she should’ve known, but how could she have known it would’ve hurt him more than benefited him? how silly of her, she thinks. but this was a time, the first time in her life, she had to be strong for him. “it’ll be over soon. i promise.”
❛ jacob kiszka [A] 4 years ago
@❛ selena gomez ᵃˡᵉˣᵃⁿᵈʳⁱᵃ ᵇᵉˡˡᵉʳⁱᵛᵉ his brows furrow, lips parting to remind her that she knew so little of the world in which they live (partially his doing, he deciding, from all of his coddling upon her), however her next question stills him. /did/ he trust her? was trust something he could afford? he had forgotten the cost, having left trust in someone other than himself in his past. although he was uncertain, he nods. even if it was a lie, he wanted to trust her; Jake wanted to believe that Selena was someone he could trust; something he could hold on to.

her warning of pain was taken with a grain of salt, for he had felt much more agony than he believed her able to concoct. so he does as instructed, brows knit tightly together, though his eyelids flutter shut, his breathing relaxing as he felt the gentle, rhythmic taps on his chest.

and then it happens.

at first, it’s a single jolt, the sudden pumping of the muscle long since dead startling him. his eyes open, and they’re wide as he in a breath. the first few seconds is the most physically agonizing, feeling as though his heart was going to split his rib cage open, bursting through his chest. his body seems to warm up right beneath her fingers, and the sensation spreads like a raging wildfire throughout his immortal form. he can feel everything, from the beating of his formerly frozen heart to the blood traveling through the vascular superhighways just beneath his skin. he was alive again, mortal it seemed, if only for a short period of time. and it was mortifying.

the worst part would’ve been how /human/ he felt in the moments that follow. every emotion he’d buried deep within himself, numbed by the passing of time, breaches through the facade he’d constructed over the course of six centuries, and large, sienna hues begin to well up with the potential of a saline downpour, one that he has trouble blinking away as he meets hers, pouring his hopelessness and his fear into her. his grip curls around the fragility of her wrist. no. no, no, no. he didn’t want this. he couldn’t have these feelings, it wasn’t him. what’s dead should stay dead. “Make it /stop/.” his voice breaks amidst his plea, fear of the unknown taking over and shaking him to his core. “P-please...”


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2pmlover017 4 years ago
Can I be Jin Mei Xin, please?
-lait- 4 years ago
l-lemme back ><
prompto 4 years ago
h hi ; n ;
narcotic 4 years ago
could i have jungkook back : " ) i'm sorry oof
starlost 4 years ago
hi >< do i have to wait to rejoin?
hissra [A] 4 years ago
❛ alicia jiroux 2 minutes ago Reply
good job all of you greenies!!! I’m happy to be here with you guys!!
hissra [A] 4 years ago
❛ seokmin lee 56 seconds ago Reply
congratulations admins!!!
hissra [A] 4 years ago
❛ daniel wagner ᵏⁿᶦᵍʰᵗ 1 minute ago Reply
Awakening has been open for a MONTH today!!
rosetea 4 years ago
hey guys, just wanted to say i love this place and i hope everyone is doing well! ♡
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