: marine conservative centre

⋇ marine conservative centre
⋇ marine conservative centre
nature & trails • non-rated
Hanbit's Small Marine Wildlife Conservation Center, though compact, stands as a vital sanctuary for marine ecosystems. Nestled along the coastline, its rustic, eco-friendly design and stunning sea views create a serene atmosphere for their passionate conservation efforts. Visitors can explore vibrant exhibits, learn about marine issues, and be inspired to protect our oceans alongside dedicated marine biologists and volunteers.
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jeon haeun. 8 months ago
@go haeyi. "mhm...."

she hummed in thought as she re-read the report made by a fellow colleague regarding the corals at the coral reefs section and eventually made a mental note to visit it as soon as she was done with the reports which was like a lot of them to make sure nothing stand out of ordinary. after going through report and the next and the next for a good three hours, she could felt her back cramping up and her calf muscles tensing from standing rigidly for way too long without having breaks in between such as moving around or doing a bit of warm up. haeun let out a small groan and did a long stretch with her entire body against the wall. she won't deny it for sure if somebody asked her if she had been ageing way too quickly lately.

her gaze landed on the clock hanging on the clock and it was close to feeding time for the little clownfishes, praising the heavens silently for giving her the opportunity to move away from the standing desk that was unable to be readjusted to a sitting level. she moved out of the small office towards the kitchen which was like a good ten minutes walk via a connected walkway, greeting her favourite kitchen helper and peered into a bucket which he simply held out for her. "how do you know I was about to-", she gestured to the red bucket with the clownfishes' meal inside. With a quirk of his eyebrows, Jaejin chortled lightly and shrugged lightly, gesturing with his chin at the clock hung in the same manner as the one in the office. "I know the fishes' schedules. I get paid for that. Now off you go. Others might be swarming in already." With a cheeky grin, she saluted the man and headed off to the clownfishes' enclosure which a staff's door was closely located at. Just as she was about to dip her wet water boots into the knee-deep water, a little girl's voice spoke behind her and exclaimed even loudly.

"huh...? Oh hello there. Are you lost...? Eh? You want to watch me feed them? Sure why not... But I need your parent's permission to let you get close to them."
jeon haeun. 8 months ago
『 date: 19 September 2023
weather: heavy rains with dark grey clouds
report on: Nisha & Alfie the belugas

health to be in quite a tiptop condition yet physically separate. rather playful to the point of splashing trainer with
bouts of water sprays.
seems to be circling a lot in small confined spaces. yet to go for their tri-monthly checkups. no tell-tale signs of
them procreating despite mature age.

to expand the closure and further out towards the sea. build up more training exercises and more cohabiting
sessions between them as well as to be on time for check-ups lest their healths be the issue for not cohabiting 』

with a small sigh, she typed out the last sentence in her chromebook and double-checked to see if it had been saved automatically. with a look over their current enclosure, she wondered just when the management would decide to expand every marine mammal's confined spaces as compared to other marine animals who seemed to be able to adapt to small spaces regardless. "Just keep me updated on the belugas' cohabitation, yeah?", she mused as she shut her device close and put a hand on the trainer, Jihee's shoulder. "Also increase their activity trainings. I don't want them to get bored." with a couple pats to the trainer's shoulder, she walked over to the edge of the pool and put her hand into the cool water, making a few splashes to let them know she was here. ripples could be seen from nearby and coming closer, indicating the two young belugas making their way over to where haeun was. the two mammals did a flip underwater and then resurfaced, hitting their tails to slap the surface of the water. the impact itself resulted in a little splash of water hitting the female ranger in the face and soaking her upper torso.

"oh—", she exclaimed softly, fighting against the temporary burn in her huge eyes and her dominant hand reaching up to swipe the water off her face. a light chortle followed after. "You naughty lil belugas. Always so cheeky." Inching closer to them, yet again another chortle escaped her pink-tinted lips, both of her hands reaching underwater to rest itself on the mammals' under-chest to give a rub. she then moved her hands upwards to rub their chins before taking them out of the water and slipped a fish each (given by Jihee). "Please stay healthy for as long as you can. I'm trying my best here to expand your home here so you can have a little more space to play around." with a small yet undefined smile, she slipped them a couple more fishes before sending them off with a small ball being thrown into the water for them to play with.


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puppup 7 months ago
queenie mae villaluz as sage delapaz
[comment deleted by owner]
ssamutime 8 months ago
Kim chaewon as Yeo Soojung please?
mileage 8 months ago
kim jiwoo (chuu) as oh pyeonghwa please?
gudetama 8 months ago
mark lee as rome lee please?
hanbit [A] 8 months ago
❑ all pre-reserves (minus sappai's) have been removed, and a few reserves that were made on opening day are also removed. if you want to reserve again, you can!
SeHYUNG 8 months ago
do kyungsoo as kang youngjae please
hanbit [A] 8 months ago
❑ friendly reminder that all pre-reserves will be expiring in about 7 hours!
himeko 8 months ago
hwang hyunjin as jang inho, please. c:
syringe 8 months ago
can i please reserve aespa's giselle as hirano aera?
i have upvoted as well so, can i also reserve choi yeonjun as ji kihyun?
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