Faculty Wing

☥ Kim Minjeong 2 hours ago
@Kang Seulgi "Granddaughter", she quickly corrected the older woman with a chuckle. Though, if going by age difference alone, Seulgi could be even more generations ahead. "Of course, just now. Only with me, right? In front of everyone else you're our perfect and humble and...very much clumsy yet beloved professor Kang. So...should I feel honoured? That you feel comfortable enough around me to be bragging like that?" As she mentor, Minjeong craned her neck to get a better view at the two lunch boxes, their content neatly decorated.

Compared to the elaborated meals served at the Kim estate, it really was just a simple lunch box, but seeing Seulgi's proud little smile, Minjeong didn't have the heart to tell her, knowing how much time and effort the other had put into creating the two bento boxes. "It looks cute. Definitely much better than the jumbled up box you offered me the first time." A teasing smirk appeared on her visage, a spark of mischief in her eyes. "Thank you for the meal, Seul." Accepting the offered cutlery, she waited for the older woman to take a bite first before she too started to eat. "Tastes pretty good, actually. I like the mushrooms." Making sure to praise Seulgi for her efforts, a little frown soon started to form on her pretty face. "Hey...I'm not that socially inept. I know how to befriend people. I just don't really want to. The people in my class.....no one really seems that interesting. They're rather dull. I don't want to have to force a friendship where i pretend to be interested in someone when I really am not."
☥ Kang Seulgi 4 hours ago

@Kim Minjeong "You don't have to tell me about arrogance and cockiness, dear daughter." Seulgi smirked, "I don't really brag things, but I rarely do... Just now." She winked before opening the two boxes. The meal was perfectly arranged, but the same meal as the other box. She has been living for a millennia and human foods keeps getting better and better every year and Seulgi adapting to the way the world works, knows all about cooking and preparing meals, especially in lunch boxes.

The meal is already cold but the preparations of the meal is perfect and still satisfying to eat. Seulgi mastered the art of food designing, "Tada~" She smiled widely as she presented the foods in front of her. "You don't mind not having a hot food but it is still taste delicious~" She told the other. Then she gave the other some cutleries for it to eat, "Come on, you can always start befriending by saying hi and introduce yourself, that's easy you know?" She chuckled and started eating the food she prepared.

( https://64.media.tumblr.com/73d16cb6f8ee0f91c69406f9f70309fe/643017f72c6a7909-5a/s2048x3072/86e4035b28d75035b33b3d8529b2ba83fe0a3271.jpg )
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☥ Kim Minjeong 10 hours ago
@Kang Seulgi "Careful, granny. Arrogance and cockiness is known to lead to people's downfall. But then again, you're not normal people, so who knows? Maybe you really are almighty, untouchable, undefeatable?" Minjeong mused for a moment, wondering if there was anyone more powerful than Kang Seulgi that she knew of. Perhaps one of the other elders, but unfortunately or maybe luckily, she had never seen any of them in action yet, only heard of their great powers from stories.

Her dark eyes followed the older vampire as she got up from her seat, tracing along the small frame as she watched her cross the room over to the wooden cabinet. A soft chuckle escaped her lips, the teasing glint returning to her eyes. "As if. Just admit you wanted to have lunch with me and that's the real reason why you have two lunch boxes." By now it has somewhat become a tradition for them. Minjeong skipping lunch break at the dining halls to come over to Seulgi's office instead and them sharing whatever the older one had prepared for lunch. On some days, the blonde would just sit in the office and watch the other eat, her appetite fluctuating depending on her mood. Not that it mattered that much. Eating human food was a luxury, not a necessity.

As soon as the topic moved to classes, Minjeong's smile dropped, a small little pout forming on her rosy lips. "Why ask if you already know the answer?" It was a sensitive topic for the younger vampire. Of course she knew that if she just put in a little more effort she could easily make some new friends. That, she had already proven to herself throughout the many past lives she had lived in the past century. But what was the use of it? Most humans were fickle, oftentimes just vain little existences. Meanwhile supernatural beings tended to be arrogant, competitive. Especially when they learned about who her father was. "I don't need any companions, Seul. Only you." For a moment she paused, a wide smile soon blooming on her lips. "Cause you're plenty enough to deal with. I really don't need more. Now hush, no more talking about no fun things. What's for today's lunch?"
☥ Kang Seulgi 13 hours ago
@Kim Minjeong "And here I thought you know me better." Seulgi grinned, "Even when my eyes are closed, I know how to settle someone with less pure intentions, my dear." She picked up the book she was reading which eventually she slept on it, she looked at the title of the book: 'Life of a Vampire'

Seulgi smirked as she read the title before putting it down to her desk before pushing herself up from the chair, "Good thing I brought two meals with me-- in case I skipped my break time." She smiled at Winter before walking to her wooden cabinet made from mahogany, she opened the large one to see her clothes and favorite books inside and she gets two lunch boxes.

As she closed the cabinet and went back to her seat, "How was your class so far?" Seulgi asked Minjeong of her day, "Let me guess... still have no companions?" She teased a bit.
☥ Kim Minjeong 22 hours ago
@Kang Seulgi One of Minjeong's many special talents were that she could easily fall asleep anywhere and anytime, her favorite way to spend her free time probably being cozied up on her bed with a good book, flipping through pages until she fell asleep. So it came to no surprise that the moment she had allowed herself to relax and close her eyes, the young vampire had quickly fallen asleep on her professor's desk.

Unfortunately for the blonde, the nap didn't last too long though, a thudding noise pulling her out of her light slumber, before a familiar voice called out to her. Still, it was not enough to make her lift her head, only enough for her eyelids to flutter open, a soft sigh leaving her lips as her surroundings slowly came back into focus. "Mmh...it's lunch break." Her voice came out in a quiet mutter, still sleepy from the short nap. "You were sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to wake you up."

Finally pushing herself up to sit properly, Minjeong turned to face the older woman, lips curled into a teasing smile. "You're lucky I was the one to find you sleeping like this. What if someone else, someone with less pure intentions had come in while you had been sleeping so deeply? Really, for such an old, experienced and powerful entity, you're sometimes rather careless, letting yourself be so defenseless." Not that she really expected anyone to do anything to the professor, who seemed rather popular and beloved among students and staff alike. "Next time you take a nap, make sure to lock the door so no one can catch you drooling while you're sleeping, okay?"
☥ Kang Seulgi 1 day ago
@Kim Minjeong It has been months now since Seulgi's acceptance to Castlebay. Knowing full well about the history, Seulgi was assigned to teach history, not just vampire history but the history of the world. Day by day, she kept her positive and optimistic personality towards her students. They thought Seulgi is a young professor but ger actual age is way more different but she doesn't shy away her actual age being shared by the students.

Seulgi cared for her students, but she cares more about her own student, Kim Minjeong. She was the first student who asked for her mentorship, knowing full well that Seulgi possesses vast knowledge of everything as she is a millennia old vampire, a living relic of the past.

Now, Seulgi was sleeping in her office, not knowing Minjeong sneaked in as usual. They always hang out during lunch. But this day was different, Seulgi hadn't slept properly because of the piles of papers she worked on and finished at first dawn. Whenever she sleeps, she starts to think of her first love, she missed the moments she had with her... although, her face is already been blurred as Seulgi is starting to forget what her lover's fave looked like until--

As the booked dropped on the floor, Seulgi jolted a bit from her chair before she woke up and looked around and saw her student sleeping across the desk in front of her. "A-ah, Minjeong-ah... Is it lunch already?" She asked the other.
☥ Kim Minjeong 1 day ago
@Kang Seulgi Walking along the empty halls of the faculty wing, Minjeong let her eyes wander along the familiar walls, the portraits in wooden frames lining the hallway, the decorative stone tiles forming intricate patterns underneath her feet. Rounding a corner, a faint smile appeared on the blonde's lips, heart and mind feeling more and more at ease the closer she got to her destination. 52 more steps down the hall, 52 more steps until she would reach her own little safe haven.

It wasn't like she wasn't able to make any friends. As much of a shy and reclusive introvert as Minjeong was, over the years she had learned to somewhat approach people. Still, even after weeks of being in the same class with her new classmates, she just felt no particular connection with anyone. At least none that was as strong as the one she had build with Kang Seulgi, professor of History of Vampires at Castlebay. Although wary of her at first, Minjeong had soon grown used to the older woman, drawn to the calm and warm aura despite her occasional clumsy mishaps.

Reaching the wooden door to her office, Minjeong made sure to knock. Thrice, then another two times. A secret signal that would alert the older woman that it was her. Yet still, no response. Had Seulgi perhaps stepped out of her office for a moment? Possibly. Had she been any other student, Minjeong would have probably left, trying her luck another time. Unfortunately for the professor though, the blonde wasn't so easily deterred. If she went out, she'd just wait at the office until her return. Pushing the door open, she quickly slipped into the cozy office, already heading over to her usual spot on a small leather couch in one corner of the room when her eyes caught sight of one familiar head of dark locks, now slumped onto the work desk that had been set up at the other side of the room.

A soft, melodic chuckle slipped past Minjeong's lips, light footsteps leading her to the sleeping woman. "So defenseless....". Quietly, she pulled another chair closer, settling down on the other side of the desk before laying down as well, the smooth wood of the tabletop feeling almost warm against the cold skin of her cheek. Just for a moment, she silently watched the professor's sleeping form, noticing how peaceful and calm she looked. Part of her really wanted to wake the older woman up, to have their usual routine of having lunch together while talking about mundane things, but knowing how tired the other had been these past days, Minjeong decided against it, her own eyes soon falling shut.


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mahogany 2 days ago
applying soon!
morsmordre 2 days ago
hi i'll apply later tonight
Yootony 3 days ago
May I reserve An Yujin please?
proudshikshin1 3 days ago
Hey hey may i get engfa waraha please?
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