⇻ ice skating rink

ice skating rink!
— about

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel.

e. hyeokjin ᶜᵃᵖᵘᶜᶜᶦⁿᶦ 1 year ago
@◦ c. yeonjun ʸᵉᵒⁿʸᵉᵒⁿ Hyeok had been at an ice rink before. As a kid he had been small, slender, but strong. So, of course his parents sent him to the ice rink. Lessons had been a proper nightmare, but at the time he'd considered that normal. After dropping out at 13 he had returned to the rink on the odd occasion, even after moving to Japan. However, this was the first time since moving to Korea two years ago. Hyeok put on his rental skates, soundlessly cursing about how ty they were. Why was he even here? Good question... Hyeok pulled his padded vest around himself and zipped it shut. He started at the barrier. Could he even remember how to do anything? These things didn't even have toe picks. Still grumbling, he pushed off and did a slow, safe round on the ice. The skates felt alright-ish so far. It was all going well, until he took a bit too much of an edge on a three turn. The worn out edge failed to catch the ice and he came crashing down. Surprise prevented him falling safely and he smacked his head square on the ice. When had the world started spinning?
c. yeonjun ʸᵉᵒⁿʸᵉᵒⁿ 1 year ago
@◦ e. hyeokjin ᶜᵃᵖᵘᶜᶜᶦⁿᶦ Yeonjun pushes the entrance doors to the ice rink, feeling the cool air hit his face. He scrunches his nose at the feeling and adjusts his skating bag on his shoulders. Continuing down the hallway where there are lockers, he finds his usual locker that has an indent on the top left corner.
Yeonjun gives a quick smile before sitting down on the metal bench. He takes his skating bag off of his shoulder and sets it down next to him on the bench. ping the bag, he takes out his skates and gloves then takes off his black slip-on sneakers. He takes off his soakers and puts them in his bag. Yeonjun puts on his black figure skates and tightly laces them up.
Afterwards, he puts his bag in the locker and stands up. Yeonjun grabs his gloves, puts them on and quietly speaks to himself.
"It will be another great two hours from the city"


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parsley 1 year ago
ㅤㅤ☰ Currently not accepting new applications! We will let you know when we are open and accepting again!
itsBay 1 year ago
ㅤㅤ↳ full name: yook sungjae
ㅤㅤ↳ group/occupation: btob
ㅤㅤ↳ username : yookcandoit
babygirlx_ 1 year ago
ㅤㅤ↳ full name: ning yizhuo
ㅤㅤ↳ group/occupation: aespa
ㅤㅤ↳ username : angelbaby
parsley 1 year ago
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pricksosism 1 year ago
↳ full name: min yoongi
ㅤㅤ↳ group/occupation: bts/surgeon
ㅤㅤ↳ username : yoong
quarter-life 1 year ago
↳ full name: park sooyoung
ㅤㅤ↳ group/occupation: red velvet
ㅤㅤ↳ username : yourjoy
yuujify 1 year ago
↳ full name: im nayeon
ㅤㅤ↳ group/occupation: twice / streamer
ㅤㅤ↳ username : bunzpuff
cherryeolie 1 year ago
ㅤㅤ↳ full name: Park Chanyeol
ㅤㅤ↳ group/occupation: exo
ㅤㅤ↳ username : bubblegummies
Zanyzap 1 year ago
ㅤㅤ↳ full name: ok taecyeon
ㅤㅤ↳ group/occupation: 2pm
ㅤㅤ↳ username : taecyeonokay
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