: beach

⋇ beach
⋇ beach
beachfront • non-rated
Hanbit is a picturesque seaside town nestled along the azure coast, known for its pristine beach that stretches as far as the eye can see. With powdery golden sands meeting the gentle lapping waves, this coastal haven is a tranquil escape for sunseekers and nature enthusiasts alike. Framed by rugged cliffs and lush palm trees, Hanbit Beach offers the perfect blend of serenity and adventure, inviting visitors to bask in the sun, explore tide pools teeming with marine life, or simply unwind to the soothing symphony of the ocean's whispers. Whether you're building sandcastles with the family or taking a romantic stroll at sunset, Hanbit Beach promises unforgettable moments of seaside bliss.
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jeon jiho. 7 months ago
@park pulip. Jiho chuckled, his eyes reflecting the relief that echoed in Pulip's nervous giggle. "No worries at all. Skirt adventures during rescues are quite rare," he quipped, a playful glint in his gaze. He noticed the embarrassment coloring her cheeks and decided to ease the moment.

He gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "You're safe now, and that's what matters. Besides, we've had more peculiar situations. Your skirt escapade will be a legendary tale at the fire station," he added with a wink, aiming to lighten the mood further.

As Pulip brought her hands to her face, Jiho couldn't help but find her bashfulness endearing. "Trouble? Nah, no trouble at all. Just remember, next time you decide to dance on railings, maybe pick a less perilous setting," he teased, a warm smile on his face. "But seriously, you did great. Now, let's get you somewhere safe, away from any more skirt-related adventures."
park pulip. 7 months ago
@jeon jiho. Relieved, Pulip let out a nervous giggle as the man made his lighthearted quip about her skirt. The tension from the recent rescue was still fresh in her mind, and his attempt at humour was like a breath of fresh air, easing the fear that had gripped her just moments ago. She appreciated his effort to bring a smile to her face and lighten the mood.

However, as she chuckled, a wave of embarrassment washed over her. She couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious about her skirt mishap during a serious situation. His playful remarks, while well-intentioned, made her cheeks flush with a rosy hue. She realized that her skirt had indeed taken on a life of its own, and that realization, combined with his teasing, brought a sense of bashfulness.

Pulip brought both of her hands to her face, covering her entire cheeks and shutting her eyes tight. “I understand, thank you. Um, well, uh — “ she flushed, stammering in her words. “I’m not going to get in trouble for standing on the railing, right?”
jeon jiho. 7 months ago
@park pulip. "well, I must say, miss, your skirt seems to have a mind of its own today. maybe it wanted to join in on the excitement," he quipped, trying to infuse a lighthearted touch to the serious rescue. etermined to keep the mood light, jiho continued his good-natured banter. "I'll have a word with the wind and tell it to mind its manners next time," he chuckled, careful not to undermine the genuine fear pulip had just experienced. "anyways, the skirt's back in its designated area. crisis averted," he added, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

as the tension slowly dissolved, jiho couldn't help but be grateful for the unexpected humor that had lightened the situation. "just remember, miss, the Fire Department offers skirt rescue services too," he teased, a playful smile on his face. jiho couldn't resist a final quip. "anytime you need a skirt intervention, just give us a call. it's all in a day's work for us firefighters."
park pulip. 7 months ago
@jeon jiho. In her desperate attempt to protect her modesty, Pulip’s heart raced as she shouted at the person who had invaded her personal space. Her hands moved quickly to shield her legs, desperately trying to maintain her dignity. The swirling skirt, caught in the unpredictable gusts of wind, added to her frustration, seemingly conspiring against her.

“Close your damn eyes! Stop looking, PUNK!” she yelled again, her voice trembling with a mixture of anger and embarrassment. She couldn’t believe she was put in such an uncomfortable situation, all for a quick twirl on the bridge rail. This was a call from the horoscope girls that her mercury is now in retrograde!

Her panic only simmered to subside as she realized the stranger’s, which, now, she finally got a good look at, was the fire department uniform; intentions had been solely to save her from a perilous fall. “I understand, but please, just hold on tight and don’t look,” she implored, her voice softening. She was still acutely aware of her exposed legs and the unsettling vulnerability that came with it.

As the tense situation on the bridge continued, Pulip clung to the stranger’s lifeline, hoping that help would arrive soon and her predicament would be resolved. The rush of emotions, from fear to embarrassment, had left her feeling drained, but she knew that, for now, she had no choice but to trust the stranger’s grip and wait for rescue.

However, the stranger had different intentions, and Pulip watched in astonishment as he skillfully pulled her back to safety. When she found herself securely on solid ground once more, she locked eyes with her saviour, and the view beyond the bridge’s railing no longer felt like a distant dream.

He gently released her, and it took every ounce of her willpower to stand steadfastly in place, the adrenaline and residual fear from moments ago still coursing through her legs. “Thank you,” she whispered softly, almost inaudibly, her voice barely above a hush.
jeon jiho. 8 months ago
@park pulip. jiho found himself in one of the most peculiar situations of his career. here he was, holding onto the legs of a young woman named pulip, who was precariously teetering on the edge of a bridge. her flared pink skirt and tousled hair, which had come undone from the airport-bought hairclip, created a comical whirlwind of chaos.

as he gripped her legs tightly, doing his best to prevent her from taking an unplanned plunge into the unforgiving waves below, jiho couldn't help but be bemused by her frantic cries. her desperate plea not to look at her exposed legs due to the unruly skirt had him struggling to maintain a straight face.

"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO HELP YOU IF I CAN'T LOOK?" jiho retorted, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. the absurdity of the situation wasn't lost on him, and humor seemed like the only way to deal with it.

amidst the unintentional comedy, jiho managed to steady pulip and pull her back to safety. their eyes met, and there was a shared moment of relief, tinged with the awkwardness of the situation. her skirt flaring open had certainly made the rescue more memorable than most.

when they stood on the bridge, pulip still catching her breath and jiho trying not to chuckle, he couldn't help but say with a lighthearted grin, "well, it's not every day I rescue someone with such a fashion flair. are you alright?"
park pulip. 8 months ago
@jeon jiho. Tick, tick — woop! That was the beginning of a world-shifting event: a hot, tumbling mess of flared pink skirt, the unclamping of her hair that tousled out of the hairclip she bought at the airport and a heart-stopping desperate finger clutching into the air. The deafening wash of waves below filled her ears, a constant reminder of the unforgiving depths that awaited her if she fell.

She had only wanted to turn when a voice had caught her attention, but the railing was too slippery, and Pulip had always been one found in the ditch of horrible decision-making and their outcomes.

Her eyes were wide with terrors, searching the faces of the people on the bridge for someone to help her. Panic surged through her veins, making her breathing shallow and rapid. The world around her seemed to blur as fear clouded her vision.

And then, just as she felt her strength waning, a stranger’s firm grip closed around both of her legs. Pulip’s eyes darted downward, and there, she saw him — a man dressed in a deep dark blue uniform with reddish-orange stripes. He held on to her for dear life, his fingers digging into her thighs as if he could anchor her to the bridge.

Pulip’s frantic breathing began to slow as she clung to this lifeline. She shifted her weight cautiously, trying to find a more stable position. The man’s grip on her legs was unyielding, filling her with hope. As fragile as it was, the string of hope had taken root, and Pulip clung to it with all her strength.

She met the man’s eyes, and at that moment, silence passed between them when her skirt flared open in the rush of movement, exposing her legs and leaving her feeling vulnerable and exposed. Panic surged through her once again as she desperately tried to maintain some semblance of modesty, hands busy pushing down her skirt that kept flaring from all of the sea breeze going in her direction. “DON’T LOOK! DON’T LOOK! I said don’t look!!”
jeon jiho. 8 months ago
@park pulip. jiho received a call from his worried colleagues about someone on a bridge who seemed to be in distress. he rushed to the scene, arriving just as a small crowd had started to gather on the bridge. worried murmurs filled the air as people watched the young girl standing at the edge, seemingly about to jump. jiho, quick to assess the situation, approached the girl with care. he could sense her fear and anxiety. "hey there, it looks like a beautiful view from here, doesn't it?" he gently asked, trying to engage her in conversation and divert her attention.

as jiho spoke to her, he noticed that the girl seemed more interested in enjoying the scenery than actually jumping. however, just as he was about to convince her to step away from the edge, the unexpected happened. the girl, wearing a skirt, lost her balance and slipped. in a split second, jiho reacted with lightning speed, managing to catch her by the legs as she dangled upside down, just inches from the edge of the bridge.

"oh god.."
park pulip. 8 months ago
@jeon jiho. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue over Hanbit, the small seaside town Pulip had heard so much about from her grandparents. It had been a long and winding journey for her, both figuratively and literally, as she had recently lost her job as a marketing manager and decided to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Hanbit, with its serene beaches and the memories of her grandparents, seemed like the perfect place to start.

Pulip's heart raced with excitement as she approached the bridge that overlooked the vast expanse of the ocean. The salt-laden breeze tugged at her hair and senses. She parked her car at the side of the road and, unable to contain her anticipation any longer, dashed toward the bridge.

The bridge, a concrete artery connecting the town to the highway, was typically a place for cars to rush by, with passengers oblivious to the natural beauty just beyond the railings. But for Pulip, it was a gateway to adventure, a portal to the past, and a connection to her roots. She yearned to see the world through the eyes of her grandparents and to feel the same sense of wonder they must have experienced.

Reaching the center of the bridge, she halted and gazed at the expansive beach. The sand stretched for miles, meeting the frothy waves that kissed the shore. It was a sight that filled her with awe and tranquillity. Without thinking, she climbed onto the railing, balancing precariously between the highway and the beach below.

The moment Pulip's feet left solid ground, the locals started to notice. Some pedestrians stopped in their tracks, pointing and whispering to one another. Concerned expressions formed on the faces of those who witnessed the daring act.

A passing motorist slowed down, rolled down the window, and yelled, "Hey, what are you doing up there?"

Pulip, lost in the beauty of the scene, didn't hear the question. She spread her arms wide as if to embrace the entire world and tilted her head back to feel the sun's rays on her face. Her long skirt flared, and her hair blew at every sea breeze's kiss.

More people started to gather, and a small crowd began to form on the bridge. Worried murmurs filled the air, and someone finally picked up their phone to call the authorities.


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puppup 7 months ago
queenie mae villaluz as sage delapaz
[comment deleted by owner]
ssamutime 8 months ago
Kim chaewon as Yeo Soojung please?
mileage 8 months ago
kim jiwoo (chuu) as oh pyeonghwa please?
gudetama 8 months ago
mark lee as rome lee please?
hanbit [A] 8 months ago
❑ all pre-reserves (minus sappai's) have been removed, and a few reserves that were made on opening day are also removed. if you want to reserve again, you can!
SeHYUNG 8 months ago
do kyungsoo as kang youngjae please
hanbit [A] 8 months ago
❑ friendly reminder that all pre-reserves will be expiring in about 7 hours!
himeko 8 months ago
hwang hyunjin as jang inho, please. c:
syringe 8 months ago
can i please reserve aespa's giselle as hirano aera?
i have upvoted as well so, can i also reserve choi yeonjun as ji kihyun?
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