Couples/Courted/Married List

Let me explain - Couples mean that people are together in a romantic relationship, Courting someone means that one prince has chosen another prince or princess to marry after being accepted to marry said prince or princess by their fathers, Married is self explainitory. Have fun!


Zico x Taejun

Sehun x Luhan

Name x Name


Sungmin courted by Taemin

Ren courted by Kris

Jongkook courted by G-Dragon

Married (King and Queen of ___ Kingdom):

Taemin x Sungmin; King and Queen of the Ocean Kingdom and Kingdom of Passion

Name x Name

❁ King Sehun 10 years ago
And are the King and Queen of the Kingdom of Ariader and Kingdom Exotica
❁ King Sehun 10 years ago
Me and Luhan are actually married.
♥ Queen Luhan 10 years ago
Luhan is courted by sehun
♥ Princess Jungkook 10 years ago
@❁ Prince G-Dragon and are the King and Queen of the kingdom of Blood and Kingdom of Frost
❁ Prince G-Dragon 10 years ago
gd and kookie is married~
♥ Princess Jungkook 10 years ago
Kookie is courted by GD
♥ Princess Jungkook 10 years ago
Princess jungkook and G-Dragon are dating
♥ Queen Luhan 10 years ago
Princess Luhan is dating Prince Sehun
❁ Prince Zico 10 years ago
prince zico and princess taejun are a


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blossomtears 9 years ago
can you add and reserve leo for me please?
SeobSession 9 years ago
chen is leaving, sorry
KyungsooDoReMi 10 years ago
I'm confused about my character... Was Ren already being played by someone?
KyungsooDoReMi 10 years ago
Could you please reserve Ren for me? :3
SeobSession 10 years ago
applied as Chen
wolfkissed 10 years ago
Sehun left.
SeunghoShipper 10 years ago
Kyuhyun left
hufflebutt 10 years ago
Chanho will be leaving, sorry :(
-aloistrancy 10 years ago
bambam left
wannabebbc91 10 years ago
can u add ukwon please~
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