
— about

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lee junho 8 months ago
@im yoona junho woke up at the dawn and was pleasantly surprised to find himself properly covered with a cosy hoodie. even with his sleep ladden eyes, he could make out that the hoodie must be expensive. he looked around to find someone and then searched the pockets for any clue to its owner — that's how junho does things.

but junho wasn't the one to give up that easily. he put a sign board next to the cafe that said that they are looking for the owner of this hoodie with the picture attached — a color print of low quality but that would do.

he genuinely wanted to find the owner.

days turned to weeks and there was still no sign of the owner while junho began to use the hoodie as his after four days of no result.

he could buy them a new hoodie.
im yoona 8 months ago
@lee junho as the sun dipped below the horizon, yoona decided to take a leisurely walk along the serene banks of the han river. the cool breeze rustled the leaves of the nearby trees, creating a calming ambiance.

lost in her thoughts, she strolled along the riverbank until something caught her eye.there, near the water's edge, lay a young man, sprawled out and clearly inebriated. concern washed over toona as she approached him cautiously. she knelt down and saw that he was shivering, the chill of the evening air taking its toll on him. wihout hesitation, yoona decided to help. she quickly removed her hoodie and gently covered the man's unconscious body to shield him from the cold. the hoodie's warmth enveloped him like a protective cocoon.
jeon wonwoo 8 months ago
@lee junho "bribering me with good food? that might work." wonwoo says in a playful tone, taking a seat at the mentioned couch before his gaze meets junho's and then, he can't help a small chuckle. "sorry, I made it all seem too serious, when it wasn't really. I just love that car, but don't worry. no complaints are needed– besides you're probably the nicest person who could've damaged it." with a nod, wonwoo briefly glances around the office and then at junho again. "I don't want to take up much of your time, but the cinnamon rolls did catch my attention."
lee junho 9 months ago
@jeon wonwoo junho quickly looks up when he hears the name, a toothy smile stretches across his own lips. "yes. yes. that's me." he gets up from his sitting position, motioning for the other to follow toward the couch neatly arranged on the left to the door. "make yourself comfortable, wonwoo. thank you for being so understanding. I was so scared that you would file a complaint against me—" maybe junho is being dramatic but a lot of things have happened to him in past for silly mishaps. "what would you like to drink? our cinnamon rolls are great if you'd like something to snack on."
jeon wonwoo 9 months ago
@lee junho "it's okay, really. i'll stop by in a bit. thank you." he says before he hears the line disconnect and then, wonwoo analyses the damage once again – it really isn't a big deal. he was just probably shocked at first but now things seemed okay. wonwoo is quick to get into his car and ride off to the location, even though it's really not too far. once there, he searches for said 'junho'. wonwoo waits patiently, casually taking a look around the cafe, the snacks on display and so on. he is quickly redirect to an office, to which he enters rather sheepishly, now a bit embarrassed for all the drama he did. "hello, i'm wonwoo– you must be junho?"
lee junho 9 months ago
@jeon wonwoo junho is troubled when the line went silent save for breaths. did he offend the other? should he apologize more? "sor—" again he is cut off. not that he minds. "I'm sorry for taking your time. I'll send you the location. by the way, I'm lee junho. owner of el sol cafe abd bar. it's an easy route. I'm hanging off then." junho saves the number as 'nice car owner'. he worried that the owner might rain curses on him when he left the note — rightful to be angry with junho but no need to curse him when he is willing to take responsibility. he quickly typed in the address and whom to ask for him when he arrives at the cafe and hit the send button. he walks back, informing the cashier that if a man comes looking for him, send him to his office right away.
jeon wonwoo 9 months ago
@lee junho wonwoo was a little taken aback by the response. of course in the note the person said they'd help, but wonwoo didn't think it'd be that easy. that definitely has his eyes drying up within a few seconds and now, when he looks at his car again the damage doesn't seem /so/ bad. with a small sniff followed by a clear of his throat, he nods – and then remembers he has to actually say something aloud. "yes– I mean, I can stop by.. I've got the day free and just came for a quick ride and time out... anyway, send me your location?"
lee junho 9 months ago
@jeon wonwoo "he—" junho isn't spared the time to form a simple greeting before the trembling voice from the other end pours in and it doesn't take him more than seconds to connect the dots. "ahhh—" he goes off, bringing his other hand close to his mouth as he makes a beeline toward the empty staff room. "I'm sorry. I'm genuinely sorry for the damage I've caused. I hope it isn't that much... not because I'm worried about the money. again, I'm sorry. it's my responsibility to get the car fixed. I promise. can you come to my work place? it's nearby."
jeon wonwoo 9 months ago
@lee junho wonwoo has been slowly rediscovering his likes and dislikes and recently he found out he enjoys cars almost as much as he enjoys airplanes or any of the sort. he has up until this day the car he was gifted for making it into college and despite thinking it'd be best to pass it forward, it kept so many cherished memories that he took more than a liking into it. by now his car became his 'baby' and to have even a tiny scratch onto it would pretty much freak him out – so he does. he sends a picture of the monstrosity someone had the courage to do with his car into his friends group chat and to everyone else but him the damage was unnoticeable, unclear. he's overreacting and part of him knows that, but even so he can't help but to dial the number left onto the note with tears brimming his eyes. on a side note, the little hearts drawn on the note were very cute, but it /is/ his baby, he can't look past the atrocity just because of cute hearts. skipping any formalities, as soon as the other line picks up he says in a low, heartbroken – give him an oscar – voice. "how could you destroy my precious?"
cho miyeon 9 months ago
@byun wooseok His compliment seemed sincere, however she was used to such words coming from men who come to watch her performances and they no longer had any effect on her. When she first started singing at the jazz club, the compliments used to boost her ego, but now they have begun to feel like empty words that weren't really meaningful. She has grown cynical, however over time she discerned sincerity in the compliments she receives and can tell the difference between genuine admiration and empty flattery.

She found his slight stumble of words endearing and it made the compliment feel genuine. She let her guard down and accepted the compliment humbly. Despite her sequin dress, Miyeon laughed in response, "I promise I don't dress like this every day." She was still in a glitzy, glamorous dress as befitting a jazz singer. She blushed slightly and glanced away when he asked if she was a model. However, the feeling of being appreciated lingered in the air. "No, no," Miyeon quickly corrected. "My job requires me to dress like this. It's all part of the show after all." She smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "But I still appreciate the compliment."

She seemed to mirror his movements, also leaning back into the seat. The air in the vehicle was calm and peaceful, and it felt like the two of them were the only ones in the car as the driver paid them no mind. Miyeon let out a contented sigh and smiled. She had been feeling tense ever since she left the bar earlier, but now the tension had dissipated and she felt relaxed and at ease. Her face was still slightly rouge from the alcohol, but her mind is much clearer now.

His mention of the city at night brought her down memory lane. She thought of the street lamps and how the city seemed to glitter at night. She remembered the feeling of walking in the city and how it made her feel both small and invincible. But the city felt different now. The nights were not as magical as they used to be and the city no longer held the same charm or mystique as it did when she first arrived.

The stranger turned towards her and extended his hand for a handshake. "My name is Wooseok."

She seemed to stare at his hand for a while before hesitantly shaking it. She was surprised to feel the warmth of his skin. "Nice to meet you," she replied. "I'm Miyeon."

That handshake seemed to bridge a gap between the two strangers who were now connected through the simple gesture. Miyeon felt a sense of comfort and familiarity, despite having just met Wooseok. She felt like they had known each other for much longer than a few minutes.

She let go of his hand, unconsciously rubbing the palm of her hand on the sequins of her dress. Miyeon looked out the window at the city from the tall buildings, admiring the lights that illuminated the night sky. The city skyline was breathtaking, and she felt a sense of awe and wonder as she gazed at the beauty of the illuminated buildings. She thought of the city as a living, breathing organism, and it seemed to come alive as the lights blinked and twinkled in the night. But she craved something more, something less superficial than the glitter of the city. She wanted something real, something tangible, something that made her feel alive.

She raised her hand to feel her face that was still warm from the alcohol or still warm from his touch. "So... Wooseok-nim," she spoke softly, "how long have you lived in this city?" She was genuinely curious, "I'm surprised I haven't seen you before."
byun wooseok 9 months ago
@cho miyeon He nodded in response to the young lady's replies, silently acknowledging that everyone was yearning for the day to come to an end. When she asked if he had just left work as well, Wooseok simply nodded, agreeing with her observation. It had not only been a long day, but it had also been a few days since he had last experienced the comfort of his own bed and the warmth of his home (of course, he missed his housemates and their kindness too). Just as he was about to respond, she further inquired if it had been a rough day for him as well. Rough? It was more like a living hell. But he kept his true answer hidden, flashing a quick smile instead.

"I suppose it has indeed been a long day for me too. Longer than usual," he replied, a soft smile gracing his features. Before he had stepped into the taxi a few minutes ago, he had taken the opportunity to study the young lady. Her face was serene, and she exuded an aura that reminded him of a wise, classical woman shaman. (Wooseok had always had bad luck with women, so whenever he encountered an exceptionally beautiful one, he would compare her to a classical woman shaman due to the indescribable allure they possessed.)

"I must say, you have a great sense of style," Wooseok complimented, proud of himself for finding such a lovely way to praise her.

Then he fell into a brief silence, no more than three seconds, before absentmindedly scratching his left brow, disappointed in his lack of finesse. "What I mean is, your outfit is impressive. Are you a model?" Once again, Wooseok found himself stumbling over his words. His only friends were his housemates, who were well aware of his struggles when it came to conversing with people in real life. However, defending a stranger in court was a different story (money moved). He wished he was more skilled in socializing, but life had its way of balancing things out - granting him with God-tier appearance but Gollum level socialising skills. At least he refrained from randomly addressing people as "Master" in eerie voices.

With a stranger accompanying him on his journey home, the taxi ride seemed to stretch on, as if time itself had slowed. Wooseok leaned back against the plush leather seat, letting out a sigh. "It's funny how Seoul transforms into a breathtaking sight at night, yet during the day, it's overrun with people thirsty for money. Well, I suppose I'm one of them too," he said, his tone surprisingly cheerful for someone who was often lost in introspective thoughts about his own existence.

He turned his gaze towards the young lady and extended his hand for a handshake. "My name is Wooseok."
cho miyeon 9 months ago
@byun wooseok She wasn't feeling quite like herself tonight. Was it all the cocktail drinks she had earlier? On many work nights, she could handle all the liquor without any ill effects. However, tonight she felt a strange sensation in her head and her body felt heavier than usual.

Miyeon leaned against the door with her head on the window, feeling the vibration of the moving vehicle. She closed her eyes and tried to take deep breaths, but nothing seemed to help the strange sensation in her body. She felt as though she was in a trance, her movements slow and deliberate as if in a dream.

The music on the radio was soft, providing a gentle background to the movement of the vehicle and helping her to relax in her own private world. The moving lights outside danced in her eyes, creating a kaleidoscope of colors that shifted and changed with each passing streetlight. The colors swirled and blended together in a mesmerizing pattern that shone into the taxi cab.

"Rough day?" the man seated next to her asked with a softness in his voice.

She turned to look at him, seeing his face illuminated by the soft light of the streetlights outside. She nodded slowly, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, it's been a long day," she said with a sigh.

She turned to the man seated next to her, noting his attire. His face was smooth, his features strong and his eyes deep and dark. He had a presence that commanded respect and admiration. She had met many men before at the jazz bar who were more than willing to buy her drinks. While she had grown accustomed to the attention that came with her job, she also liked the silence that came after she took off her heels and clocked out of work. She found comfort in silence, as it allowed her to just be and not have to pretend. But the man didn't seem like the type of man who expected her to be a part of his evening entertainment.

Miyeon slowly sat up, her shoulders heavy as she pressed her back against the leather seat. She felt better, her body relaxing in the gentle motion of the car. "Did you just leave work too?" Her lips pursed slightly, knowing all too well how it feels to be a workaholic, "rough day for you as well, I assume?"
byun wooseok 9 months ago
@cho miyeon To be frank, he felt a bit uneasy. His past experiences with women, let's just say they didn't end well. As a criminal lawyer, he couldn't help but entertain the thought that this could all be a ploy to ensnare him. A beautiful woman coincidentally sharing a taxi with him out of nowhere, with no road closure notice given.

Theories swirled in his mind, bombarding him with questions and hidden clues to uncover. What if she later accused him of indecent behavior? The "what ifs" prevented him from entering until he heard a dreamy voice, urging him to let go of his worries. Ah, yes, this was how many young men fell victim to the allure of beauty during the vampire era.

With a multitude of concerns lingering in his mind, he decided to enter the taxi (it was already late, and he had the next few days off until Sunday) to head home. The worries still clung to him, so he made sure to sit close to the door, leaving a comfortable space between them (also to ensure the lady felt safe during the night ride with a male stranger).

The view outside was mesmerizing. The colors he had grown accustomed to seeing the most: the warm orange glow of street lamps and the carefree dance of trees in the night breeze. He stole a glance at the lady beside him, who also seemed captivated by the city lights at night. She appeared tired, resting her head against the door, her eyes fixed on the twinkling lights outside.

It was a typical scene, especially on a weekday. Exhausting company meetings, tiresome company dinners—chaotic and draining. He was grateful he didn't have to attend any of those events. Wooseok was never one for small talk, but something inside him urged him to strike up a conversation with the lady. So, in a soft and gentle tone, afraid of interrupting her moment, he asked, "Rough day?"
cho miyeon 9 months ago
@byun wooseok Everything was a blur. Miyeon could barely see the dancing orbs of colorful lights on the streets that passed by the taxi window. She felt a strange sense of calm as she watched the mesmerizing display of lights as everything seemed to move in slow motion. Her job at the jazz bar often meant staying up late and drinking with clients, but tonight, she felt like she had all the time in the world to get home. She closed her eyes and let the rhythm of the music playing on the taxi radio lead her to the unknown.

When she felt the taxi come to a slow stop and pull up to the side of the road, she opened her eyes at the same time that the taxi door swung open. She locked eyes with a stranger for a few moments. Seeing that he looked confused and surprised she quickly turned away, feeling embarrassed. The taxi driver explained the situation and Miyeon wasn't one to make the situation difficult for the poor driver. Besides the night was late and she was too inebriated to make a fuss about it.

She scooted over to make room for the stranger, saying, "It's alright, don't worry about it. I'm sure I can manage to share a cab with someone, no problem." She spoke with a slight drawl as she tried to stay composed, but it was clear that she was still a bit tipsy.

She gazed over to the stranger who was still standing outside the taxi and patted the vacant space next to her in the backseat. Her lips rose to a gentle curve, one that was friendly and goofy at the same time, "hurry, get in." She smiled at him before turning her attention back to the window, watching the colorful orbs of lights pass by in a blur.
byun wooseok 9 months ago
@cho miyeon It was late at night, and the once bright sky had now darkened, with stars sparkling, illuminating the night. Wooseok, a thirty-two-year-old workaholic who was still single, had just finished his job as a criminal lawyer. Exhausted from reviewing numerous cases and with upcoming trials to attend and defendants to defend, he longed for even a brief respite. As he stepped out of his office building, he realized he had lost track of time spent in his room. He looked up at the night sky, admiring the stars and the moon which playfully hiding behind the fluffy clouds above. Oh what a beautiful night wasted on paperwork!

Knowing how drained he was, instead of driving (although he did own a car and used it to commute to the office every day), he decided to call a taxi. His feet were numb from overworking himself for two consecutive days. Yes, the last time he had been home was two days ago. He had informed his housemate about his "casual disappearance," which was a common occurrence between them since his work required him to be in the office at all times.

When the taxi arrived (surprisingly quickly, perhaps due to the late-night hour and lack of people outside), he waved to the taxi driver to signal his presence and swiftly opened the passenger door. To his surprise, there was another person sitting inside, with a similar expression of surprise upon seeing him. He looked at the driver, raising his eyebrows in question as to why there was another passenger, particularly a female, in the taxi. The taxi driver calmly smiled and explained the situation. Apparently, both passengers were heading in the same direction, but the usual route was closed. To avoid any misunderstanding or potential harm to the lady passenger, the driver had decided to pick up another passenger.

Wooseok heard the lady sigh in relief, but he still wanted to ensure that she was comfortable sharing the taxi with him. "Are you okay, then?" he asked, his voice deep yet soothing to the ears of those who listened.


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grandemint 7 months ago
i'm sorry my loves, jungkook & jiyeon are taking their leave. i love you guys sm, thank you for the fun !!
nezukochan 8 months ago
lee sunmi as a soloist is a nurse and is requesting a 3 bedroom apartment. — open to being roommates/having roommates.
gotohellu 8 months ago
byun baekhyun from exo is an air steward and is requesting a 3 bedroom apartment -- open to roommates!
052128d15b1b425d58da 8 months ago
lee gahyeon of dreamcatcher is a 'security guard' and is requesting a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment, whatever is open and is happy for room mates too
pricksosism 8 months ago
Im Siwan as an actor (or I would say ZE:A :")) is a legal researcher, is requesting a 3 bedroom, also looking for roommates. Thanks!
-diluc 8 months ago
jung wooyoung from ateez is a video game animator, is requesting a 2 or 3 bedroom depending on availability, and is open to roommates. thank you <3
zoroswife 8 months ago
choi hyunwook as an actor is a university student / model and is requesting a 3 bedroom.
eihGeB 8 months ago
seo changbin from skz is a tattoo artist and is requesting 3 bedroom/or whatever you have. open for roommates. thanks!
parsley 8 months ago
⠀⠀⠀〈 ᴘᴀɴᴏʀᴀᴍᴀ 〉:: now open!
⠀→ only accepting three bedrooms apps or those who are rooming with others! (Only request if you know who your roommate is and you’ve discussed ooc with them)
⠀→ please read the rules before commenting!
⠀→ full name must be used when reserving, and please use the comment format below to reserve!

⠀⠀[full name here] from [group/why they're famous] is a [character occupation] and is requesting a [1/2/3 bedroom]

note: if you are rooming with someone please state that in your comment or app! either one is fine! :D
[comment deleted by owner]
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