Is there something wrong with character wall posts?


Let me know if there is and what it is. I can't seem to find anything but let me know if there's a problem with that.


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Psylocke-- 11 years ago
The 'view history' button om my page tells me I'm not authorized to view the history with others. It did it last night though.
DamnDaehyun 11 years ago
Ok I just found something with the character wall posts.

I click "View History" and it says "You are not authorized for this action" but i can go to their page just find, the haven't blocked me so that's not it, and the "Quick Reply" works fine.
Jinkii 11 years ago
My wall posts are doing fine no problems
halfbloodprincess 11 years ago
No, i think that the thing you are referring to is now fixed.
23f999ef3a8d95ab4fb6 11 years ago
When I click "View History" it brings me to my character and the other person's character's history. The first box shown is to wall post, but on your own wall, not the other characters'.

So… yeah. When on the "View History" page, you have to click quick reply since it isn't like AFF where you can just use the first box that's there to post on the other person's wall. You can do that, or simply go to the characters' profile to post something. Otherwise, you'd be posting on your own wall. (Happened to me a lot. xD)
MajoraTwilight 11 years ago
Well I've heard some people, have had their wall posts being removed/dissapearing but I haven't had any problems.
HG_ChoiMinho 11 years ago
just out of frame. like when there is both "character post" and "pm post" at the same time then the "pm post" would appear like dotted lines from off the frames.
Out-Of-Control 11 years ago
Also, pm alerts are disappearing if there are both wall posts and pm alerts for the same character.
Out-Of-Control 11 years ago
When you click on quick reply it automatically brings you up to the wall post reply rather than replying to that person.
redvlvets 11 years ago
People are saying that their character wall posts alerts are disappearing or something like that. I didn't experience this yet, so.
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