Kingdom Iceland; Princess Jaejoong's Castle

♥ Princess Jaejoong 10 years ago
Jaejoong walked out from his room feeling bored and sighed softly then walked out from the hall to the garden and just then he smiled seeing his flowers and how beautiful they were. He walked fast to them and leaned down beside some red roses liking to watch them growing up and getting beautiful and wait for a whole year for them to be like that again but he didn't mind because he grew up in that garden and he always like to do that.


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blossomtears 9 years ago
can you add and reserve leo for me please?
SeobSession 9 years ago
chen is leaving, sorry
KyungsooDoReMi 10 years ago
I'm confused about my character... Was Ren already being played by someone?
KyungsooDoReMi 10 years ago
Could you please reserve Ren for me? :3
SeobSession 10 years ago
applied as Chen
wolfkissed 10 years ago
Sehun left.
SeunghoShipper 10 years ago
Kyuhyun left
hufflebutt 10 years ago
Chanho will be leaving, sorry :(
-aloistrancy 10 years ago
bambam left
wannabebbc91 10 years ago
can u add ukwon please~
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