mark i will never forget when i met you for the first time in the dumpster. you were so vulnerable and embarrassed until you found out we shared the same love for dumpster diving. that was the day we became best friends. shortly after, you joined me in my new journey with papi nailz. we even learned spanish together. the first thing we learned was “nos inyectamos drogas y mucha mucha mucha cocaina.” you will be missed. the only good thing about this is that hopefully the karens will leave along with you. adios.
@โง hoseok. J **I wave back to you and smile before I begin taking my shoes off and placing them by the door or whereever you have the shoes stored. and put the slippes on, them being black and fluffy and comfortable.**
"this is the earliest I've been up for a nail appointment Seok...sooo do you have coffee?"
**asks as I than take off my coat and hoodie since it is rather brisk and cold out. and I even take off my beanie which I rarely ever do but I definately know i'm going to get warm sitting in here.**
"I love the way you got it all nice in here... so am I one of your fist early customers."
@โง diego. L diegito!! /i yell from the back of the salon once i hear your voice, making my way towards the front to greet you. good morning. you can take off your shoes and.. /i pull some fluffy black slippers from a cabinet where i keep a variety of slippers in a different range of colors, i hand them to you with a grin. i know black is your favorite color. also, can i help you with something to drink?
@โง hoseok. J **soon arrives 15 mins before my appointment and I open the door, and I’m dressed in red and black fashionable attire but I also have a red beanie on which hides my brown wavy locks. Lifting my hand in greeting and wearing a black face mask as well and I rest my blue eyes on the reception desk. “Hey umm… Diego Leanos… 6am appointment?”
- arrive 15 minutes before your appointment
- same day appointments have an additional charge
- masks are required at all times
- present your form of payment before your appointment
- $20 deposit required to book an appointment
- shoes off before entering the salon
- if you cancel your appointment, you will still be charged for 100% of the services booked