Busy Christmas + For Cheesy_Tube


Like most typical girls, yes I was baking for Christmas. 

Yet ironically, I wasn't baking for myself but rather letting my friend use my oven to bake.

I hope that whoever ends up eating them likes them because we spent at least 8 hours baking in my small house kitchen.

I half wish that we were at my sister's boyfriend home baking cause his place is really spacious and his mom has every baking stuff there~

But nevermind, I'm glad and thankful for what I have :3 

After 2 batches of cupcakes and making cream cheese frosting, I'm tired. Forgive me if I'm slower than a snail with my replies.

P.s. *virtually gives these to Cheesy_Tube cause you asked* There you go hunky cheese^^ 


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Sailor_Starlight 11 years ago
OMG GIVE ME COOKIES!!! lol naw jk
6eecfd546f4f1adff6bd 11 years ago
lol~ thanks! haha My lady bug noona sure loves me xD
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