
— about

do not post in this apartment room unless it is yours or you were invited by the owner! if you leave the rp, and have posted in the room, the room will be cleared for the next inhabitants

lee felix [A] 8 months ago
@seo changbin watching changbin take a seat on the couch, felix followed suit and sat in the empty space before leaning back into the upholstery. he briefly pondered what sort of tattoo he would even get... something sentimental? something cute and cheeky? he didn't even know if tattoos were really his thing. maybe something small and silly would work.

when he realized the other asked him a question, he looked up from staring off and nodded his head quickly. "yeah- that works for me! hopefully it's nothing too gross... i can't ruin my nails-" he mumbled, looking down at his carefully maintained small hands. another sign of his easy life, not having any slightest hint of a callus on his hand.

"hm... i guess i could get used to some home cooked meals. it'll be very different from the chefs the parents would hire-" felix mused aloud, running a hand through soft blonde locks. his daily menu would be quite extravagant; gourmet breakfasts, a light and fresh lunch, and a decadent dinner with dessert to end the day. he's had cooking from some of the finest chefs from all over the world. but surely... commoner food wouldn't be so bad? "thanks for your help with everything, changbin! really..."
seo changbin 8 months ago
@lee felix changbin lets out a soft laugh, "it's okay. you don't have to get it. treat it as an artist's weird quirk or something." his lips twitch into a grin at felix's next words, "I don't think you'll need it but—I'll give you a roomie discount if you do decide to get a tattoo. i think it'll look pretty on you."

he signals at the couch, taking a seat and patting the empty space next to him. it seems like the other might have a couple more questions with their arrangement so it's probably better they talk while seated.

"mm, i gathered." he mutters, "cleaning should be done in rotations but—i don't mind helping you with it for some time until you get used to doing that alone?" changbin carefully suggests, gaze not leaving felix as he waits for a reaction. the other doesn't seem like a stuck-up but he could be very wrong to just simply base off on one's appearance.

"cooking on the other hand..." his lips pursed as he paused for a bit, "i Do cook my own meal unless I'm extra busy at work so... i can also just add a couple more servings if you're fine eating what i cook?" it was an offer changbin would usually not make, but he may be taking pity on the richboy finally taking his first few steps to being independent. "if not, then there's plenty of restaurants around the apartment as well."
lee felix [A] 8 months ago
@seo changbin felix didn't mind his new roommate's interesting form of personal expression - he always did find the sort of "rebellious" types alluring. it wasn't an aesthetic that really suited him and he was okay with that. still, he couldn't contain his curiosity about it. "huh... i don't get it, but it looks cool! now that i'm on my own, i should get something small, heh," there was a hint of mischief in his voice.

maybe this semi-independent lifestyle could be a good thing. no parents breathing down his neck, no dumb business things to attend to. he could hang out, meet new people, sleep around if he wanted, get a silly bit of ink on his body! and this changbin seemed nice enough, it was already a promising start that he didn't immediately ask for money or some other favor. for now.

looking around at the living room, the blonde nodded his head. "ohhh, okay. i've never lived with someone who didn't work for my family, or wasn't family, duh- so, who does the like, cooking and cleaning and all that stuff?" his brows furrowed in confusion.
seo changbin 8 months ago
@lee felix changbin quietly stood there as he let his new roommate process whatever thoughts were currently going through his mind. was it that shocking to have him as a roommate?

well yeah, he might not be the friendliest looking person in the building, what with his tattoos, black clothing as well as the dark bags underneath his eyes—he silently worries that his appearance might scare his roommate away.

but then the other smiled, looking all cute and friendly with his not so noticeable freckles. changbin felt sudden relief—he can easily get behind being mistaken as one of the helpers if it meant keeping this peculiar roommate around. after all, he'll be a huge help to his finances for the month.

the sudden skinship did startle changbin, not expecting the touch from the other.

"ah, well. not exactly the tattoo i love itself, just nice that i can have something permanent with or without sentiments." he mutters in response, lips in a smile as he nodded. "believe me, I've encountered many with the same problem but getting a tattoo doesn't have to be soon. you can get one later on in life too."

changbin couldn't help the snort that escaped his mouth. if the absolutely lavish furniture wasn't obvious enough—the question just confirmed it even more that it's quite possibly the first time felix is sharing a place with anyone. might even be his first time not being home.

"well. generally we'll just live together. it's not a must that we become close friends but being civil with each other will be nice." he nods, taking a step back as he faced the living room. "and maybe next time, try to uh—inform me if you'll be rearranging the place... I'll appreciate just a heads up of some sort."
lee felix [A] 8 months ago
@seo changbin the initial expression across felix's face was one of confusion, followed by a blank stare at the other man as he was trying to recall anything about a roommate. was he that guy he had agreed to room with online? when he realized he hadn't said anything in a moment, he flashed a smile and nodded his head. "yeah, i'm felix! nice to meetcha, changbin!" he chuckled.

his gaze was momentarily taken away from changbin's face to his smart watch that buzzed with a text notification. apparently, the movers had relocated some furniture into a storage unit under his dad's name. guess he'd have to look at that some other day. looking back up to his new roommate, felix's eyes went to the exposed full sleeve of tattoos on the others arm. without much thought, his finger went out to trace along some of the ink.

"that's really cool... must love tats, eh? i think my folks would kill me if i got any..." he pursed his lips into a pout. "so, uh, what- what do roommates...do?"
seo changbin 8 months ago
@lee felix changbin expected beforehand that his new roommate will be arriving today—what he didn't expect however is coming home to an entirely Different apartment.

he stood at the entrance, staring at the door number '8F' and whipping his head back to the inside of the apartment. to be honest, he did that an embarrassing amount of times, but he's sure anyone would do the same.

gone were the simple black leather couch and tiny glass coffee table in his living room, replaced by quite obviously high-end furniture instead. changbin's sure that he definitely did Not have that golden bear statue yesterday.

lots of thoughts were swirling in his head—he didn't get kicked out without notice, right? definitely not in a parallel universe.

he's quite very glad he had one of his friends babysit onyx for today.

he lets out a sigh, suddenly losing strength in his legs. changbin gingerly sits at the couch which is definitely worth more than the entirety of his current fortune.

'aye! I didn't hire any... uh, help? were you with the movers?' a voice states startling changbin from his thoughts.

he stands up, eyebrows furrowed. "i—okay, for one, i am not with the movers." lips in a small smile, hand rubbing his nape. "and well, second—I'm your roommate. hi. the name's seo changbin. you're—lee felix, right?"
lee felix [A] 8 months ago
@seo changbin Felix's presence could be felt in the apartment before he even stepped foot inside. All day, movers were coming in and out of the building, hauling in furniture and several large boxes. Expensive hobby equipment, designer clothes carefully sealed in travel bags, and high end furniture soon filled up the living room and one of the empty bedrooms. The crew were efficient as well, making sure to not cause too much of a ruckus. In a matter of hours, Felix's bedroom was fully arranged; bed made with the finest of sheets, his clothes neatly organized in the closet, shoes set out, his desk set up with a high end gaming pc, and his tv was mounted to the wall in no time. Things that would take the average mover weeks to finish, Felix had done for him before the end of the day. Just one of the perks that came with being a rich kid.

It wasn't until much later in the evening that the Australian sauntered into the apartment. He took a look around the place, recognizing most of his furniture from home, but also noticed some other pieces that... were not his taste. Weird. The blonde kicked off his custom Jordans and set them aside from the door, walking a little further inside towards the living room. He then spotted a young man with dark hair, lounging in one of the couches. His eyes widened in surprise; he didn't think any of his moving crew were still around. Perhaps he was waiting for him to arrive?

"Aye! I didn't hire any... uh, help? Were you with the movers?," he asked, tilting his head to the side curiously.


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grandemint 7 months ago
i'm sorry my loves, jungkook & jiyeon are taking their leave. i love you guys sm, thank you for the fun !!
nezukochan 8 months ago
lee sunmi as a soloist is a nurse and is requesting a 3 bedroom apartment. — open to being roommates/having roommates.
gotohellu 8 months ago
byun baekhyun from exo is an air steward and is requesting a 3 bedroom apartment -- open to roommates!
052128d15b1b425d58da 8 months ago
lee gahyeon of dreamcatcher is a 'security guard' and is requesting a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment, whatever is open and is happy for room mates too
pricksosism 8 months ago
Im Siwan as an actor (or I would say ZE:A :")) is a legal researcher, is requesting a 3 bedroom, also looking for roommates. Thanks!
-diluc 8 months ago
jung wooyoung from ateez is a video game animator, is requesting a 2 or 3 bedroom depending on availability, and is open to roommates. thank you <3
zoroswife 8 months ago
choi hyunwook as an actor is a university student / model and is requesting a 3 bedroom.
eihGeB 8 months ago
seo changbin from skz is a tattoo artist and is requesting 3 bedroom/or whatever you have. open for roommates. thanks!
parsley 8 months ago
⠀⠀⠀〈 ᴘᴀɴᴏʀᴀᴍᴀ 〉:: now open!
⠀→ only accepting three bedrooms apps or those who are rooming with others! (Only request if you know who your roommate is and you’ve discussed ooc with them)
⠀→ please read the rules before commenting!
⠀→ full name must be used when reserving, and please use the comment format below to reserve!

⠀⠀[full name here] from [group/why they're famous] is a [character occupation] and is requesting a [1/2/3 bedroom]

note: if you are rooming with someone please state that in your comment or app! either one is fine! :D
[comment deleted by owner]
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