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resources fresh from harbors and newly harvested crops are sold here. keep your wallets close to your chest. rumors say there are vampires who lurk to steal your money around the sea of people。
❛ ☼﹕soyeon j。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕ryujin s。 /your frown does not go unnoticed as I stare you at your face more, the way youre so pretty in this sun light making me drop of of the books and suddenly I feel like a total creep from looking for too loong so I quickly divert my gaze to something different, packing the books into one bag when Im done checking if everything is okay, my movements however far from being fast as Im trying to make you stay for a little bit longer.
not sure what you mean but yeah, I do read a lot, but more fantasy ones, thriller.. however romance is good too from time to time.. youre must be a very fast reader to finish all the books youre taking because that would take me weeks to get through them, impressive
❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 the witch let out a small happy sigh and she smiled at her. “that’s true! it is certainly kind of you to offer this heirloom to me! thank you! i promise to take good care of it.” she let out and heard her words. she pouted a bit as she felt a bit sad about taeyeon’s story - having lived in the orphanage... she immediately wrapped the necklace around her neck and gently held it. “i’ll keep it near my heart!”
❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 the vampire shook her head, "you 'are' my family, dear wheein." taeyeon smiled as she looked at the only thing that kept her going for these years. "this is the heirloom that our family that i have been holding on, maybe because my mother-- your great great great great grandmother, still cared for me despite being taken to an orphanage." she told, "it's yours now, handle it with care."
❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 wheein watched taeyeon with curiosity as she saw her peeking down - unaware of what she was really looking at and doing. she tilted her head and bit her lips, hoping that she was fine as she approached her. then, she noticed her removing a pretty necklace from around her neck. as she felt taeyeon taking her hand, she blinked a few times and watched as the vampire placed the necklace there. wheein’s eyes widened as she heard her and she smiled softly as she opened up her hand to look at the heirloom. she lifted it closer to her eyes to admire it and peeked back at taeyeon. “are you sure? it is yours after all... i wouldn’t want to take your own memories away if it is one of the last things from your family that is left.” she let out and held the necklace close to her chest. “it’s really meaningful... and beautiful!”
❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 1 year ago

@❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 she nodded before looking at the necklace she's wearing. it was a necklace she's been carrying ever since she was a child, it's a piece of a jewelry that taeyeon cannot give to anyone but her days are over as a human and knowing that she has a living descendant, maybe it's time to give it away to her. she put down the bouquet of roses gently before removing the necklace she's been wearing for many years, she hold the other's hand and placed the necklace on her palm before balling it into a fist. "take it as our family heirloom, maybe my mother gave it to me when she put me in the orphanage. i am assuming your mother was looking for it as well." the vampire told the witch.

❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 wheein grinned at the other woman and tilted her head a bit. “that’s good! mm, that’s true... i have seen you walking around during daytime.” she let out. “and perhaps we can see some animals and you can understand them better.” she let out. “of course!”
❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 taeyeon blinks at her descendant and chuckles, "don't worry, i have no worries with walking while the sun is out! i can very much accompany you during your search with new flowers!" she pats her shoulder gently with a wide smile on her face. "besides, i'd like to see you talking with animals there too!"
❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 her eyes softened as she saw her reaction and she listened to her. “you can come with me some day if you’d like. i go in the forest often to relax and i try to sense animals and explore around to find new types of flowers.” she told her. “my powers take some energy from me though and they are limited. these are the only two powers that i have. it isn’t much compared to most witches... plus, i can get hurt and die, so i do have to be careful.”
❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 "i want to understand animals!" she whined as if she's not old enough not to react on that, taeyeon sometimes wanted to talk to animals especially dogs and cats but she's a vampire and doesn't have that ability because she's a half-breed. "Why do you have such beautiful powers?" She pouted and looked at her, "i wish i want to be a witch."
❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 she watched the woman’s reaction and she bit her lips. “but still... it must have been hard... and perhaps lonely?” she let out. “if you ever need to talk about it, taeyeon, you can come and see me, alright?” she added to reassure her. “well, it was helpful! my powers took me a lot of training to do. i can also understand animals.” she told her and smiled.
❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 taeyeon blinked as the other touched her shoulder, saying her apology towards her before shaking her head and smiles. "no, it's fine. it's all in the past now." she told before chuckling, "oh don't flatter me, my power isn't as great as yours. it only comes so sudden, just like what happened earlier." taeyeon told her before taking the flower with her. "thank you, i'm sure to recommend you with someone i know."
❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 her eyes softened as she heard her, feeling a bit sad for her as she supposed that it must have been difficult to be a vampire sometimes. she frowned at her words and pouted. “i’m sorry to hear that, taeyeon.” she told her as she lifted a hand and gently touched her shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “thank you! here, for you...” she let out and handed her the flower. “your power must be useful though...”
❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 "i missed it. a lot. i want to be a kid again, but it is impossible." taeyeon smiled, remembering how she was once a human. "but things had to come to an end, mine didn't end well." she looked down, she starts to remember the bad memories but shaking her head again when she sees the other using her power to show it to teh vampire. "you really have a very beautiful ability." she complimented. "i wish i have those, but i only have one and it only comes so sudden."
❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 “that’s good to know! i shall bake you some cookies when you come over to get some flowers then.” she let out and slowly nodded. “mm, do you miss it? being human?” she asked her, hoping that it wasn’t a question that was insensitive and not sure if she remembered it well. “if you remember it that is... i’m not sure what your age is.” she commented and took a scone, breaking a piece off to eat it. “mm, explains how i grow a lot of flowers like the blue roses. i’m a spring witch.” she explained and lifted a hand up as her eyes turned a soft blue. a flower began forming around her hand.
❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 "sweet tooth? not much. but i do like to eat cookies as a small snack." taeyeon winks as she took the cookie before looking back at her, "i don't know, maybe because i'm still a vampire and my taste buds aren't the same when i was a human but i can still eat human foods, only a few times." she explained before nodding again. "of course, you weren't. you're a witch but don't worry, i don't hold grudges towards witches." she lied on the last part, she still do despise some witches.
❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 “Ah, I understand! Do you have a sweet tooth?” she questioned her, curiously and grinned. She offered her the cookie, but then nodded at her words. “Oh! How come only once a month?” she asked her, tilting her head. “Did you notice that I wasn’t human too?”
❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 "i eat human foods, yes but sometimes." she answered before putting down the tea and looked at scones and cookies, "oh cookies!" her eyes sparkled like a kid who is excited to be given something she wants. but she quickly shook her head, "i-i uh, i can only eat human foods once a month or twice every three weeks." she explained.
❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 her eyes softened as she heard her and she nodded her head. “that sounds lovely! i’d love to prepare some lovely bouquets for the weddings.” she told her. she nodded and grinned at the vampire as she sipped her drink. “do you also eat human food?” she asked and pointed to the scones and cookies. she watched her, curiously.
❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 "oh! since you have flowers to sell, i might recommend you with someone i know for the upcoming wedding celebration." taeyeon smiles and walks back to her home, "for now, let's finish our cup of tea session! i can't leave without finishing those soothing jasmine tea you prepared." the vampire smiled and went back to the table, "since you know what i am, you can ask me whatever you like to ask and i'll answer it." she takes the cup of tea and continues to drink it.
❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 “I know, but vampires can still get hurt, right?” she let out. She then let out some giggles as she heard her words. “I guess you are a lucky one!” she teased. “I’ll gladly give you the prettiest flowers around here.” Wheein watched her and grinned. “Oh! Do you have a lot of celebrations coming up? I do hope that you’ll enjoy yourself.”
❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 "i didn't, i'm a vampire. you don't have to worry about me." she smiled before looking at the flowers, "i am so fortunate that i have a great great great grandniece as a florist, i might just take some flowers from you without paying any." taeyeon smiles as she looked at her. "right, i was going to buy new dresses for the upcoming celebrations." then she rubbed her chin and sighs. "the old man must have been waiting for me, i should tell my alibi whenever this sort of things happened." she chuckles.
❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 wheein looked at her and she let go of the other woman, bowing her head. “you didn’t get hurt though, right?” she let out. “it feels special now to have a new family member like you!” she let out. she was a bit curious as she heard her words, figuring that perhaps taeyeon was mostly speaking to herself.
❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 "i-- oh." she didn't expected the hug coming from the woman, she never really into skinship ever since her husband's betrayal but this is coming from her descendant. taeyeon was hesitant at first before fully hugging the woman back, finally found what has been missing in her heart for so long, a family. "don't worry, wheein. you're not going to be alone forever." she told the woman as they hugged for more than a few moments.
❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 “what? no, taeyeon! it’s okay! it’s just a bit of money! don’t get in danger, i-“ she started, but then blinked as she daw her running after him. wheein then saw her coming back to her and she smiled as she saw that she was okay. “thank you, taeyeon!” she said and leaned in to hug her and thank her.
❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 "stay here. i'll get your money back." taeyeon spoke and ran in an instant in a blink of an eye, she chases the man who stole her descendant's money. "give that back!" she hollered and knocked him out, just in time, the authorities rushed towards them. taeyeon told them what happened and she ran back to the store with the money with her, "here, i took it back." taeyeon smiled at wheein.
❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 wheein smiled sweetly and she nodded her head at her. “it seems like it is you!” she told her and went quiet as she saw her teary eyes. “are you okay?” she asked, concerned for the other woman. she gently placed a hand on her shoulder for support and her eyes softened at her words. “well, now you have me.” she then saw taeyeon’s eyes turning another colour and blinked at her words. “excuse me?” she mumbled and gasped as she saw her running out. she quickly tried to follow, but wasn’t as fast as the vampire. wheein rushed behind her and gasped as she saw the scene. she didn’t knew what to do, just frozen in place.
❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 "is this... me?" taeyeon's eyes widen by the two drawings that the other had given to her, "so this is what i look like when i was a child." her eyes slowly building up tears at the revelation of her own bloodline, knowing that her mother's side of the family is still living until it passed down to wheein. "i tried to traced my family back but to no avail, i have given up looking for them for centuries." then she was about to touch the other's hand as she kept talking, "thank you, for not giving up on your search--" and when she touches her hand. she paused when her eyes became grey as her power starts to resurface as she saw a vision of a man stealing from wheein's store and ran away, and another one was taeyeon getting shot by that man before it went back to the reality. she looked at wheein and spoke, "someone's stealing from you." then she got up from the chair and ran out of her home before seeing the guy she saw through her vision, stealing paper money from the counter. "oi! stop!" then the man fled without batting his eyes on the vampire.
❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 wheein slowly nodded her head as she was glad to head that taeyeon was okay. she didn’t mind that she was a vampire. she had never really cared much for conflict between people or groups, so she just tried to live peacefully and taeyeon had always been kind to her so she didn’t see how that would change - perhaps they could get even closer now that they were related. the witch sipped her drink and she nodded a bit, watching her hand go to her belly with a small pout. she didn’t ask about it, but figured out the possible reasons. “well, i did a bit of research in other books. i also found this. perhaps you’d like to keep it.” she told her and smiled, softly as she offered her two drawings of a baby that looked like taeyeon and with her name under it and a date.
❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 1 year ago
@❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 she chuckled and shook her head, "no it's alright, it was all in the past now." taeyeon told wheein before sipping her tea again. "i am glad that they keep up the bloodline until now." her other hand went to her womb, knowing she miscarried her own baby when her former husband killed her that night. "how did you know all this? my mother never named me but... how did you?" she asked wheein.
❛ ☼﹕wheein j。 1 year ago
@❛ ☽﹕taeyeon k。 wheein watched her as she hoped that she’d be okay. she was about to give her a handkerchief, but she saw that she already had one. wheein was a bit surprised to hear her words, but glad that taeyeon was being honest with her. her eyes softened as she listened to her story and she pouted a bit. “i’m sorry to hear that story. to hear about your past... it must have been hard for you.” she told her.


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grandemint 1 year ago
this is c
TheHermit 1 year ago
Hey, could I get Yoon Sanha reserved please? Thank you!
-euphoria 1 year ago
just stopping in to say that i think this a lovely roleplay ; i just happened upon it from the "may i have this dance" advert ( the graphics were absolutely stunning ) and i can just tell how much work was put into compiling that notion ( and the rest of this roleplay ). i haven't been on rpr in quite a while, but it's always a pleasure to peak and spot places like this. wishing you the best with this place, darlings.
[comment deleted by owner]
northpaw 1 year ago
hi! may i reserve kim jongin please?
xingqiu 1 year ago
hi! can i reserve kang seulgi please?
kareni 1 year ago
can I get christian as a witch please?
dubudam 1 year ago
hello hello .. may i reserve lee juyeon of the boyz please ? :")
popmycherry 1 year ago
I changed my mind… Kim Chaewon, please~
Alastar 1 year ago
Can I reserve Kim Chanmi please
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