wonbin x jaehyun.

Spend the next 5 days getting to know each other!
This room is strictly for Park Wonbin and Jung Jaehyun. We hope you enjoy your time together!

DATE SWIPED: 29 October 2023.
DATE RESWIPED: 5 November 2023.
♡﹕ jung jaehyun. 1 year ago
@♡﹕ park wonbin. — like how they do with pet? shshshs. well, you do what do you think is best, binbin
— shh. well deserved, boo.
— a part of me want to hear you being vulgar? :lipbite: kidding.
— okay, so we covered back and front. how about left and right? top and bottom? :mic;
— ooooo. binbin really knows his words :pens: shshs. cool, i will try that next time!
— n'aww. it has been long, so i might needing a good massage soon. and sleepy too.
♡﹕ park wonbin. 1 year ago
@♡﹕ jung jaehyun. — gotta socialize you like how people do with pets
— nawwwww but you’re so sweet to say that. Always. In my Favorite person.
— that’s good, I can be very vulgar with my language LOL
—you have my back? I got your front, okay? wait just a little longer (365 days)
— the dance where you’re dancing with me 100% and wym how? you just flop and flop until you roll outta bed
— day is busy. I’m so sleepy but work needs to get done. how about you?
♡﹕ jung jaehyun. 1 year ago
@♡﹕ park wonbin. – how are you gonna help, binbin? :eyes:
– honestly, yes? you, yes you, yes. you're cool and well adored by everyone! that's so true! love yourself first, before others. wise words, binbin.
– okay, head pats and cuddles. got it. no no, that's cool! so far so good, so no complain for me! but likewise, if i ever get too much or anything, just let me know!
– n'aww? :( but it's cool. do whatever you can to cool down, i got your back. and aye, waiting.
– ooo, but still. playing guitar? like that's good. or dance? what's your best kind of dance? but getting out of bed is hard for me too, how?
– hows your day been going? all good, yes no yes no?
♡﹕ park wonbin. 1 year ago
@♡﹕ jung jaehyun. — lemme help with that ^__^
— you think I’m cool??? Meee??? no way. and that’s okay! you just gotta remember to love yourself more than others and THAT will save you.
— head pats :pleading: just cuddles are nice. also if I ever get too much just let me know I have no filter but I’m not serious until I am
— o oh >__> well
— I will NOt tell you and just quietly disappear to cool off hehe you’re so nice for that. tonight.
— I like to think so yes! You’re not basic at all. Being able to stay fit and engage in sports is very impressive. Getting out of bed is hard for most people.
♡﹕ jung jaehyun. 1 year ago
@♡﹕ park wonbin. — no, i am Shy. :T
— see, thats what made you cooler. catching feelings, so true. but sometimes, my heart moved too fast, but trying my best not to.
— damn, be a good one. i will give you free pats. head pats mostly. or what else do you need?
— the other 2, is for you to actually meet me.
— 11? heck. thats scary. tell me if you are ever upset, okay? i will listen to you (real). okay, wrestling in bed, when?
— cutie. okay, i will welcome you with an open arms if anything! it's cool, you are more towards the creative side, i see. and no, that's not basic. me, basic yes!
♡﹕ park wonbin. 1 year ago
@♡﹕ jung jaehyun. — I don’t see you shy AT ALL
— you’re human. It’s natural. I always brush it off. Never catch me catching feels. Smack me hard jsy
— of course. that’s what my hands and mouth are for. Woof.
— what can I do for the other 2 :fists:
— 11!! if I’m feeling upset I just become very cold D: you’ll never be a pain in my unless we’re wrestling in bed
— f favorite >< I’m happy yes. Bc you’re talking to me. I can’t swim but I’ll learn to swim into your arms. Mmmm I like to dance and play my guitar in the middle of no where (the fields) and whenever I go I the city, I’ll be at the Internet cafe with friends. I’m pretty basic..
♡﹕ jung jaehyun. 1 year ago
@♡﹕ park wonbin. — at least, you're still talkative. i am shy in both online or offline, so?
— i will be kidding if i say i don't. but, sometimes i try to brush it off. aye aye. come to me if you ever need to rant or need some smacking.
— damn. would you really play it tho? i mean, what else is it for if not for play?
— aww, i see. but i have to agree on that. i think 8?
— damn, that's nice! i wish i am. how scawy are we talking here, from 1-10? but please tell me if you're feeling upset, so i know i won't be the pain in the
— aww, of course i would. it's my favorite binbin? are you happy? me? random stuffs. sport mostly, like badminton or bowling. sometimes, swimming or surfing. but the OG, just watching series or movie? how about you?
♡﹕ park wonbin. 1 year ago
@♡﹕ jung jaehyun. — I’m only talkative online- in person- performance anxietyyyy
— so you’ve neverrrrrr been jealous of anyone? I like the confidence could never be my (lies) I like good listeners. big ears.
— will you let me play with your balls? If you ever adopt me?
— that’s good! I’m always hesitant to meet people for the first time but people on this app are top tier. on a scale of 1-10 how likely are you to meet me outside of the app? a friendly outing
— ohhh I’m very express-ful sometimes but i tend to play off stuff most of the time. I can be very scawy when I’m upsetti tho
—what if I want to choke? Will you be there to save me? That’s good. I’m happy that you’re happy. What are some things you like to do for fun?
♡﹕ jung jaehyun. 1 year ago
@♡﹕ park wonbin. — wait, what?! ALWAYS shy? when. how. where? why i never see a shy binbin? :pensive:
— oh my. our red flags are the same. but less on the jealous, because i have no one to be jealous of. green flags, i can't think but i know i am a good listener.
— will you let me play with you... if i ever adopt you?
— cool! so far the people i am meeting and talked to are nice! so all's good!
— kuudere. someone's stoic? and no! it's just happened that people were sharing results from some dere test or something in the chatroom awhile ago.
— ah, binbin with the mouth. eat soon, and don't choke. today has been doing well, just a little tiring. but everything was good. i think!
♡﹕ park wonbin. 1 year ago
@♡﹕ jung jaehyun. — I’m ALWAYS shy wym? ^__^
— red flags: I only hear what I want to hear, I’m jealous and possessive, green flags: I’ll make you feel like the most important person in the world. tell me my other green flags then. What at your flags?
— woof. Come adopt me. I’m waiting for you
— yeah I’ve met a few people! Super nice. Are you hesitant to meet people outside the app?
— what’s a kuudere- are you a weeb (affectionate)
— I haven’t eaten yet, I’m waiting for the main course (you) but today is good! The sun said hello and the birds are singing. How’s your day?
♡﹕ jung jaehyun. 1 year ago
@♡﹕ park wonbin. — playing is good, stop. heck, why would you be shy. since when my binbin became so shy? :eyes:
— ????? i can't believe. but true, red flag is bad, but that's what attract people sometimes. what are your other red flags? or green? if you have. (pls say yes, bcs you have lots of it)
— [view the address] heck. i am sad, it's not the trash area. but dogs shelter are cute. i might ended up adopting. so...
— shshshs. ooo, so have you met those people in the app or anywhere? but true. that would made my heart move if people remember small little things about me. ooo. not a very affectionate person, same. maybe i am really a kuudere.
— hows your day today, binbin? except for if you are tired at the farm? did you eat?
♡﹕ park wonbin. 1 year ago
@♡﹕ jung jaehyun. — I just play too much :T drop the location and maybe I’ll show up (lies bc I’m shy)
— get mad first, I’m into it. Then I’ll make you feel better after. Red flag imnida. That’s right, I’m the better bin. I can fit more trash into my
— how to make you believe in me? lemme think
— I’m. Telling. You. To. Come. Over. :knife: (threat) [address to the nearest dog shelter]
— ✍️ your next check up appointment is … tmr this time exactly. mmmmm when people remember the little things I say or do. when I think people aren’t really paying attention and they mention it, ugh my heart. Or if they let me know they’re thinking of me. I’m not a very affectionate person for long, so little things always makes me smile.
♡﹕ jung jaehyun. 1 year ago
@♡﹕ park wonbin. — what's wrong with clowning? :pensive: i can only give if you come here. :T shshhs. makes sense. it's okay.
— n'awww! i will be mad if i don't see you near me. (omg have fun). tsk. it depends, but will i find a better bin? i doubt. :point:
— trying to believe. make me believe in you jsy.
— your. way. to. ask. me. to. come. over. :watergun:
— good choices! when they make time for me. or at least check up on me. well. yeah. how about you, my binbin?
♡﹕ park wonbin. 1 year ago
@♡﹕ jung jaehyun. — nah I clown too much. I refuse. I want a real one. :T uhhhmmmmm I was driving fast and and- it’s just old :))) it wasn’t me, it’s never my fault :no_mouth:
— wherever you are. (Mexico) so. you’re saying you’re going to replace me? :pleading: I’ll cry
— believe in me juseyo
— come over then
— green is my favorite color, then baby blue and black. What’s one thing someone can do that will make you feel
♡﹕ jung jaehyun. 1 year ago
@♡﹕ park wonbin. — oh, please! everyone thinks you are Adorable. aww, guess virtual mumumu only for now? why did it break down? what did you crash it into? :monocle:
— aww, you're leaving for a trip? damn, where to? and have fun! gonna shop for more trash bins now, just incase i am missing you while you are away.
— heck. thats's sad enough. :hand: there there. hahaha, icb you.
— aye, surprisingly this sounds appealing. let me try that.
— i love black. but also, red and blue. how about you, binbin?
♡﹕ park wonbin. 1 year ago
@♡﹕ jung jaehyun. .
— ✍️ he thinks I’m adorable. wait till he meets me in person. I won’t :( you come here, the truck broke down so you’ll have to come to the country side
— 1. good. I like to keep people on their toes. 2. I’ve been very busy on the farm lately because I want to get everything done before I leave on my trip this week. I get to see you even less now, sadness..
— 3. In my dreams I couldn’t see because it was too dark and when I reached for you hand, it wasn’t there D: 4. Yes to giving me your ? :pleading:
— premium? premium meat? ion knowwwww but if you wanna tryyyyyy
— jj, what’s your favorite color?
♡﹕ jung jaehyun. 1 year ago
@♡﹕ park wonbin. — aren't you Adorable? aww, that's so good. good to know? just don't overwork yourself, okay? shhshs. let me hold your hand. c'mere.
— 1. honestly, are we even surprised at your random talks? no, that's made you interesting, binbin. and it was a success to surprise me. 2. i barely seen you around, that's sad! now let's talk more. 3. okay, now tell me about the dreams of yours? 4. i almost say yes????
— tsk. but you're like the premium bin. how's that? aww, binbin missed me? :eyes: :pens:
♡﹕ park wonbin. 1 year ago
@♡﹕ jung jaehyun. .
— Am blushing. I’ve been really busy but life’s good. Life’s simple just the way I like it. OH I was so confused for a second- my hand is fine now but it’s heavy, please hold it for me.
— lots of reasons. 1. I asked “are we surprised by anything I say at this point” And you said no so I wanted to surprise you :blush: 2. I wanted to talk to you more but you kept disappearing 3. Could’ve sworn I saw you in my dreams (nightmare) 4. I wanted (platonic, this is a joke)
— I’ll clearly mark the basket (trash bin) this time so you won’t miss! I missed you, too
♡﹕ jung jaehyun. 1 year ago
@♡﹕ park wonbin. my binbin. ooo. :pens: got that. i have been good, bin. how about you? hows your hand(?) that was scratched by the cat? and the gold question, what made you swiped on me? it has been awhile indeed, i have missed you, binbin.
♡﹕ park wonbin. 1 year ago
@♡﹕ jung jaehyun. my binbin. say that again I missed it. good always finding ways to surprise people :] how have you been? I feels like I haven’t seen you in ages
♡﹕ jung jaehyun. 1 year ago
@♡﹕ park wonbin. binbin, my binbin. honestly, no.
♡﹕ park wonbin. 1 year ago
@♡﹕ jung jaehyun. Did you see this one coming


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pickles 1 year ago
omg the layout is so pretty
preciosa 1 year ago
imsosorry I went inactive- is it possible to get kazuha back and cc the fc? ;;
zerose 1 year ago
zerobaseone sung hanbin is ready to be yours truly!
wisper 1 year ago
Actress Han Sohee is ready to be yours truly!
smolishpotats 1 year ago
Twice’s minatozaki sana is ready to be yours truly!
seunghan 1 year ago
nct lee donghyuck is ready to be yours truly!
_PrimRose_ 1 year ago
everglow wang yiren is ready to be yours truly!
creamsoda 1 year ago
exo park chanyeol is ready to be yours truely
AlexCross 1 year ago
Actor Lee Soohyuk is ready to be yours truly!
naevis 1 year ago
fromis 9’s lee chaeyoung is ready to be yours truly!
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